BOYCOTT GOOGLE: Stop using Google Chrome, and install Firefox and block ads on YouTube

YouTube demonitised Steven Crowder. Does all of Jow Forums support him? Probably not, but that's not the issue here. They're determining your ability to make money on YouTube based on your political preferences. Screw Google and YouTube, stop using their browser and download Firefox and block ads.


Chrome will soon start breaking ad blockers and forcing ads by default: >

Attached: 1791.png (1289x894, 523K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump, this is how to get back at jewgle, hit their wallets

>and block ads
Wait, you're telling me people were still browsing the web without an adblock after 2010?

I want to but firefox runs so fucking slowly on my computer it's unusable.
I've had youtube ads blocked for years, I forget they're even a thing until someone tries to show me something on youtube on their phone or computer.

Using Opera.
The mouse gesture shortcuts are just too addictive, can browse without ever using my keyboard.


Bruddah, Been doing that since February. Kiketube has been going down hill since 2012. Hurry up and make a video streaming site that doesn't allow Kikes or Pajeets on it.


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My post is more targetted towards 'casuals' who just consume on the internet. If even a seemingly small percentage of these people stop using chrome, it could still make google lose a few million. every little helps

Reminder that adblockers will just be patched around, and that if you really want to stop youtube there's only one thing you have to do. If you see a post on Jow Forums linking to a youtube video, don't click it, and respond with

>post bitchute faggot

That's it. No complicated operations, no convincing normies of anything, just that. Jow Forums doesn't have enough users to actually hurt youtube, but it DOES have enough influence online to lead the adoption of a new alternative.

I've even created a handy dandy guide to help you out.

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this. god i fucking hate egotistic niggers

Bump , always have been using Firefox

Been doing that since forever.

Can a phonefag do these things?
>>plz no bully
Also if I have gmail what do I do?

Have you tried having sexual intercourse instead, incels?

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Daily reminder that Branden Eich, the inventor of Javascript and former CTO/CEO of Mozilla (Firefox) was forced out of his role by libtard SJW's for the crime of making a $1,000 donation to a traditional marriage proposition in Commiefornia as a private citizen. FF has been tainted ever since in my mind. Are there alternatives?

Brave browser.

Only someone stupid or lazy would use Chrome anyway...

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Imagine ever using chrome.

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You should just unironically use Yandex Browser.

>stop using their browser

Start using Brave.

Not the kind you're thinking about


I use brave 95% of the time. The other 5% I use Firefox for sites that don't work properly with brave. Brave comes with adblock already. Can be disabled for sites that block access if using adblock.

Attached: brave-browser-lion-logo-4sts.jpg (300x250, 8K)

>quit chrome
>promotes firefox
Nigger what? Just use Brave or Dissenter.

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Less time complaining, more time making a new site. CHOP-CHOP BRUDDAH!

Fucking right-wing autistic spergs, YouTube doesn't owe you shit. They enabled all your right-wing e-whore to exist in the first place. And now your e-celebs are being exposed as the anti-free market leeches and parasites they are. Fucking cyber begging e-celebs. If you don't like it, make your own. Fuck commies and fascists. Long live the free markets!

How to fully escapep Jewgle's grasp:
>Root your Android system
>Change your search engine to DuckDuckGo
>Change your web browser to PaleMoon (Instead of SJWZilla's ) or Iridium (With Google SafeSearch disabled)
>Abandon GMail for alternative email services like Disroot or private paid options
>Let go of Google Play Store, use F-Droid instead or pirate games through .apk files outside of jewgle's grasp
>Stop using YouTube, use if you really need to view something on YouTube
>Use BitChute daily, you will need it
>DLive is a decent streaming service
>Abandon Twitch
>Let go of Facebook, go to minds or Gab (though both are useless)
>Brave is full of shit, don't use a pretender (this goes to and as well as )
>Download HTTPS Everywhere and uBlock on any browser you can
>Learn to securely use Tor, it'll come in handy when more publishers will be forced to go off the main grid
>Switch over from Android in your phones to other open source OS that isn't owned by jewgle
>Never, EVER download chink shit like Epic Games Store, it ruins the competition and fuels their monopolic quest
>Do not buy Netflix subcription
>Do not use any Amazon services
>If you have to use Discord, only use it in browser

Just use adblocker.
None of my money goes to google. I block all the ads, I don't buy anything from them, whatever data they are gathering from me is useless.
If I decided to boycott google/youtube, I'd be helping them as it would put less of a stress on their servers.
I am using their shit for free and not giving them anything in return.

