Vargs second channel has been BTFO, what did he say to piss off YouTube so much?

Vargs second channel has been BTFO, what did he say to piss off YouTube so much?

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Jow Forums christcucks reported him enmasse
based christcuckery amirite

It's almost like ban evasions are ban worthy

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Having white children is a bannable offense on jewtube.

I don't give a shit if you follow Varg or not. Jewtube is getting out of hand.

they are becoming fearful of any larping in the form of religion, neo-paganism, or collective intrest of any sort amongst whites because it's actually catching on

Friendly reminder he still has a channel on bitchute if anyone want's to still find his content.

Christcucks are on the defensive. They know and have seen how powerful the voice of pagan reason has become. Remember white man, if you aren't reading the holy books of Semites, then you are a LARPer ;)

christkikes are rubbing their hands together as we speak

i'm very afraid that he will move to russian youtube alternative because he mentioned it one time in a video in context of an alternative platform of his videos.
That will be very sad actually because it will force me to use it and i don't want to

He has some good points on certain topics, and he made few good atmospheric tracks...other than that, he's a schizo, cringemaster and above all, a killer.

And not some "exciting life story" killer, but cringe faggot who got in a scuffle with his larp emo faggot buddy and stabbed him like a nigger behind the back, premeditated.

Also, he married a GROUPIE, because that's how I would describe someone who approached you via email because of your music.

He propagates "getting off the grid" all the time but he's addicted to JewTube to the max because it lets him solve the daddy issue he has, which is rooted in his name which is KRISTIAN hahahahah.

Fuck you Varg, you will never be online again, and your pagan divisive larp won't even be heard.

Let's find out? Let's rather not.

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oh, actually don't mind. thank god

Who could be behind this post?

He attacked Christians.


Jewmerican and snow nigger kvetch about paygan faggot getting axed from jewtube. LMAO.

Get fucked.

Good, fuck that Christ-hater. Don't expect to help the movement to allow white people to be free of strife when you fucking MOCK TONS OF WHITE PEOPLE. IDIOT.

he posted this vid like a minute before getting deleted, i don't know why no one is talking about this v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
reupped, please don't link directly, lots of bots on the board right now

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So in other words he is going to Hell, which is basically just a derivative of Hel, a pagan realm of the dead. Or are these facts heresy? Oh no no no.

He made a second channel on the same day he was banned with the exact same name. Literally retarded.

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>the movement
What movement? Your interracial christcuck movement? What does that have to do with white people?

He pissed off Christians. He blamed them the first time, so they did something about it.

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Link is garbage. Oh and since no one is going to stand up for what's right (people with money and influence anyway), fuck free speech. Yes, I see the irony, but I can't wait for the peace and quiet we're all going to have when talking to each other becomes illegal inside of 40 years. Ahhh so relaxing. No conversation ever solved anything anyway, just violence. Did Christ ask the money-changers to leave the Temple? Did he debate them? No, he fucking whipped their kike asses into the street. So I look forward to my quiet, more violent America.

>Fuck you Varg, you will never be online again, and your pagan divisive larp won't even be heard
looks like somebody’s about to fall on a lamp

I don't support race-mixing (unless it's with Japs or light-skinned Mexicans wahmin). >What does that have to do with white people?
Most Christians are white in America, dumbass.
Enjoy Hell.

blah blah blah

Seems your Paygan hero is just another nigger who can't keep himself out of prison, real or virtual.

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this and an army of pakis from the med

He is a snow nigger in bed with the jews

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Look at this, some circumcised jewmerican cannon fodder slave faggot stationed in Japan, serving jewish (((MIC))) because putting his life on the line for Jizzrael was literally the ONLY way he can secure paychecks in his pathetic life.

KYS, faggot.

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That’s right goblino, Christians are the true enemy - ((()))

he asked a simple question ;)

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>Varg laughs and celebrates burning of Notre Dame
>Varg isn't an enemy of Europe
pick one

>Varg laughs and celebrates burning of Notre Dame
Did he really? Double-fuck his crappy youtube channels then. Based kikes.

I would have neither thanks.

If Varg wants war with Christendom, then war he shall have!

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The redpill is putting on your big boy pants and realizing Jews and Muslims wouldn't be in Europe if not for Christkikes
>inb4 "CATHOLICISM ISN'T REEEEEAL CHRISTIANITY!" and then I post Zio-Prots saying/doing the same shit

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yeah the Christians who are trying to ban abortion and the globohomo agenda are so bad oh noooo muh based Kristian Vikerness oh noo

lel guess all those reports finally paid off. You faggots shouldn't have spammed him so much.

cmon have you seen the guy? im shocked he can even upload a video

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the one on the right looks like a tranny

ahahahahahahaha gypsie nigger

brainlet here, is this a joke? Top kek

Got a problem?


am i autistic or is that blacked metaled girl on the right have a smaller arm?

nothing lost

Typical Christian response. You can't present a counter argument to the appropriation of pagan culture so you deflect.

