Alt Right 2008-2019

>youtube banning nazis left and right
>poltards in absolute shambles over it
>this is just the beginning
>your time is literally coming to an end
>tech is 100% onboard to unperson you at every turn
>no one gives a shit about small companies like gab or bitchute
>you final tally: you lost.

Attached: h3726CFD5[1].jpg (492x380, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

imagine being the person typing this

Hello Austria, can you bring Hitler back ?



OP is a supreme faggot. There's no such thing as the alt-right. It's merely a way for the MSM and faggots like you to stereotype people that don't agree with the leftards bullshit.
Go suck some more dark skinned dicks.

Attached: google alt right trends.png (1721x618, 68K)

i'm so happy about your peril like you wouldn't even imagine. next stop: domain registrars.
all of it, Jow Forumstard. all of it.

I'm glad that you feel that way.

One day when the economy goes shit up, you leftists will be the next ones deplatformed (because leftists will smell blood in the water and get extra violent with their rhetoric), and there will be a formula for it. Be careful what you wish for.

Attached: 147.jpg (368x475, 27K)

Imagine being so afraid of ideas you have to block them out of your life.

>The very thing that drove small groups of people into
farther right movements has now been done to even more people
Thanks for the fresh blood.

Based. Jow Forums is completely btfo. The funniest part about this shit is they are too stupid to use any platforms that won't ban them.

So fucking stupid. This is why we win and you lose. We're smarter than you and we adapt quicker. You had your 2016 success with memes that are stale by now, and since then we have consistently destroyed you in every way.

so this whole "your time is at an end" is what being shilled today.... never gonna get better at this are you?

sage the shills

Yes goy the alt-right has lost you won
Have you bought your star wars tickets yet? Better buy an extra just in case. Don't forget to get excited for the next one.

>no one gives a shit about small companies like google or youtube
>t. Yahoo

The alt-right does seem to be a complete mess at the moment. Everyone has balkanised, practically no irl activity going on, no fun troll campaigns.

Most of the people that call themselves alt right were probably 10 in 2008

>And when the Nazis are gone, you become the nazi
>They then unperson you
>You then fill a space in a mass grave

>be a Jew
>murder Christ
>because he may or may not have vaguely broke a plagiarized rule handed down to you by the space nigger who destroyed Atlantis and killed everyone on Earth

Wow, the Rothschilds really are the chosen people! I can't wait for the New World Order where Yaldabaoth finally kills all the white people, loads all the planet's gold in his faggy spaceship and blows up the earth! :^)

>learn 2 code
I love how this "gloating" only works if you are an idiot who does not know how to properly use IT. That's your side not ours, we all know how to use computers and garbage disposals. We dont need to snapchat the mysteries of our kitchen sink, thanks for the lulz. Ready to loose again ?

>being this jewish

Attached: 1559145516020.jpg (1024x568, 50K)

take your meds schizo

Why do shills, after all this time, think they're going to change this place? If you haven't turned this place into yet another leftist hugbox, by now, you never will.

Imagine thinking "Nazis" still use the internet to communicate. In 2019 if you aren't analog and communicating with people in the movement irl, you are literally just larping

Censoring ideas doesn't make them go away.

Enjoy your debt slavery and perpetual reduction in living standards until a stronger, deadlier empire rises up and erases everything you were.

Armies cannot stop an idea whose time has come. No army can stop an idea whose time has come. Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo

Attached: Hugo.jpg (500x297, 23K)

unpersoning does not kill

You watched V for Vendetta too many times. Kill the people and burn their books.

Shhh. Dont tell them.

Attached: 952C8F81-02D4-44CA-9429-67DE88995599.jpg (612x405, 40K)

Come and get it jews.

Attached: 1542434752211.jpg (300x258, 13K)

How can you burn PDFs?

You think theyd learn after “defeating” the nazis 70 years ago. Lol.

Golly, are they stored on a physical medium or channeled via the astral plane? Fuck off, retard.

Thats a long way to say, "Cant"

OP is in for a bit of a surprise. Remember how smug you felt today, user. Remember it when you realize things have gone too far and there is no stopping it. Remember how you unironically thought some half-assed internet censorship was going to stop the future in its tracks. Most of all, remember how stupid you feel when the truth is no longer deniable, and carry it with you until we relieve you of your burden.

Liberals don't realize that all this just moves Trump closer and closer to getting re-elected.

“Lol, they can’t kill us all!”

Ya Ya and trump will,never win. You cucks tired of always losing?

Attached: fake_news.jpg (1320x988, 154K)

user, if bootlicking commies were capable of that level of foresight then they wouldn't be bootlicking commies.

>we banned Crowder, literally Hitler 2.0. there hasn't been a "nazi" march in years
these people are so dumb and brainwashed its useless even making fun of them. they dont think, they just regurgitate talking points pushed by their favorite jew commentator. thats why I know we will win, OP is probably one of their best thinkers

So do you. But your jew is a Zionist rather than a Bolshevik. What’s the difference having slightly different social policies if you’re still not sovereign?

lol, anarchos get the rope too

>jumps to anarchism in order to strawman
>i didn’t mean nation states
Found the cocksucking idiot shill.

>thinking you can stop it through censorship
Lol, the more you push the greater it grows.

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What exactly do you think happens to that many people when you ban or silence them? Do you think they just shrug their shoulders, go away and pick up fishing or something?

You just confirmed their worst suspicions and fears.

Seriously, are are you people fucking retarded?

All the people banned consider themselves truth tellers and are being innoculated for their new ideology. Censorship drives the extremism.

>thinking this can't be used against the left
That is cute, you are cute : v )

>no one gives a shit about small companies like gab or bitchute
Says increasingly nervous jew for the 11th time this year.