I use vim keyboard shortcuts in firefox (surfingkeys extension). Keyboard is much more efficient than mouse.

You would be surprised, if every user got like 2-3 friends to block ads (fucking take the time to teach them about addons) this would viral out of control and destroy clickbait media in the process too, win-win

Is Chromium ok?

Attached: Chromium_Material_Icon.png (520x520, 71K)

Get uBlock, HTTPS Everywhere, and a fuckton of other small options. Disable Google SafeSearch if it is there. Also, deleting cookies every session helps to disorient the targeting services. They can do as much as your IP allows them to, so your data is inconsistent and always fresh.

Brave or Dissenter

>deleting cookies every session helps to disorient the targeting services. They can do as much as your IP allows them to, so your data is inconsistent and always fresh.
Always good advice.


Stop being a little butch.
Get your own goddamn website.
Danika did it, why cant you?

yeah, chromium ok, fuckers are targetting specially firefox for their fuck ups (like youtube screwing up the full screen on ff), so you might be safer with chromium. If you wanna go an extra mile I think there is an "ungoogled chromium" though, which probably performs a bit worse in exchance of more privacy.

Andrew Anglin did, see how it worked out for him.

My friend, you need to educate yourself who or rather what is firefox today.
Also fuck google I agree.
fuck apple
fuck windows

He just posted the icon of ungoogled Chromium. I think he meant it.

Freetards just happen to have the most secure and the most private software out there

> now trannyfox is good

Lol no

>Brave is full of shit,
Not at all.

It's developed Brendon Eich, the founder of Firefox, he was hounded upon by his employees and then had to resign after he couldn't take anymore bullying all because he funded some anti-gay causes.

Brave is built on Chromium and has inbuilt privacy features to disable tracking cookies and ads.

Best browser, ever -- right after Edge.

Attached: 5qXnaj4kinw9p18AWwvwhb4t9oRQltcw.png (366x518, 28K)

didn't know there was a different icon even. excuse my ignorance

Chrome is a shit browser and fuck Alphabet and all its subsidiaries. No one should support their platforms anymore. Abandon them entirely and push for a new alternative rival.


Firefox has the same problems Chrome does. Ideologically, I mean.

I haven't had any page not work with Brave. But it's still slightly buggy (running on linux). One bug that happens very often is that you can't right click anything so you have to restart the browser. I hope they also let the user customize new tab page soon because the default new tab is crap. The android Brave is very good though.

nah ill keep using chrome
everyone already knows its called jewtube for a reason
if they ban adblockers on chrome then ill switch to firefox
theyll realize their fuckup once they see the number of connected IPs go to the shitter.

Firefox is kiked as well.
DuckDuckGo is owned by a kike.
These fuckers have their claws in everything.
One of you fuckers needs to make a browser.

well what about opera?
and is edge viable?

I use
>3 adblockers
>mp3 downloader
>video downloader
I get all my music for free from YT. Fuck them, fuck their ads, fuck their platform.

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The ADL is behind the censorship, not some fag Mexican.

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See to see that Brave is NOT your friend.

Adblock isn't enough. Noscript is necessary, too. Does the same thing when a site wont let you access with an adblocker with the added bonus of shutting out social media tracking.

Tried it but it was a pain to use.
VPN takes ages to load anything.

is there an opera subversion?
maybe we can find a way to optimize it

>if every user got like 2-3 friends to block ads
That's a big if. How many anons have that many friends?

Actually, Opera is not that good privacy-wise, and has built-in Messenger support, meaning it has definetely partnered up with Google and Facebook. I wouldn't use it, to be honest.

Being kiked is a binary option now, (((anti-firefox))) shills are comi.g out of the woodworks, is it because firefox mobile can install ublock vs chrome? Trying to save that mobile income at least?

all I do to go back is hold my right click down and swipe up/down/sideways/L shape
takes milliseconds and it's more comfortable to hold a mouse than to have your hand on your keyboard all the time

Attached: operalife.png (1092x770, 49K)

All YouTube vids are mirrored on hooktube. In the URL replace “you” with “hook” and they don’t get views.

Why are people not just getting jobs and instead keep demanding gibs?

i would download adblocker but im afraid of malware so i dont. porno on the other hand... now thats worth the risk

Who the fuck with an ounce of brain was using Chrome anyway

Alright, I'll look into that.

