"You're not actually racist, are you user?"

>"You're not actually racist, are you user?"

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I am.
Kill niggers
Hang the spics
Fuck Canadians
Bring back the brown concentration camps
Burn all the Jews.

you couldve at least posted an attractive nigress

Why yes I want my children to lool like this how could you tell

East african women can be pretty only.for harems

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this would bring peace on earth


Yes i am.
Report for extremely low effort derailing.

I am.
Also fuck your slide thread, you absolute piece of fucking kike shit

"We'll have the nigger vote for the next 69 years" - some old faggot.

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I don't hate anyone.
Why is it racist to think blacks should live with blacks and white with whites? Is living with blacks so utterly terrible? Isn't it racist to think that asking blacks to live with their own kin as oppression?

Begone, memeflag.

>>fuck canadians

but isnt that exactly what they want?

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nah, people are people.
better to judge them by whether or not they use memeflags on Jow Forums.

Yes, now please set the TV down and leave my property before I just shoot you.

i am what I eat, and I eat pussy ;)

well I AM, but it doesn't mean I can't be nice sometimes.

slow day at the pentagon meme department, rabbi?

Yes, but I don't mind fucking niggers.

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Fuck off, she-boon.