Why do Americans want to ban immigration when they are all immigrants? Plus, they genocided the native population

Why do Americans want to ban immigration when they are all immigrants? Plus, they genocided the native population.
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not immigration in general, just non-white immigration.

You can't immigrate somewhere that isn't a country.

White is not a definite definition. Italians and Irish were not white, for example. >Australian education

Why do pakis hate Indians when you’re both the same thing, why can’t you just share the shitting streets

An autistic memeflag? Colour me surprised.

Conservatives want to crack down on illegal immigration and retain a strong immigration policy.
Liberals think borders should not exist whatsoever and want to import everyone and their dog because they somehow believe America can support them all without issue.

I just had sex for the first time in 6 years. I ejaculated inside of a vaginana and, right now, I couldn't care less about immigration. I just want people to feel as content as I do right now.

there was no US of A before europeans built it, you moron. why should white people accept anyone else than their own kind?

bullshit lawyer jargon.
There is a difference between an immigrant, a conquerer, and an invader.
As a mudslime, you are an invader. A person seeking to live and work in a country is an immigrant, and white people taking over the Americas are conquerors.
Sad, all that claim to Islamic philosophy, and you trip up on the simple things.

Nothing you say is true.

hey bong, why not take off your meme flag?

>muh immigrants

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Dont want to become a 3rd world shithole.

it might actually be better to keep the Irish out because they have a tendency to swing left.

we didnt genocide the indians

But muslims all are hardworkers and one of the richest communities (Egyptians, Lebanese etc). Richer than White Americans. You are just being racist.
Also, a reminder that USA is a melting polt of cultures, a country built by immigrants, thus stopping or being anti-migration is just retarded.

Congrats user.

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>Built by whites


without our knowledge and tech. you sand niggers would even know that you have oil, how to foster, or what to do with it.

sandnigger doesn't understand how different worldviews collide and break societies appart.

Ah yes, the white man who worked non-stop just like a slave built America, amirght??

Pocket pussy doesn't count.

so you way of thought is that iPhone couldn't have been built without the chinese? gosh, this level retardation is amazing.

Immigrants adopt their host culture, muslims try to establish colonies. Of course, they do it like cowards, claiming they're seeking asylum from sectarian violence and war. At least we had the balls to openly go to war with with natives, you dickless semites beg for mercy and then use our compassion against us.

What the fuck are you about
Source: whitenationalism.com

The natives were savages, i bet you believe the were some peace loving hippie type. This is known as the noble savage forgetting what they were like. Just because my ancestorys immigrated here doesn't mean we have to accept millions of foreigners to invade. Yes they are invading because they aren't integrating.

this is called analogy, dumb fuck

Too late for that m8.

The "natives" weren't actual natives.

President Andrew Jackson’s parents were fucking Irish. There was never a time Italians or Irish were considered “non-white”. They were discriminated against for resisting against the standard Anglo-Saxton culture with there being such an abundance of them.

Cause they are all immigrants who genocided all the natives, so they know firsthand, more than anyone, why immigrants come to new countries and what they intend to do, you stupid shitfuck

Not an argument. You know its true, you're a bunch of feckless cowards. Our military could piss through all muslim countries simultaneously if we were intent on it. So you dress wearing boyfuckers pretend to be civilians until you attack unarmed liberals. Ironically the ones most intent on helping you. Great strategy. You have no honor.

Immigration is only good when white people do it.


Savages or not, still their land.

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Except that America has (nearly) no natives now, everyone is an immigrant, its a country for immigrants built by immigrants.
Okay, I understand, you're just a racist. Have a good day.

we had extremely strict quotas on who could come from where so if we're this worried about keeping tradition why isn't that also included

Because in the 21st century racism is not okay.

Muslim isn't a race, you retard. It's an ideology that needs to be wiped off the face of the planet.

>Plus, they genocided the native population.
>The Truth About The Native American Genocide

The vast majority of natives died due to their lack of immunity towards old world diseases. The introductory of these diseases was unavoidable.

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>Italians and Irish were not white
Not true.

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I'm not an immigrant nigger, I was born here.

Because open borders brings nothing but criminals and drains the system

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Because we genocided the native population

>Italians and Irish were not white
They still aren't?

Show flag.

How about you?

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I'm not the one trying to D&C Jow Forums

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