Am I the only one that thinks this background looks fake?

Am I the only one that thinks this background looks fake?

Attached: owenbenjamin.png (619x347, 523K)

Leave the city sometime u nigger

It’s just smoky so the camera is more blurry in the back, sorta looks like a jpg but no it’s real. To much detail

how does this retard make money

A dark outline which might be a chroma-keying imperfection, especially noticeable around his ears and hands.

Now I can't unsee it!

It's more noticeable at certain points while watching the video.

>huurrr fuck jeebus hes a kike
The mental gymnastics of Jow Forumsacks who wish to be white everyone.

>identify a mentally unstable demographic
>adopt their vocabulary
>post video on internet

Don't even know what you're trying to say here mutt

autistic post

On the side of it not being a fake background, though, the lighting is changing on him too, when clouds make the background's lighting change.

That could be faked with good timing to match his lighting to the background changes, or maybe even by using some sort of 360 degree surround video that lights him in sync with the video background, but those would take a lot more work - maybe professional production help.

Looks like enumclaw to me. Did you know they fuck horses in the town he moved to?

damn he went in deep
im glad that my initial redpill days were before social media really took off
there is no video evidence of me sperging out trying to tell people lmao

Post bitchute links

>judges people for not being successful
>flexes about his "perfect family" as well as all the pussy he got as a celebrity
>will not shut the fuck up ever
>talks confidently about shit he hasn't even begun to try to understand
>pushes same shit other celebrity shills push

He seems pretty legit to me. He got banned from PayPal and gets monetary donations in the mail. I don't see him "pushing same shit other celebrity shills push."

Yes, you are the only one retard

how long before he turns on Vox "Teddy Spaghetti" Day?

Owen would make 100x more if he just shut up and stayed apolitical.

Anyone who thinks hes a shill is retarded.

The guy literally played gigs at the O2

and then he realized that the real money is in advertisement not performance.

project blue beans


Learn english you dirty spic

This post is fake. OP is a deep shill, from the ultra-deep globostate. He's an AI, you can tell, it's always a German flag and they put codes in the ID.

Nah, the bear is a dead giveaway


Attached: Post Bitchute Faggot.png (1728x2304, 620K)