I have a Plan

Alright so you know how basically every White Nationalist, Natsoc, and indentiterian on youtube just got the Axe and its only a matter of time untill the other accounts get the bullet?
Well I think its obvious that because of this, the alt right has got to fucking move to bitchute from youtube
>but anonchan, wont we redpill less normies there with smaller audiences?
>>your secrently a kike shill arent you anonchan
Not quite.
Cause as I said, without trying to sound to much like a video game cowboy or cigar smoking army ranger,
I have a fucking plan.
Namely that we meme the pewdiepie subreddit into getting him to move to bitchute.
He plans on stopping youtube in a year anyway
and with about 4 million daily viewers
he could definately give bitchute the bump it needs to go mainstream.
So what do you think pol?
Is this a good idea?
or should we go back to complaining about trump and i should go fuck myself?

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Other urls found in this thread:


You will do nothing.

We control what you can say and hear, Goy. You can scream and be angry as much as you want. It does not change the fact that we are in power and decide what the masses are allowed to see and what not. There is no place for your anti-semitic and racist ideas. We control the mass media, social media, your education, the movies, music and gaming industry. You must love and obey us Jews and not criticise us, but fully embrace the strength of diversity.

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>Namely that we meme the pewdiepie subreddit into getting him to move to bitchute.
>He plans on stopping youtube in a year anyway
>and with about 4 million daily viewers
>he could definitely give bitchute the bump it needs to go mainstream.
Had this thought when i moved over to bitchute yesterday. good plan

As a Youtuber, albeit a minor one, why would I ever switch to Shitchute?

Nobody ever goes there, alt-right types who are banned from YT and move there only ever keep about 3-5% of their YT following.

Shitchute can't compete, it'll never compete, the problem is that 99.9999999% of Youtube content is non political and 99.9999999% of Youtube viewers aren't there for political content, the fact that a few hate filled 20th century throwbacks are being purged doesn't hurt Youtube, it helps Youtube and those of us who make non political content. We don't want your toxic filth on our platform, it shits everything up and hurts us all.

So yeah, (YOU) can all fuck off to shitchute, good luck to you and good riddance, go take your nasty cancerous sewage over there and fester in it alone.

Yeah just exchange one jew owned place for another, brilliant idea kike

What is the "alt-right"?
>meme flag

Briliant idea
lets do nothing!

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No one makes a living wage off youtube unless they have 1 million subscribers.

Some eek out a living a 100k, 500k because they're retired folks, day traders, get a few sponsorships. ... usually gaming channels.

Adpocalypse killed more non-political sights than anything. You can't survive on youtube without sponsors, patreon-begging, or a corporate subsidy.

Bitchute makes more moneys off ads because you can adblock. The service forces you to use cookies.

I never watch youtube videos without an adblocker.

Yes. Now then, there is no alt right. That's just something the media spins and people eat it up.

Bumping this idea. PewDiePie literally has a fanbase that is pretty much the size of a small nation.

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>they're is no alt right
user i know this place has the net effect to make anyone and everyone who comes here assume the personal of ideological angry 16 year old who starts fight over everything he disagrees with
But saying shit like "the alt right doesnt exist" is litterally the level of critique of a god damn grammer nazi
What did you expect me to say?
>"Oh god oh fuck sir im so so soooo god damn sorry for using a term you found offensive"
>"Please forgive me for having offened thee and go easy on me anus PLEASE"
lol no faggot
Im no ones bitch, least of all someone online
if you have a problem with something i said you can suck my fucking harry nuts.
I dont give a fuck what you think of me.
And you shouldnt give a fuck what i say.
Being triggered is alwasy fucking gay no matter situation.
Otherwise we'll start to look like the establishment when we're in a time when we NEED to be revoluiontaries.

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Psh YouTube is fucking dying.

you can't use adblocking on bitchute videos.

I have never monetized my channel, I don't make videos for money I make them for the joy of it, it's my hobby and that's also the case for the vast majority of channels, it's only about 0.2% of Youtube channels that generate enough revenue to support a person anyway.

That's what makes it so funny, there was like this short period of about 5 years where it was suddenly possible to make decent money off of Youtube, even channels with around 100k subs were capable of eartning enough to live if they uploaded enough content and got the view count, but that was always a kind of aberration, sure adpocalypse came along and ended the gold rush, leaving only the very biggest hannels able to generate serious money, and even that has been slowly diminishing. But my point is Shitchute is never ever going to be able to compete because it's never going to find the same level of exposure, Youtube is now part of the everyday lexicon, it's part of internet culture, everybody in the world has heard of it whereas less than 0.000000001% of the worlds current population with access to the internet have even heard of shitchute, and those that have see it as a kind of open sewer where all the shit that's purged off youtube goes to die.

Anyone who isn't using Bitchute after yesterday is a pathetic piece of shit.

So you can't take five minutes and also load your videos to Bitchute. Pathetic.

