Most of close friends are black, can i still be a white nationalist?

most of close friends are black, can i still be a white nationalist?

Attached: hh.jpg (1200x900, 200K)

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you can always buy a passport and visit them after they leave


No you can go with them to Liberia.

Attached: 8FBF4306-5188-4803-BB20-0F0958EBC86C.png (640x480, 447K)

Nope whiggers hang, people who listen to rap hang, people who talk like niggars hang!

Attached: Enough.png (1200x885, 480K)

Bones is cool. Xavier and eddy. Im not sure who the guy in red is.

You gotta admit this sounds sick. Like rap and metal mixed together.

That is complete garbage. Maybe Jow Forums isnt the place for you, maybe try plebit.

Attached: White Nationalism.png (1920x960, 43K)

lol dude ok. so whos fighting for you? shirt and tie baby boy republican, polo tucked, khaki wearing faggots? who get fucking rekt? fuck you man. youre going to want to pull people from all walks of life to convert you xenophobic fucking sperg.

Bitch. You don't know me. Im posting songs the dude in OPs picture made. You don't know what the fuck i listen to.

You're american, you aren't white and therefore cannot be a white nationalist

BONE$ loves his skin color, describes it white like lightning. He's not a cuck or a junkie.

Quality post.

Of course, red pill them on the jq. It's never been about anti-[insert race], it's always just been pro-white or the right of whites to have an ethnostate like everyone else. Just look at zionism. It's literal jewish supremacism, whites aren't out to be as extreme as jews against goyim, we just want to be able to identify racially and collectively act in their own interests without ad-hom attacks that don't represent arguments. If you aren't trolling the blacks you hang out with are probably on the high end of the bell curve or probably mulattos, and certainly understand racial consciousness. Just show them who the agitators are, what they do and have done, and why. Show them they have been used as political pawns against white society.

You can advocate for an ethnostate and believe that races do better apart, whilst still respecting other races. It's not about hate, it's about people having their own space. The media is full of shit.

None of your friends are black, idiot.

Yes. Don't you want your black friends to have their own nations, too? It's just nationalism.

Jow Forums is literally all about hate.

How will YOU get them to leave?

Pol is about what works the best. Clearly multiethnic societies don't work the best, they just end up fracturing due to ingroup preferences that all races have. Other ethnic groups don't come to the US because it's multicultural, they come because it's economically better for them. If you ask an Indian if he would rather see all of America turn Indian, but have the economic situation stay the same, they would do it in a second.

It's why when you look at race on maps in every city, you see everyone divided into ethnic enclaves.

Im saying Jow Forums says “fuck niggers, spics and kikes” but never proposes a solution to the problem besides genocide which isn't realistic.

I'm black and most of my childhood friends are white, we're all pretty redpilled and see eachother as actual brothers

Don't take this site so seriously OP