Why did we turn on him

why did we turn on him

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who's we? he's the only good candidate next election from either party so of course he's gonna win again. aside from shillng for israel which every candidate does

he turned against everyone by siding with kikes and not building the wall

Ya. If i could vote in the USA, I'd be voting for Trump. No homo, the guy has done some good shit. God must have a plan for him because the world is fighting against him so hard. The Zion Don moniker is good though.

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>not building the wall
Yeah congressional obstruction at every turn has nothing to do with any of that or anything.
Bet if Obama wanted to build a wall we'd already have it.
Our government is acting like children basically. Trump has nothing to do with it.

Andrew Yang>Zion (((Don))) sucka.

Im so glad those dumb fucking threads are gone

fuck off tranny, sage

>Forced shill meme
>1 post by this ID
>Contrary opinion presented as consensus opinion
>Jow Forums is one person
Shill starter pack

We didn’t, fag. Unless you present a better choice, we aren’t changing.

Jow Forums didn't "turn". The /nupol/ faggots from t_d just got tired of all the "antisemetism" and returned to where they came from. What you are beginning to see is pre-2016 Jow Forums

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I can't wait

>If Obama wanted to build a wall

He did, and everyone loved it. Trump wanted to finish it and improve on the standing progress and now it's racist. He just needs the funding, but you already covered the problem there.

>commie flag
Obvious bait is obvious. I'll bite though. The only reason Trump would actually do anything the real conservatives/base wants is if they're not 100% on board. If they blindly vote for him no matter what, the smart play on a re election standpoint is to shift to the middle and pick up more people there. People are starting to realize this and are putting his feet to the fire in hopes that he'll actually listen and do something. Not sure if it'll work, but it's better than blindly praising him.

Also, making Trump out as a moderate figure that's too left for the real right helps to shift the boomers who otherwise believe whatever Fox News tells them. Building a wall and cutting off immigration went from fringe pre-Trump to mainstream for most conservatives.

get a better meme you goddamn shills.

he turned on us, commie

imagine being this emotionally attached to a politician...

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>Imagine being this attached to a low quality forced meme
At least make it 480p, this is current year

Holy fuck, based leafs.

Conned his voters by promising lots of shit that sounded good but decided that it was more important to fulfill jewish promises.

Nothing personal.

Provide an alternative

ive mostly stayed off of here since 2016, only coming back if there is a big happening.

Hopefully it can return to its former glory

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Trump is a fucking kike he refused to un-fuck the internet with the increase censorship with all the social media cancer and youtube. Trump has nobody to blame but himself for fucking over the platform and people that got him there in the first place, and basically did all the work for free for him.

Accelerationism it is, might as well meme the collapse into reality.

Israels second president

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Also, if you retards get baited in 2020 for "muh free speech on interwebs" you just got kike'd

peace i'm out

Because he was so mean to /ourguy/ jeb!

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We should focus on getting Tulsi Gabbard into the debates. Biden is a joke, and it looks like that's who the establishment is betting on this time around.

>why did we turn on him
no one did....he actually has turned more liberals to his side than what youre saying.

seeth harder kid

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>tulsi shills

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Oh noes!

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Did someone say Tulsi?

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Oh, Tulsi...

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I have no idea what any of that is. Tulsi needs more exposure though.

>You must stay within our jewish system, goy. Vote for the least worst option.
I see gas and ovens in your near future, kike.

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>Liberal woman with shit policies needs more exposure
Rather, she needs more sparkle to fill the gaping holes in her complexion. Maybe she’ll get some the next time she speaks at at pro-Israel event.

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>why did we turn on him
>implying you turned
>implying you shut understand yourself
>meme flag
Fucking Kike shill

>reveal all politicians are Israel puppets
>get called a kike for it
>you can’t present us an option for a non-kiked President option
>you get mad that we still vote for the least evil
>you REEEEEEEEE in pain
Too many retards on Jow Forums these days, I see. Unless we nuke Israel, you have no real choice, stop pretending there’s anything else and at least be honest.

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>You must vote
>You must stay within our jewish system
>What do you mean I’m a kike? Nah, you’re just retarded.

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Based. Most people on Jow Forums just came to circlejerk the same tired old memes. It's like no one wants to have an honest conversation.

Because he turned on us.
I hope he realizes he is in the wrong and changes step instead of spiraling out of control to spite his base.
What a fucking dickhead motherfucker.

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>Voting is a Jewish system
>Choosing the lesser of two evils is dumb so do what I'm doing and don't vote
You give Jews too much credit. Nice try shill, but not voting is exactly how we'll get terrible people into office like AoC.

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>why did we turn on him

WE didn't. (You) have semen gushing out of your ass.

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I like him as a person. He clearly has a lot of love for Britain, and even besides that, the guy is funny, witty, and likeable in almost every sense.
That said, he has cucked out on a lot of his promises so I can no longer stand by him politically in good conscience. I still hope he wins 2020 though.

the sooner it burns down the better
im getting old

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But seriously, If both candidates are bad is not voting really the "avoiding shit" option? By not voting you're still choosing a candidate. AoC won even though she only got like 15k votes in her district with more than a million people living there.

We didn’t. A majority of the posters against him are paid shills who all say the exact same shit. The rest are a small but vocal minority, this board as a whole is still solidly pro-Trump

Because he is an Israeli faggot with no plan to shoot migrants.

i dont vote simply because i know "the lesser of two evils" is horseshit. the agenda will continue no matter what shithead is in the whitehouse. if anything people should vote for LOCAL elections. those might actually have an effect on something

> If only the voting public was like 66% white nationalist.

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He turned on us.

>Shill starter pack

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Give me a hard core nationalistic candidate and I vote for him, the only options right now are, more taxes and vaginas


He is talking about banning silencers

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>leafs have boarded the ship
>abandon immediately

Are you retarded?

kys shill pol will die for Trump

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>le trunpf is against you dont vote goy
Ok who should we vote for?
>oy vey just dont vote stay home
Every fucking time


He's pro gun control and worst a Israeli shill.

>commie memeflag
>1 post by this (((ID)))