>99.9999999% of Youtube content is non political and 99.9999999% of Youtube viewers aren't there for political
Full bitchute with non political content then

this litterally sounds like a fucking 1900s era shill for standard oil.

also whare are the Youtubers leading the charge? Even those who have been demonetized still upload to Youtube first, they may have a back up shitchute channel, but deep down they know if they ever have to rely upon that platform alone then it'll be time to get a real job lol.

Fuck ecelebs, especially those who think that talking into a shitty webcam about killing black people somehow entitles them to a fucking pay chequE LOL

You must be 18 or older to be here. You can use the indoctrinated term for anything non liberal if you want. Just know you're playing right into their hands.

Why yesterday specifically?

Ray Vahey isn't a jew.

Fuck that. Just keep flagging his videos for the usual nonsense until his channel is fucked.
>inb4 pewds is a good guy
So fucking what
for the greater good lads

>the fact that a few hate filled 20th century throwbacks are being purged doesn't hurt Youtube,

I don't see any gay ops in this comment at all.

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There are other video hosting providers out there.

Many are coming up based on pornhub and their "community." Amazon has been working on the infrastructure for theirs for a while.

Youtube has a huge target on its back. Google, too. Not all videos online are hosted by youtube or viewed on youtube.

Full30.com is slowly growing for gun rights activists. Appears to be doing fine.

This happening makes me fear for my 16 subscriber shit tier gaming channel. I've left my guns in screen before, curse like a sailor nonstop, drink and smoke on camera, make plenty of what could be considered "alt-light" jokes and generally just let my autism go full tilt. I don't want to spend my Friday nights consuming. I WANT TO CREATE!

>dude if we get 2000 people over this obscure website we will totally win!
>what money and networking irl pssshhhhhh we don't need that hahaha

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Quick question, does anyone know where that ceo cunt who runs youtube is from?
I suspect she might from the Uk.
user for fuck sake
no matter how time you bring this up i am not going to fucking apologize.
I dont care how bad the fucking term hurt your feelings
I promise.
I dont.
And not matter how times you bring it up wont make me care anymore then i already do.
What the fuck is wrong with you honestly?
What kind of parents raise a kid to run around thinking that other people should give a flying fuck what he thinks about the words the say?
its the same sort of narcaistic bullshit you se in the average leftist college girl complaining about god damn halloween costumes
your parents alwasy got you what you wanted for christmas didnt they user?

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they purged a fuck ton of ethno nationalists.

She's 100% pure bred Americano mutato kike spawn

Not even that. They purged people who made music, comedy, anything that (((they))) don't like. It's cultural revolution

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Strong numbers

I get most of my moonman from Bitchute.

Pewdiepie is over. His videos aren't funny anymore and you can tell he's getting tired of making daily videos.

We should move to bitchute because fuck YouTube and fuck giving them more money. Nassim was right, or whatever her name was

The only site with a worse interface than bitchute is full30.

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>I have a plan.
Nasim had a better plan.

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What part of my posts is making you sperg out like that? Are you autistic or just really young?

Rather than youtube, why not go after the adl?

>youtube q1 results were so bad that google lost 10% of its market cap in one day on announcement

the only reason people go to youtube is political content. no one gives a fuck about your cat videos

Nah, he should move to cocoscope

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Fuck these kike fags They wonder why Bowers did what he did as they keep clamping their dirty Jewish hands over goyim mouths.

How about you make dozens of user accounts and start mass-uploading content from Youtube.

Everything you can. Starcraft videos, funny cat videos, random vlogs....everything. Just start mass uploading normie content from youtube to Bitchute. If you could automate this, all the better.

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>why are you sperging outside so hard on my retardation
Because honestly didnt think id have to se a big enough self entitled peice of shit on this board that would go around language policing people telling them what fucking phrases and words are "based" or "controlled" as if their opinion on that matter meant a flying fuck.
When i think about you all i can think of is some fucking manlet beard having square glasses wearing soiboi sucking is starbucks and telling people on the internet what fucking words triggered him today.
What micro aggression were perpetrated against him.
What things people said that hurt is fucking feelings and why we should care.
This shit right here?
this is why people need to beat their fucking kids.
So they dont grow up to be narcasistic little shits that other people should care how words make them feel.

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That's a shitty plan. It's more likely that white nationalists create a new type of social media that becomes huge.

Who cares if the interface isn't perfect. Learn to live with it.

Its certainly a good thing your power and Internet cant be shut down using primitive tools that almost all Americans possess. Enjoy your illusion of power kike. Your reign ends soon.

Lmao you just confirmed you're a shill. Not sure what the aim here is, go ask your (((masters))) for new orders.

Yes user i am a shill
You got me.
I just got payed 400,000 dollars by george fucking soros to come online and call you faggot
honestly tho?
id have done it for charity.

bitchute needs a better design

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Spoken like a true kikeshill. Do enjoy your kiketube, kikey goldbrickkikeysteinowitz.

