What happens after you win a race war?

What happens after you win a race war?

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You begin the class war

but jews are already dead

Social eugenics and class disparity breeds new races over time. Just look at the caste system in india. There are many shades of poo

yurop has never had a caste system though retard

Well, now thats what I call the Final Solution

There’s always going to be someone else to blame, first jews and other minorities, then Slavs, after the ones considered uglier, dumber and shorter

I dont believe that. Im pretty sure in a jewless, or specifically Semite free world shit would be pretty peaceful


A golden age of technology and space exploration

Perma ban on niggers, and free healthcare/care but after sterilizing people to make it cost less because whites arent retarded

Manifest destiny our way into the galaxy, and start a new race war with space niggers

Probably this
The eternal struggle will never end.

If you want heaven on this earth, you will have hell. We will not win, but we must fight to postpone the fall for our future generations. While fighting, do not forget to seek a higher truth (God). Satan will triumph on this earth for a while but God will triumph over all eternally

You forgive all debts and start adhering to the fundamental books once again!

Go to the stars and genocide aliens next. Literally become the Imperium of Man.

You can't win the race war, it started 3.5 billion years ago and will only end when all life on this planet is gone. You can only lose.


We relax and watch the sun set on a grateful world.

We expand.

We go after women

this would probably happen, state always needs an enemy to control its citizens

>race war
>Ever ending

We destroy americans.

We start killing eachother.

Sure nigger


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>what is the first world war or East Asia

back to infighting over lost clay I guess

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that picture is so powerful for some reason.

Usually that's when I wake up

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space conquest

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>implying wh*Teoids have any chance of winning

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End to the turmoil and begin the reign of 10,000 years of peace as per ancient scripture

Race war ---> Ayy Lmaos --> Space War

came to post this lol


The class war is run by jews though

wholesome gif

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Mind over matter, nigger

Yeah, it's not like Christians were slaughtering each other over minor nuances in belief, or there were wars on other regions. It's all the joos

we go into space

A caste system among a homogenous race is stupid. Too much effort to tel everyone apart.

Star Trek

Before a race war begins, those that look like us, that are traitors from within, must be offed before a race war begins.

>implying there won't be a ton of *former* race traitors to deal with
Like freemasons, evangelicals. and other philosemites

>Implying Israel should be left to stand
>Implying we aren't going on a European tour de force and freeing the anglosphere, and making Rhodesia real again

Implying jews weren't heavily involved in both (not including china's civil wars and constant dynasty shifts, that's human nature)

I'm glad I'm not the only one

We're at the point now where the other races are going to be a threat, jews or not. That's not something we can turn a blind eye to.

>Like freemasons, evangelicals. and other philosemites
user, I...

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Yo have Utopia for 30 Years and then ppl get
too lazy and degeneracy begins

Embrace eternal struggle


You start cleaning your race. No commies, leftist, progressives or degenerates

just like in LotR (the new shadow), men will become too week

That would be dependent on if the white world is united or not afterwards. A united white world would be able to shut off the rest easily, only deal with select east asians like Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea - curb outside influence, stop social regression, etc

shit *weak

Rip Jow Forumsacks

>that pic

Humanity has been struggling under these name shifting cults which are essentially the same since ancient times.
If we truly want to feel peace and be free, we need to break the bonds.
And shit posting on 4chinzs isn't the hammer to break them.

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t. beta cuck

God I feel so fucking shit now


>what do we do now?
What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game.

Expend 90% of the nuclear arsenals of Russia, US, France and UK on Africa, Israel, the Middle East, and South America, have plenty left over to keep china contained as it starves out having lost its economy because a united white world realizes China is a bad faith actor full of bugmen

Don't become this necessary evil bullshit they fed you.
Be righteous, valorous, good and full of reason
>inb4 definition of good

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I finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe

With Eugenics, 95% of Jow Forums will be gone.

Do you even know what Christianity is you fucking retard? Literally the entire bible plays out in Israel fucktard.

