How do you make suburban white women (pic related) vote republican again

How do you make suburban white women (pic related) vote republican again

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Repeal the 19th.

>still believes in (((democracy)))

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Love wins.

By dabbing on the jannies

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Why allow a cohort the vote if it is 100% predictable? If such a thing is so consistent in fact, do they even have totally free will?

they already do idiot

marry them

Both good answers.

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that applies to nogs and spics too

Realistically, you need to get the GOP to concede some bullshit feminist points to entice women in.

Your best bet would be to have the GOP encourage women not to work by giving them massive tax breaks if they’re married (even possibly giving them money) and to become more trad.

Examples of bullshit that women want:
>free birth control
>free tampons

Just give them all this shit if they have kids, are married, and don’t work. Basically welfare for married mothers as opposed to single mothers.

You won’t have to help nigger women because they don’t get married.

I saw a young brown man make this smile at me today while riding his bike. I had a big chuckle and thought of you faggots.

just let things get worse

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-06 Half of white women continue to vote Republican What's wrong with them Mo (633x782, 540K)

...I don't actually care how they vote at this point: I just want them to come back to reality.

>women allowed the vote in the first place
there is your fallacy.

>How do you make suburban white women (pic related) vote republican again
>make women vote

You don't.

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imagine the smell

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In complete seriousness, women who get fucked by older men because of daddy issues will vote trump if their daddy tells them to.

Tax their entitlements more.

Hard to do I think. They can't really be coerced into it, so much as they need to see conservatives exhibit a strong showing of some kind or something unbelievably egregious needs to come out of the left.

they throw a shitfit when they are expected to pay for birth control. taxing would make the problem worse

Marry them
Single women are the problem

Women have no place in politics
I have yet to meet a single woman, especially at my uni, who can discuss politics on any level other than the incredibly superficial
They don't have real opinions and instead just parrot whatever they think will make them the most popular in their social circle
That's why they always vote left, because they want to be seen as compassionate and caring so other people like them more

If they have son’s or husbands they already do.

This. This is great. Oh and they no longer qualify for it if they get divorced. So like thwy dont get it in their second marriage.

realistic answer: You can't, repealing their right to vote is the only hope for mankind
Optimistic answer: maybe the trad female thing can grow and white women will become less terrible, while the bad ones racemix and disappear from our genepool

Have sex incel. My county district attorney is a woman

women follow men. Just keep voting the way you're voting and never relent, never show shame and always stay true to yourself. Women appreciate it and start to copy men, always.

Tax them.

Beat them, subjugate them, repeal the 19th amendment, and make women property of their fathers or husband's again. Women are fucking cancer.

Make her boyfriend vote Republican, she'll follow whatever he does.

Ignore them, a woman's biggest fear is abandonment. Applaud the competitions values and behaviors e.g. Asians, Ebony Kweens, Hijabis

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Why vote Republican? The only thing cuckservatives conserve is Israel.

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Imagine being retarded enough to want this...