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The people you work for are scum. But I'm pretty sure you're a kike too if you think Jow Forums is (((alt-right))).

it needs a better search algorithm, that's the main problem with it. It's super difficult to find a video you're looking for. I think that really is the crux of the problem. Someone needs to bite the bullet and write one

God damn you didnt realize that was a joke?
Please please tell me you didnt just believe i seriously got payed 400,000 dollars to call you a faggot online?
you are one retarded nigger

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youtube could die overnight if people could stop sucking off e celebs and those e celebs would stop worrying about their gibs and just do it


you realize a good chunk of jwwwtub3 channels that were banned were more tame than half of pewd's content.


i'm gonna wear a star of david patch everywhere i go now.
i already look like aushwitz anyways.
i have a blank hat..
i can color on it. autism etc.

USA genocides autistic people.

most of the e-celebs hate youtube and complain constantly about false-flagging, search result bias, and general mistreatment by the staff. They've been complaining about it for literally a decade now

The interface will change and evolve given we don't let it go the way of vid.me

I like this plan.
Would follow you into battle any day fren

stop relying on people like pewdiepie and just go to bitchute and make your own videos there, start your own following. don't leave it for someone else to make.

Everyone go to their town square and hold a sign saying "Gas the Kikes." If people ask you about it, tell them you are protesting Internet censorship by the Jews. Lets see if they can censor us IRL.

What about the fact that bitchute can leak your IP address because it uses p2p technology?

>police throws you in jail

gg ez. dumb neo-nazis.

Anyone still on JEWtube and that has a Wikipedia page is one of them. That includes Pew Dew

Stop being a faggot and show your flag

Can you just use Google to search for things on bitchute?

Just got into Bitchute to follow Cultured Thug, but desu most of the fun is stumbling upon new stuff and creators, I find the recommended feature is not very well developed yet.

Then i sue the fuck out of the town and collect all the shekels.

> Imagine being so arrogant and clueless that you confidently propose an idea that everyone else has already thought of or enacted.

There are far too many fools like op who fancy themselves great thinkers and commanders.

Let me spell it out for you. You are not helping when you order people to dk the fucking obvious.

watching pewdepie and some meme and gamer channels is the only thing I would watch youtube for now. all the political you tubers I watch have moved over to bit chute (and Im kinda normie)

>What about the fact that bitchute can leak your IP address because it uses p2p technology?
If you're posting here, the feds already have it.
And it only gives them your region, anyway, to find your address requires access to the ISP's logs, and they need a search warrant for that.

you can use both retard.

Bitchute interface needs some work, but they ARE improving it.
No reason they couldn't eventually surpass YT interface, YT's sucks too.

>Youtube is now part of the everyday lexicon, it's part of internet culture
Jow Forums creates all internet culture. if those creators move to bit chute youtube is fucked.

you can alter the interface a bit in your profile settings section

>he genuinely believes this

oh nonononono

>I just got payed 400,000 dollars by george fucking soros to come online and call you faggot
Fuck, really?
And here I am, calling you a faggot for free...

bitchute needs to fix their fucking loading issues. goddamnit.

i found some cool stuff on bitchute , the only thing annoying is the search are weird but the rest i figured out

Funny, that's something I never had problems with.

>basically every White Nationalist, Natsoc, and indentiterian on youtube just got the Axe
A bunch of little faggot ecelebs did mate, AmRen is still there.

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ITT: the 15 people who actually use BitChute


Two relatively small communities stand out as being particularly effective at spreading memes. “We find that Jow Forums substantially influences the meme ecosystem by posting a large number of memes, while The Donald is the most efficient community in pushing memes to both fringe and mainstream Web communities,” say Stringhini and co.

go suck a dick shill

Ever heard of MySpace?

this. i'm thinking of starting a gaming channel or knife reviewing. just something to give more variety of content than just jews are bad etc. (they are bad though.) i wouldn't get political too much though, want it to be normie friendly to grow the site a bit and sometimes i just get sick of politics.

This is a thread with more or less the same plan, but I agree that getting high profile Youtube creators to actually migrate publicly would be a deathblow to the censoring platform

their search menu is so outdated. they really need to fix it so it's more useful. i want them to succeed but we have to give the criticism to them straight.

and the idea of having a Jow Forums with video is definitely enticing.

> (and Im kinda normie)
Well here then.

The Truth in a Nuthshell (Under 2 Minutes)

The Truth In Depth

The Truth about Banking

The Truth About Marxism

The Truth About Wiemar

The Truth About The Man They Call The Devil

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Bitchute has no official android app. Pass

Good plan. I propose we also start to upload normalfag content to bitchute, straight ripofs from youtube. Also donate to bitchute, and the content creators.

I can't even fucking imagine it.
I waste enough time on here as it is.

Amran needs to get a bitchute to.

*grammar Nazi

have a (You)

Nut up, man.

Boi last 2 videos are deleted. Got any backup?

Did you just assumed my gender fuccboi?