You clearly haven't played enough Dawn of War, my guy. Obvoously i want reaon and such. But once the nationalists win (and we have to, or humanity will fall into utter destruction) we'll just be the imperium of man

eugenics means very little without specifying actual policy

War is reason, conquest is reason, stalemate is death, march ever forward

It's not about destruction of all non-whites, user

The absolute state of the blue pilled secular race war (((meme))).
The true war you should all be focusing on is that between the Antichrist/Dajjal and our true Messiah. They are coming whether you like it or not.

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Ya but you know it isn't JUST jews who are causing this ya? Sure there are MANY jews up there but what about the non-jews who are at the top of the bell-curve and are amongst the jews? The problem of the elite is not one of ethnicity but of individuals. Unlike the issue of crime and social decay where it is large parts of groups causing it, elites is not an issue you can group to one ethnicity.

If you removed all jews. you would still have oligarcs, you just removed some.

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An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded

Pretty sure without Jews, it would be easier to kill off the rest of the scum. Don't you agree?

Well the difference is if we remove the foreign oligarchs, the only ones left are more likely to have the same interests. Jews are a foreign entity and drive the elite to have and put foreign interests first. Without that, at least the ship of state is more concerned with the state itself

after race war probably africa
after africa china and whole arabic country countries gonna be our enemy
after kill them we gonna focus on india or something
then we gonna war slavs vs west
after this idk maybe we have to let alive a few milions of niggers so they can reproduce and after 20 years we can again kill them

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Sorry don't play Vidya, waste of time imo.
But an actual united World would be nice without gloabal shilling and fucking and mixing cultures.
Like some Alliance in case real outer shit went down.

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Empire building, thousand years of peace and prosperity

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Things balance themselfes
You cant have eternal utopia the problem there
lies in peoples minds and ther talent to fuck up working systems by being manipulated by certain ideology . (Not saying that working systems are good butt they need to be approached carefully and change needs to develop slowly so that the best result can be achieved) and not end in catastrophe

If Whites win, they rebuild.
If niggers win, they turn their home into a toilet.

If anyone else wins... we don't know yet. I'm betting on the Chinese colonizing Africa.

invent new races, have a new race war.

I have always found myself to behave exactly like this and despise every e celeb acting anything but themselves

Establish strict borders and immigration policies based on ethnicity, and build up your army while establishing close ties with the enlightened world.

Never bend when the globalists want you to become a minority and subject yourself to barbarians.

You argue about whether or not Italians are white.

And floppies

We divide up into regional language groups and fight to the last tribe, Dumbfuck. Try to keep up, this shit isn't hard.

But the issue of the elites are not a jewish problem, while a good number of jews are elites and are in MUCH HIGHER proportions of population, remember that 90% of every group are lemmings. To put it simply not all jews are elites, there are much fewer elites than the entire jewish population. If one were to only target the elites than the jewish problem should stop as the "head" of it all has been stopped.

It's counter productive to try and kill 14-20 million people or you could just 10,000 or less and actually solve the problem of the elites 100%.

I mean if we killed all white men would we solve the liberal and cuck problem? If we killed all germans would they stop voting for the green party? When it comes to actually solving the problem, it's more productive to go after the individuals who are actually doing this shit.

Now this is different from say the issue of blacks and arabs in western society as they mostly don't contribute and tend to send any city into hell and decay. That is an issue which relates to all niggers and even the ones in the upper parts of the bell curve are effected by this. However in terms of those who are calling the shots, that issue comes down to individuals.

Remember, 90% of every population are lemmings, there's no point in doing anything with lemmings, they just go with the flow. Just make sure they are confortable and tell them they will be alright. Lemmings won't know any better.

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You begin the cleansing. The good news is you can start that as soon as you have a government even before the nigger army steamrolls you.

Go on living FREE

>It's all the joos
Why not both?

Without the jews the racial and other collectivist wars disappear. When that happens any elite pulling shit are visible to all so they stop pulling shit.