California is a bust

That copy/pasta making the rounds of living in a big city? Dead on.

LA born and raised, live in SF.
I want out of California.
Not an issue of cost of living, but the environment has worn on me.
My car was broken into for the 3rd time in 4 weeks.
There are random spots of smeared human shit in the sidewalks.
Even when I park my car at the lot at work, it gets broken into.

There was a day where I woke up, found my car ransacked, drove to work, and at the end of the workday found my car ransacked again.

It’s not a meme.

I have a job interview in an hour for a gig in Atlanta, GA.

I am also in talks with companies in Seattle, Texas, and Bend, OR.

I’m going to take the first offer and bounce.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>just moved to San Francisco
>did some vandalism last night

Feels good man.

What's your profession user? I'm in a similar situation, just graduated from UCLA and spent my whole life in this city, and to be frank I don't know the faintest thing about job hunting elsewhere...

Kinda just wanna move somewhere White and not riddled with homeless.

No no no!
That's YOUR shit hole, you have to stay.
Californians are like fucking locus. They destroy things and then move on and destroy somewhere else.

Never thought hobos posted on Jow Forums

atlanta wont help you user its full of nogs as well

lock your car you fucking idiot

you'd have to be retarded to want to leave SF for these reasons only to move to Seattle

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I live in Fremont and it's pretty safe. Never been robbed, mugged, or had my vehicle burglarized.

Software development.

To be more precise, creative leaning, while tinkering with design and partnering with engineering and data stakeholders.

I do, doesn’t matter.
A decoder exists that enables them to unlock cars.

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