My new neighbors are black

my new neighbors are black

what can I expect?

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Based people, not whitoids


Loud music

Loud noises and their nigbull running around the neighborhood.

Sinking property value

Random cars pulling up at weird hours

It's an odds game... 5x more likely they'll be assholes than if they were white.


>Where'd my package go?
>Where did all this litter come from?
>Why are there so many cars?

this. loud music, loud arguments, loud dogs, cars parked all over the damn street.

I lived in a poor black area for a few years when I was in college. They would be out wandering around in the streets all night like zombies. Having cookouts, listening to music, and walking their dogs at 2 am every night.

Spot on.

all of this is scaring me

I have two kids and don't want them around this bullshit. should I sell?

>what can I expect?
Your white neighbors to be cashing out while they can. If you can't leave, pray your white neighbors sell to Spics. Spics hate niggers and have the balls to run them out. Whites will either run away or lube up their asses and present.


You should put a burning cross out side his house

>my new neighbors are black

Your wife's vagene suspicious damp overstretched, when you come home form work. Also your next child will be born with a 'tan'.

This is the diversity your children need, goy.
to cure them of their toxic white privilege

Loud arguments, lots of guests, bedbugs or roaches, or both, racism.

Yes. Black people absolutely destroy property value. Sell now.

t. realtor

Your house lost 20% of it's value already. The first thing a shopper will see is the niggers next door. I can almost guarantee the niggers will make themselves quite visible. As neighbors cash out, the values will plummet so I'd be listing ASAP.

>Black people absolutely destroy property value. Sell now.
It is very very rare that this does not happen. I have only seen this not happen one time. A perfectly enjoyable family moved into a home across the street from my parents about a decade ago. I thought I hated blacks until I met the new owner....a black man who seems to be Thomas Sowell type of Uncle Tom. He maintains his property better than most of the whites, and is very active in the neighborhood. However, I am realistic that this is not at all a regular happening.

OP, it is time to sell your home. Your property value is going to start plummeting.


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10-15 years

in this time, 3/4 of your neighborhood will be niggers and spics.

t. neighborhood went from 1 spic family to 10+

niggers usually consider the porch and front yard as the living room and dining room (unless its cold out).
Ive even seen them use it as a bathroom

Break their windows during winter.

If they aren't African immigrants or one of the few assimilated American blacks who hold a job then you are fucked. I would go meet them to scope it out.

Sell while you’re ahead.

I don't doubt what you're saying. I'm in a gated community and I heard this family won some sort of lottery and settled here of all places

My kids are female and I definitely don't want them around these apes

Buy some lube and start doing stretching exercises for your anus, maybe then they wont rape your entire family instead

call them niggers to their face

check on your bike. Oh wait it's already gone.


Nagger Nibba Negger

You mean a lowercase t that means "time to leave"?

I know that feeling

Lots of stolen bikes

>should i sell
too late now

If they would stay inside their houses it wouldn't be so horrible.
But they are very visible, their culture is to have a trashy indoors, and spend time out front on the steps or yard.
Even if they have a private back yard, they will never use that.

I hope you are lucky and they are people who will stay indoors.

loud thumping music all day, loud nogs yelling to each other, nogs sitting outside on their porch all day, staring at you any time you leave the house

and you better lock anything valuable up. they will steal everything that's not nailed down.

>my new neighbors are black. what can I expect?

to be able to suck black cock faster than you have previously because now you dont have to go to walmart bathroom stalls to pick it up, its right next door, you faggot

Nice cookouts

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Stuff like this

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Which Walmart do you go to?

Keep your doors locked at night

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This. I used to live in a condo next to a black guy and that nigga was ALWAYS on his porch. Super friendly guy, but would always ask me for alcohol when I was going into my house.

Theft, rape and drug dealing

Oh shit, guess I'm a nigger then

I have a black neighbor 2 houses up he's a cop, wife two kids upper middle class. Always outside doing yard work, nice guy and kids are very well mannered, wave and say hi to me every time they ride bikes past my house...then again we're in the country.

exactly. used to live near niggers and that's exactly what happened. minus the car part because I don't believe those fuckers had money for cars. now I'm in a better place and I rarely see loud music, although I occasionally hear loud arguments, there must be some niggers nearby


white trash can be described similarly. except they at least have the courtesy to park on the lawn if no street space is available.