True enough, i've always had noscript and adblock. uBlock can do both but uBlock matrix was a bit too much for my smallbrain.

TOR isn't kike owned correct?

Brave working fine from Nix unstable here.

Brave is trash even Dissenter is better

Fun fact, Dissenter is just modified Brave with built-in Gab

To the big brains in pol, what do if on mobile. I already use duckduckgo but loging in every service all the time is pretty fucking boring.

How’s butterfly war user doing? His plan was very intriguing.

It's modified Chromium

There are people who dont use ad block?

Russian datamining

Go to the settings of firefox, click search and set your defualt engine to duck duck go too. Set a new tab favorite to bitchute/gab/minds/etc it will become routin if you set it up to be easy and thoughtless.

Of course, Brave is based on Chromium, but Dissenter itself is just Brave with another layer on top of it.
>The Dissenter browser is a fork of the Brave web browser. It phones home to Brave for autoupdates and safebrowsing, which is hosted by Brave. The default search engine is DuckDuckGo. The browser has two extensions preinstalled. One extension, "Shields", blocks certain advertisment scripts. The other, "Dissenter" allows you to access the Dissenter social network. This extension phones home to several places whenever you open it, including Google and Twitter. The Dissenter social network also inherently must collect more information about the user's browsing habits than the current alternatives that already exist.

You’re a spergy idiot who loves corporations too much. Never post or talk again.

Firefox was outed 5 years ago during Gamergate you fucking pole

>Using (((Firefox)))
Fuck off. Install Brave. It has automatic ad blocking, no tracking, and allows Dissenter

Muh games!
Keep using chrome goy :^)

Whatever you prefer fren. I used to use mouse almost exclusively but then I started using i3 window manager which utilizes key bindings to open programs, run commands, move between workspaces etc. and then I started using vim as my default text editor and after a couple of weeks I found using mouse in web surfing to be a pain in the ass and installed surfingkeys. It makes browsing so effortless and has even things you can't do with mouse.

Google is already cowering in fear as LITERALLY HUNDREDS of Jow Forumstards install adblockers

... but keep using their Android phones where Google has root privileges :^)
Top lol.

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ungoogled-chromium is also an option, it's the same as chrome but with all the google spyware removed.
You can download from here (pick the ungoogled version)

yes, based polak friend...for productivity use offline win or if you are a fag - mac, share your neighbours wifi, flash custom rom on your phone without Gapps, physically disable gps, use secondary dumb phone for everyday usage, smartphone connected to a nearby coffee shop network - always at home...and yes you can do it, you lived before without constant internet connection can enjoy internet without corporate presence, it's hard to setup, but rewarding if these things satisfy your passion for privacy

people less technology educated, because of this fucking social network zombies, heavy corporate presence and so on, think that internet is push medium like tv...internet is a pull medium...i simply choose not to download advertisement or leave any telemetry for those data mining soulless corporations

conscience status : clean

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>He hasn't made his own phone with a $2 chinese case and a raspberry pi
You will hang too

I use Chrome, and I browse /pol and whatever the else I feel like. No fucks given.

Just know that you have an extra layer of NSA in your browsing for premium NSA spying.

Shut the fuck up you relentless cocksucking faggot

Not only this but we need to coordinate efforts to prop up alternative video-hosting websites that allow free speech. Upload shitloads of normie-friendly content to websites like Bitchute. Video game footage, viral videos, music and entertainment. Fuck Youtube theyre supposed to be a neutral video hosting website but they've chosen to be political activists

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firefuck is every bit as bad
openly developed by far left feminists who witchhunt coders and destroy wytbois careers

How safe is lynx? I use it to open webpages from my RSS reader and also to read some other sites.

get out of my thread, 15 year old

Would it be possible to create a site that's a mix of Patreon/Youtube?
Creators could have the option of tagging some videos as supporter only or supporter first so paying subscribers get benefits for doing so, and the site itself could take maybe 5% of the revenue for itself.
This would effectively remove the need for advertisers which we all know are the biggest enemy here.
Creators get played based on how popular their content is, viewers get to choose directly who they sponsor, the site gets funded and there's never any advertisers to threaten a takedown, with the added effect of the site being self sufficient unlike Jewtube.

Also what is a working fingerprint extension for firefox?

>shuts down your payment processors

>not using IceCat
wew lads I can tell it's summer already

AdNauseam is the only way to cost advertisers money. Make them buy worthless clicks.

then only the cia nigger explorer is option and maybe opera the appel shit.