Pagans btfo!

When you get to Hell, be sure to ask the trees and rocks to protect you from the demons and fire.

Are you homosexual?

the Jews fear his power level

No I am not why do you have to ask?

>why ask?
Well, your flag, for one.

What about my flag?

You spelled Hel wrong.

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He was deleted because he kept alive the knowledge of european/white history. The new white history starts and ends with WW2.

It's gay? Why the 101 questions?

He shit in buckets, humped trees, bathed in menstrual blood and got pegged by pigs.
>kept alive euro history
That's history i'd rather forget.

How is it gay? It doesnt even look like the gay flag.

I wish I did it

i'm pretty sure a large part of the """open minded"""^TM metal community are partially to blame here.

>be retarded snownigger
>"I hate everybody, let's attack everybody who's not us because we wuz vikangz and we iz da mastuh rayce"
>everybody hates varg
>how could this happen.jpg
lol get fucked faggot

pff you wish

Idiot Pagan, but I repeat myself.

He's a straight white pagan male who believes living off the land will defeat the enemy. And he's right.

>Scandinavia was flooded by immigrants
>Let's keep talking about christianity and Southern Europeans

Meanwhile in Italy:
>A southern european christian Salvini that talk about to defend christianity are deporting immigrants and decrease the immigrants from Africa in 80% in 2018....

How the Nordicucks gonna learn something?

Stop pushing me to defend a low effort shitpost

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Oh wow. One whole person.

Forget about the hundreds of others who live on their knees.

>b-but chrisrtianity is sekretly a 3,000 year old jooish plot to destroy the world, cave man painting told me so

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But I am not living in the UK so why do you feel the need to attack me?

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Of course

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Ok i'm sorry.

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I dont think paganism is the religion of Scandinavians. Their leaders are probably all christian.

Or ((()))

wtf i love pacifist kike shit now. those buildings only turned out well because white people built them. post some based african churches this should be good.

Why do you believe I am against such people that rape,kill or enslave others that they shouldnt be heavily punished even executed for their crimes?

Whats up with all these schizos fighting ghosts. Pagans. Nazis. Hey schizo. Remember you murdered those people hundreds of years ago?

>pretending Oystein didn't deserve it for reasons unrelated to his relationship to Varg.

He killed a man who used his bandmate's corpse as a marketing gimmick and then told the media he made a necklace from it and ate part of the brain. Mayhem band members aren't even mad at Varg for doing it because of this. It was karma, even if it was at the hands of an autistic mad man. Faggot deserved it.

Oh wow European Christians built Europe, finally you paganiggers admit it.
>Oh but it's jooish!!1! We should worship fairy tales made by glorified drunken rapists!!1!

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Check this out:


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I dont care about the general population. They dont control shit. What religion do the leaders follow? schizo. Keep fighting those ghosts though. I'm sure you'll hit one someday.

>buildings didn't exist in Europe until my Jew religion!

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Inb4 salvini isn't the average christian
They did a survey on some leftwing newspaper (il corriere della sera I think it was) which showed that the overwhelming majority of self described christans voted lega in the E.U elections

He was just on the wrong side of history. And that's only the start of what (((they))) will do.

>muh magic Jew buildin

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>posts buildings made by non white south europeans
Way to btfo yourself pagan larper

Christcucks are nothing more than tools of the jews

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Some Mexican fag bitched about cristcuck Crowder and got everyone banned

>I repeat myself

Naturally. The brain state of the Christian golem is to continue shilling without critical or creative thought.

Christians are cucks. They cant stand for their values, they are bystanders that allow themselves to be cucked by others. All of the churches around me advertise that they loooove faggots because "Jesus loves everybody!!" now that it is hip and trendy to worship faggots. You think abortion will be any different? Homos went from a politicized issue to Republicans and christcucks adopting it to not be called "homophobes". Same will happen with abortion. Btw I am on the right, I am simply stating my observations. Furthermore, I support abortion because it is the only way that niggers keep themselves in check. I am a young worker and do NOT want to catch a bill, not only for boomers, but also for hordes of niglets and their destructive culture. Far more non-whites abort than whites and that is a trade I will gladly take, especially since most of the whites aborted wouldve belonged to leftist retards anyways.

Ban evasion
Just as on Jow Forums gets you hit

Nigger please. Christcucks love globohomo, Israel, importing Somalians, and you know it. Stop lying to yourself.

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Fucking based post. Enough to make literal pagan cocksuckers cry in fear.