Operation Accelerate

Let's kick YouTube's censorship into overdrive. Let's get these faggot Bernie-supporting retarded leftists demonetized and/or deleted from YouTube. Let's turn the center and the left against Google.


>Secular Talk
>The Jimmy Dore Show
>David Pakman
>Democracy Now
>The Real News Network
>The Humanist Report

>Why target these channels rather than the mainstream news, liberal late-night comics and the like? Aren't they worse?

Google will never get rid of them. They're part of the same club. Flagging NBC and Stephen Colbert is an utter waste of time. However, many of these more dissident left types have already experienced trouble with demonetization and algorithms. Jimmy Dore in particular is hated by the mainstream left.

This will drive a stake in the heart of the left, splitting it down the middle in the run up to 2020. Many of them will be pushed into the right, just as Glenn Greenwald and Michael Tracey have. This will accelerate the growth of alt-media and the destruction of YouTube.

Attached: secular talk.jpg (1777x999, 121K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi Jade.


Here's a video of Secular Talk attacking Milo with a homophobic slur (1:08). This is hate speech.

Do this too.

Who the fuck is Jade


o shit we can do this...

since people are starting the exodus into BitChute well be all fine i guess...

just like a supernova... it will implode first then will fucking explode... then a new beginning will rise from all the stardust that has been shat upon...

Report everyone! Overload their system.

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We should report everyone, but let's get these guys first. Their audience is on the verge of becoming us and many of them are on thin ice with Google as it is.

go away OP

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democrats are the real transphobes, i'm sure this strategy will work out great, lol

>waste time deleting accounts that just won't be deleted
Go..................and fucking................ kill yourself you loathsome cunt.


Dilate your wound.

It still bothers me that Steven Colbert can drop the cock holster shit on national TV with no repercussions but making fun of a rediculous over the top flamer gets him in shit with youtube.




No. These are retarded and it won't work. If you really want to stop youtube you just need to do one thing.
If someone on Jow Forums posts a youtube link, just respond with

>post bitchute faggot

That's it. Mass flagging won't work. Adblocker won't work. These are all quick fixes for a company like youtube.

But Jow Forums does have enough online influence to spur the adoption of a new alternative. So forget all your faggy 'operations', forget all your stupid plans that will get fixed the next time youtube does an update. Just keep it simple.

Post. Bitchute. Faggot.

Reporting isn't an effective attack vector, the number of influencers in the network isn't big. Youtube will just target those rightwing/wrongthink/funthink channels that they want to shoah. The platform is pozzed, spend your energy on archiving before alexandria is burned.

I thought the same thing, you know what they say though if they didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any at all

Shut the fuck up, this isn't a raid. We are trying to make the youtube platform a safe place for all.


this is a rule violation.

I'll just stick to reporting your thread for call to raid

Don’t be afraid

Part of me just wants a whole nother video channel That's dedicated to free speech and the right to express different opinions, it's almost better to leave these people in their echo Chambers and create a new avenue that we can actually start to accomplish and push agendas of our own, focus on goals that are attainable in the long and short turn, potentially even establish a new political party based on science rationality and upholding the Constitution and putting the people they are supposed to represent above their own financial desires,that splits the two parties down the middle and once any sort of viability to the party seems rational those who blindly follow will fall in line out of a mentality to fit in and to perceive themselves as culturally relevant or hip

YouTube doesn't owe you shit. They enabled all your right-wing e-whore to exist in the first place. And now they're being exposed as the anti-free market leeches and parasites they are. Fucking cyber begging e-celebs. If you don't like it make your own. Fuck commies and fascists.


Give more targets pls and we'll flag



u think youtube cares about fairness and the rule of law? they banned their political enemies, they made whatever excuses they needed to and thats it

Yes add Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and Dave Rubin to that list.

diycaptions dot c o m
Generate text from video - SEARCH KEYWORDS so you do not need to watch this shit

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Mass flagging is retarded because you're using their system against them and they are free to address it on their grounds, will just ignore you faggots. Spreading ad blocking is something they have no say on, which is why it is missing from (((op)))

Who owes what who means fuck all faggot.

how is tel aviv this time of year?

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Sure, why not.

>t. seething shitlib

>Many of them will be pushed into the right
Actually delusional. They're on the left because they actually want change.

Not everyone is like dave ruiben who doesn't know what he believes himself.

They get demonetised on the daily talking about general news. Mentioning abortion, war, israel, iraq, afhanistan, war crime, military industrial complex, etcv, etc..

>t. Self described anti capitalist

Of course, the EU Cuck coming in all bothered.

That's assuming that they have some interest in keeping the types of channels I mentioned. They've already demonetized a fuckload of Secular Talk videos and the Jimmy Dore Show is hated by the corporate left.

why not...

the young turks?

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libertarians get the rope first.

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You're assuming that YouTube has any love for the dissident left. They don't. That's why I specifically said that flagging mainstream channels is a waste of time.

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You fucking parasite. A non-government business owes you nothing. Garbage leech.

Since when reporting on hateful breaking TOS content is raid you faggot ?

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TFW faggots think they can change anything with a keyboard.