Theft and loud noises.

It doesn't matter if it's a good nigger that nigger is surrounded by bad niggers by the very fact of his existence

Your property value to drop unless you get that shit on the market stat.

Another story that never happened. Back to plebbit fag.

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Like moans?

An above ground pool

>Which Walmart do you go to?
You couldnt pay me enough to go scout for you, faggot. I have too much money to waste my time at walmart and I dont have niggers within 30 miles of me, so its lose/lose for you all the way around.

This is a good point.
I have a black woman on my block, she stays indoors.
But she seems to always have relatives mooch off her. These days she has a cousin and her man, they hang all day on front steps, sometimes they sit in the car out front and play loud music.
Just sit in the car, out front, I shit you not.

Also keeps open garbage bags out front because they eat and drink beer all day.
I report them every week for that code violation.

Loud music, niggers yelling at each other, kids playing basketball
Source: I live in a nigger neighborhood

Are you middle class? The first black family that moves into a white neighborhood isn't so bad.
But once white fright sets in and the neighborhood gets devalued, you all suffer, including the first black family as lower classes (regardless of race) may be able to afford those homes without the means to actually maintain them.

How could I forget loud dogs? And cars all over? I think we’ve got it all now.

Yelling, litter, music, domestic violence, cops showing up, drug use

If you're lucky

You can expect to never relax.

Loud parties, frequent visits from the police, and all of your packages being stolen until you wise up and have them sent somewhere else.

Niggers. The stats prove it.

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loudness of all types
hoodrat children out of control at all times


Fuck all the other responses, essentially the idea is to always expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. How about don't expect shit, when you run into dude invite him to go to the shooting range some time or to do some other man shit. If you aren't a man then do it anyway, don't be a flakey bitch, get some damned mud on you! Most people responding don't even ask if you are black yourself; if you live in a 'black' neighborhood to begin with; if this is out of the ordinary for your neighborhood; etc. That is because it is assumed you are fishing for racist remarks. So your dataset should probably consider the fact that some of us just go with it for the lols and others may actually express a genuine belief... niggers

Noise, garbage and stench.

Stolen packages and mail.
Loud, obnoxious parties late into the night.
Terrible front yard that's never watered or mowed.


a robbery

Jesus suck his dick while you're at it you boomer scum.
>let's do some man stuff!
>i like my coffee black!
>its not gay unless the balls touch!
Get fucked

Quick, burn that house down while it’s still vacant!

Have you ever met a nigger?

First, noise and litter
a lot of company going in and out
this will take place all hours eventually
more noise
domestic arguments, yelling
more litter followed by debris everywhere
finally police arrive
the property itself will begin to degrade structurally from misuse and neglect
grass and shrubs will eventually transition to bare spots of dirt and weeds perfused with more litter & debris
obligatory street light knocked out with sneakers hanging over power line
the relatives arrive
suddenly a house meant for one family is hosting two or more, including couples
niglet children will begin exploring your property, stealing or vandalizing your things
will eventually be emboldened to harrass you on sight
will push your limits until you confront them on it
this angers the niglets parents who will then label you as an enemy to all their friends coming and going
You eventually move to avoid daily hostile, likely dangerous encounters as the area falls into squalor
property values drop as no one wants your place either because niggers
Drop far enough that it gets rented to more niggers
all greenery disappears from neglect, street lights get knocked out to enable hiding from po-po
city workers eventually come to remove remaining trees because niggers cant be expected to trim them to avoid collision with power lines in wind
process replicates from house to house
eventually barren treeless grey wasteland of litter, wrecked homes and dark streets where niglets wander the street barefoot and unattended at all hours, rap music blares, nightly screaming that isnt actually argument, just conversations and then of course
gunshots & sirens

Your neighborhood is already dead.
Evacuate immediately

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Have you ever met a datamine post faggot?