How do you respond the “it’s okay when we do it because we decided the person we’re attacking deserves it” argument?

How do you respond the “it’s okay when we do it because we decided the person we’re attacking deserves it” argument?
>inb4 Ben “Israel First” Shapiro
>inb4 literal who makes a Twitter post
The people posting these things don’t matter. This is just one illustration of the left’s justification for EVERYTHING they are doing.
What is this type of manipulative, dishonest logic even called? Does the left know that this is an invalid argument and they are just evil and trying to manipulate you? Or are they actually mentally retarded and don’t possess the ability to actually critique their own arguments to make sure they’re logically sound?

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all niggers must perish

I’d take a country full of niggers who just live off my tax dollars and mind their own business over these pilpul slinging cunts any day of the week desu

It's not a dichotomy of "up vs down", it's just punching laterally at [not your demographic]

But they would argue that “white men” have all the power and are punching down simply by virtue of being white. Which is ironically something a white supremacist would believe

False dichotomy

What is?

Demonetizing neocon zionists is a good thing for once

Purity spirals are why the left hasn’t already taken control. We can deal with neocon Zionist shills after we deal with the marxists who want to kill whitey

That's pretty based Ben
enjoy the future

>neocon warmonger zionist bad
>purity spiral

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Discord tranny kill yourself. We all know you’re trying to AstroTurf infighting because you’re scared of the right uniting against you

>dislike micro man benji?
>youre a tranny shill astroturfer
I thought purity spirals were bad

Free speech cannot exist under a monopoly.
The fake controversy and resulting mass deletions are a retaliation against Trump's antitrust talks regarding social media.
Fuck YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Silicon Valley, sanctuary states, niggers, and jannies.

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I don't like Been Shapiro

>"punching up"
Does this mean I just got the license to harass niggers because theres only 5 million finns in the world and 10 million niggers in the US alone?

Hey faggot, you’re not even addressing the original post. I specifically said the fact that Ben Shapiro is a neocon kike shill and that it was irrelevant to the conversation. Yet here you are, focusing on Ben Shapiro and using it to derail the discussion.

there is 30 million niggers in the usa.

I addressed the OP and said I dont like ben, now you can suck on my nuts desu senpai.

Crowder is literally punching up. Why has his channel lost the ability to monetize content?

Crowder is a child actor paid by glen beck and a saudi prince

>How do you respond the “it’s okay when we do it because we decided the person we’re attacking deserves it” argument?
the "punch up;punch down" argument is retarded because it presumes an argument of political pressure to be upmost importance.
essentially it prevents anyone from dissenting against the faction, thereby destroying the very self autonomy of people who DO dissent against the faction.
They chew up, spit out anyone who disagrees with them (even within their own faction), because the only thing that matters to them is to have the most political pressure available. The only way to do that, to them, is to prevent any form of dissent - any form of criticism. but if they do that, they by necessity have to treat others as a means to their own political ends, rather than an ends in themselves.
I.e. in an effort to "punch up" they would, by necessity, have to punch down. Q.E.D.

In other words, they marginalize those within their own faction to uphold the political pressure against another faction. It's identity politics and it leads to witch hunts. You are not allowed to dissent against the perceived authority figure.
They're NPC's in a political war machine.

>punching up is different than punching down
no its no
its still punching
something even 10 y/o understand

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There is no response. All you can do is redpill people on critical theory and cultural Marxism (focusing on the ideas, not that Jews are behind it) before they become enculturated into it. This is pure power politics, there is no room for arguments here.

also words are not acts of violence.

I go for the Shapiro is a dumb cunt option

>it's ok when we do it
is the entirety of the left's argument and the 'right wing' people in power do nothing about it

>b-but reddit told me he was being funded by people who oppose socialism
xir pls

wow hon I'm not even going to attempt to unpack this for you but I will say you're clearly on the wrong side of history and really need to start disavowing Trump

Ask that loser if the holocaust happened, watch him spread his lies like all his posts.

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When has left punched up?

>screenshot of twatter
>eceleb vs literally who
this is the end of 4chin, thanks to you kike

they don't believe in truth so they get to define up and down arbitrarily
that's the whole point, they are (to themselves), incapable of "punching down"

>standard no point only shame npc response
it looks like its got touched by downey

these aren't serious people. they just argue to reach the ends they want

LwC is smaller than Vox
Crowder is punching up too

>they get to define up and down arbitrarily
you're close.
they view themselves as the arbiters of "truth", so by necessity, you MUST listen to them.
you MUST obey.
as the lispy queer said, they are the gatekeepers of truth.

Was it punching up when they doxxed and harassed that forklift operator who made the drunk Pelosi meme video?

Or maybe it was punching up when celebrity leftists threatened and harassed a teenager over a smirk.

properly, it's called power
trespass seeking behavior begets license - that you aren't allowed to seek trespass against them is just a common sense protection, obviously the left doesn't want to be treated the way they treat others

the problem with these sorts of conversations is that you're never dealing with the SAME person, like that "robogreen" guy that responds to Ben, you could make the perfect counter-argument, but then some other random liberal appears and makes some other random point.

You can't have good-faith mind-changing discussions when the players are interchangeable, which is why group-think and echo chambers have become so predominant online.

As far as I can tell there's no way to solve it either. There's no accountability. If you make a claim online and you're wrong, nothing happens. You might as well just shout at a wall, you'll achieve the same result.

>There's no accountability.
this is another problem with the "we live in a society" argument. It robs people of their own ability to be responsible for their own actions, so they divert all the responsibility of bad actions to "the society." they become not responsible, so they grant themselves license to do whatever they wish and the downward spiral begins.
It's why government handouts rob people of their self - the government makes decisions for you. it crowds out private charities, and helping others, because you don't think you're responsible; the government is.

it's why enthusiastic male feminists are always really fucking creepy. they are not in charge of their own actions, the society is. so it gives them an excuse for their fucking creepiness.

Try posting “sage” in response.

This fag got rationed. He also doesn’t shut up.

getting google to punch for you isn't exactly punching up.

>How do you respond the “it’s okay when we do it because we decided the person we’re attacking deserves it” argument?
The underlying assumption is that these people are part of your in-group and that you have a disagreement on method and not outcome. The truth is that they are part of the outgroup, and the disagreement is on outcome, which means that there can be no reconciliation, only submission or victory.

It's a non argument, if someone uses that argument to your face just punch them and say they groped your dick

Social media needs to die, I'd sacrifice Jow Forums if it meant taking all the others down with it.

What incredible logic by Mr (((GREEN))).

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Responds but with a different ID, is there something we should know user?

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That im on a phone

Crowder was punching up, how retarded is robogreen

no one is punching anyone, you mong, crowder was just challenging a representative authority.

The sooner you guys understand that these are demented commies only looking for absolute power nomatter the cost, the sooner you would be able to solve this problem.

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