To be fair, the "alt right" was always balkanised, given that the only unifying element was "Quite sick of the mainstream media's bullshit".
If anything it's impressive that the fascists, the libertarians, and the devout catholics have managed to work together.

I am ok with this. I actually want scorched earth by now. I'm happy with going full Captain Ahab on your asses.

>not jewish
Sure smells like summer in this thread.

When has there ever been sovereign citizens?

In the digital age, it literally does. If ideas are not on social media, they don't exist, for all practical purposes.

So yeah.

These have to be bots. You correct one and another simply repeats the first one’s signal.

How do you know all this? This info wasn’t supposed to be leaked!

Yea, they sure had a hard time recruiting people to movements before the internet...

I guess we'll see what we'll see huh

We thrive off of conflict.

>Why do shills, after all this time, think they're going to change this place?
If they're doing this properly they have the one really fucking blatant anger trolling as a distraction while the actual idea-shaping happens more subtly.
You can change people's minds much more easily by encouraging them to keep doing what works for you and showing enjoyment to other people who are doing stuff you like. That's psych 101.
Trying to invoke anger and demoralise a group of people who are already pretty angry and are willing to take big risks isn't going to do anything more than draw their aggro, so I have to assume that's the intent.
The question then is, what gets encouraged, approved of and promoted on Jow Forums?

Problem with your argument: It's not "before the internet" anymore and digital natives do not and will not use other media than connected+electronic ones.

Why cant you just explain yourself then fagget instead of talking shit with every reply? Clearly you are to big brain nibba for this user

>>How can you burn PDFs?
I recommend Daemon Tools, or MagicISO if you're poor.

See, you aren't thinking this through. /ourpeople/ don't trust anything we see online, that's your people that do that

Rather obviously. Don't forget to remember. :)

Problem with your argument: Your people's numbers are so little (and still dwindling) that nobody cares and you are and will remain ineffective.

I wouldn’t piss in your face if someone draped a tire around your neck and set it off.

just say you dont have an argument and stop acting like a nigger. I honestly wanted to hear what you meant, but you just proved you are a fagget kike nigger

You say this because you are confident it will never happen to your side (and it probably will not), but if it does, I guarantee it you will be extremely livid and sad about it if everyone you read and talk to is deplatformed and your ideas considered verboten.

You’re the one asking me for something. Ask someone else.

I'm not a racist or anything and I think alot of pol are stupid but free speech is Important oh and no shit free speech on the internet is dying

again, you are wrong. I was a liberal progressive Hillary supported 3 years ago, now I would gas a fag in minecraft without skipping a beat. you jews pushed the agenda to hard to fast and woke up a large portion of the population... hence the heavy handed censorship. we know and you know we know and we know you are terrified, kike

I still don't understand what the hell is alt-right. If you want to destroy ideology, it's much better to put it somewhere public and debate it it death so people can see how misguided it is

How to create actual extremists 101.

We are only being shut down because we are the most dangerous to the central power. The elite will always protect themselves, you are no threat, ever. If you do somehow become a theat, you will be shut down too. You are not powerful, you do nothing.

>there are so few of you that entire parliaments in multiple countries devote time to shitting themselves in fear every time a white man so much as carries a tiki torch

Alt-right is just another liberal golem and a glaring example of Leftists inability to meme.

Alt-right was an umbrella term coined by the media to describe anyone right of the far left.

Just a golem. They didn't expect it to start vomiting forth stormtroopers. Oops.

My "alliance" with people who extoll the ideals of fascism extends only as far as their right to speak their stupidity publicly and uncensored. When the time comes, they go against the wall with all the other leftists and totalitarians.

truth, never met a single person that self identified as "alt right"

So are you a communist gloating over how your corporate masters are disenfranchising the white working class?

AltRight was the caricature of Jow Forums that media could publicly campaign against without drawing attention to source. If AR is an unironic part of your vocabulary then it’s clear you were never there to understand what was going on. This site was abandoned years ago and filled to the brim with fools and fraudsters.

Where did the "bad ideas" touch you? Man I really wish words were as "violent" as left claim, most wouldnt have lived to be adults. Almost forgot, KYS FAGGOT!

If you jews ever once lose control of the narrative for the rest of time, the next pogrom will be global and there will be nowhere you can run.

I already to you and yours to get lost. Take the hint.

told* Getting a call.

>kill and enslave all the indigenous peoples of earth for space nigger Yaldabaoth
>get BTFO and sent to Galactic Auschwitz for the destruction of Atlantis

Attached: jewlantis.png (949x546, 657K)

All according to plan.

t. Accelerationist

Accelerationists are dumb as shit. Their ideas won't work like they expect. Instead shit simply gets bad faster. There won't be a reaction to the shit like they hope.

Dammit straya. I shouldn't have laughed this hard.

Look at this sausage titted faggot using terms like "shambles", "lost" and "peril".

Imagine that you care this much about social media.

You ARE the problem, Hans.

Go for a walk. Fuck a bitch. Go DO something.

Attached: austrias-greatest-accomplishment-is-convincing-the-world-that-beethoven-was-austrian-and-hitler-was- (1680x1050, 947K)

t. Doesnt understand how language works

I’ll bet I understand it better than you.

>: you lost.
welp pack it up boys. it was her turn afterall

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>implying the (((alt-right))) existed before 2016

>In the digital age, it literally does.
it is exactly the opposite

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>LMAO literally just reinvent the fucking internet

This, the only reason they come after us is because we are the most dangerous to corporate and central power alike’s interests. You can’t sell white nationalism to hoards of subhumans coming into Europe and America every year. They will never let go until we pry their cold dead hands from our country... in Minecraft of course.