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who cares I expect this to get deleted just want to get this out there before it does

This is really our only play even if people don't like it. just complaining to youtube and getting a hashtag going won't do anything. Have to make the other side feel the pain

thanks for the lesson, alisa rosenbaum

Jimmy dore is fucking leftist that just didn't buy into russia shit, of course they want him, it's their not-totally-crazy progressive, still, the whole idra of using yt system to fight yt is retarded, hit them where they cannot adjust algorithms - ad blocking

Jimmy Dore spreading baseless conspiracy theories about a murder: youtube.com/watch?v=wKawchvHsEg

if they check my watch history they will deny my report lul
trying anyways

Wouldnt happen, they're too mainstream. Same with Contrapoints. Gotta go after people with less money behind them who aren't full on DNC mouthpieces

they still exist?


We need a new nordbro

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You forgot Sam Seder, OP. That guy is openly communist and has a jewess cohost who openly talks about using violence against people they don't like

This seems like as good a time as any to mention something I remember from several years ago on YouTube.
There was a channel I knew (nothing political, just gameplay videos) that got demonetized because his ads were getting 'fake clicks' - hundreds, or thousands of bot clicks on his ads, which YouTube could detect as being fake.
The guy who ran the channel swore it wasn't him doing it to make money, but YouTube didn't care - they need companies to trust that ad clicks are real.
I've always wondered why nobody has used this method to attack YouTube channels - set up some bots to repeatedly click ads on one channel's ads and wait for YouTube to notice.
YouTube doesn't give a shit about the people who actually make videos on their site, and are notoriously hard to contact - I have a feeling it'd still work today.

Jimmy Dore claiming that the "Jewish Lobby" controls Washington (4:38)

Do you actually think they have human beings checking this shit? The only reason YouTube is even still up is because it provides massive amounts of content for Google to train their machine learning algorithms and automated moderation systems. They literally have AI that scans for certain words, phrases, etc and is probably studying people's faces as well, they have barely any human beings working on moderation.


The leftists will be buddy buddy with the censors. Youtube isnt going to ban their friends.

A better plan would be to shame people who post youtube links. Make them post alternatives to drive traffic away from Youtube.

Dictionary is much needed

Stop having sex.

1) I don't think they have enough money to keep the server up when everyone migrates there.
2) also the msm will start to attack it and their advertisers will pull out.
we need a plan to counter the inevitable

>Let's get these faggot Bernie-supporting retarded leftists demonetized and/or deleted from YouTube
are you mentally retarded?

Attached: you.png (185x159, 35K)

have kids

jamie is jewish?

I switched to Schick and DuckDuckGo, I can use BitChute too, I guess.

They've already demonitized a shitload of Secular Talk and Jimmy Dore videos. In the case of Jimmy Dore they're unsubscribing people and throttling him in the algorithms. Big difference between this type of leftism and VOX liberalism.

Checked and savage

Bake the fucking cake.

The SCOTUS said no!

TYT: Jimmy Dore claims that building 7 was taken down by explosives (3:00)

Not your personal army, Crowder.

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bye bye jimmy

you have a point.
The ADL put out a video recently claiming that they successfully trained an AI to detect hate speech. and we all know (((they))) work all together to suppress wrong think.
2020 comes close and the internet will get way worse in the next months

Secular Talk spreading Islamophobia and racist stereotypes about Muslims:

>REEEEEEEE the Thread

What rules specifically have they broken? What slurs have they used against the right?

I'm waiting.... faggot.

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The Humanist Report first video I'v checked and 14 times he used "fuck" but no ads so

>on the left because they actually want change.
Oh really? Are you sure about it?
They want to DESTROY everything and everyone that disagrees with them, that's true. But CHANGE implies BUILDING something new!!! And that's where they are failing miserably EVERY FUCKING TIME in the past 100+ years... leftists can't build, they can only protest and destroy...

Jimmy Dore predicted this would happen with Alex Jones. He's generally one of the more tolerable ones, but oh well.

Reported. Give more vids

Secular Talk video: "Irrefutable Proof Obama is a Muslim" youtube.com/watch?v=Mdo7gLYKTQo

yeah but he says it was an inside job, not an anisemitic approach daring to mention the glorious Mossad forces. Anything that insinuates Mossad is a flase flag powerhouse is being labeled as hate speech, let that skin in goy.

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YouTube can block videos containing Swastikas and even the word 'Nazi' before they're finished uploading.

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Anyone have list of mid level libtard vlogs ?

The Young Turds are quite Alex Jones tier with their rambling.
Can any turdlurker post some of their vodeos that have hate speech or any toxic oüinion.
I really wish to make YouTube a safer place. I sometimes get this really bad PTSD symptoms from channels that are okay with Armenian Genocide.
Thanks and keep Resist°ing!

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Chunk Yoghurt is just the left wing Alex Jones

>Obama is a saudi plant
That is actually redpilled af. Are you also going to report AOC videos when she is calling the jew just to "BTFO some libtards"?

Look up Secular Talk videos talking about Muslims and religion in general and Jimmy Dore talking about conspiracy theories (Seth Rich, Syria, etc.) and calling journalists enemies of the people. A lot of this shit could've got your video/channel deleted before the new rules, now there's an extremely good chance. I'll keep posting links as I find them, everyone else post links of what they found too.

>Since when reporting on hateful breaking TOS content is raid you faggot ?
we only want to protect children. Why does nobody think of the Children?!

Note to mods: this isn't a raid, we're reporting videos which are spreading hateful content.

memefaggot kike, kys