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Other urls found in this thread:


>youtube link

lol I ain't clicking that shit nigger. You want me to watch it download the video and upload it to bitchute.

Christianity is the new trendy thing. Roosh, this guy and others are the first of many to follow.

Its not just about "trends" though

Computing Forever made a pretty big testimony as to why he believes Christianity to be the truth

>another angry white male has been successfully de-radicalized
>now he will spend his days posting about women in yoga pants and the fact that the problem of the west isn't that we're being flooded by non-Europeans but that we're not Christians
Christianity wins again. I'll be the first to admit you Christians are running quite the subversion racket and it's working wonderfully.

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cope, kike

He already has a bitchute you mongoloid

Well it is a trend, a cultural, collectively evolving trend. Just because he has constructed a strong foundation for his faith doesn't mean that he is not flowing with the current zeitgeist. Take for example how he lays the foundation for his journey by talking about red- and blackpills. His path is one that many are following at the moment. I'm not saying that it is a bad or a good thing, just an observation. The normies will soon follow.

Ortho or gtfo

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I agree but its not the type of "trend" people follow because its "cool". He started to follow Christ because he now believes it to be the truth. And even though following the truth have now started to become a "trend" its still important to realize hes not following it because its become "cool", but because he genuinely belives it to be the truth of the universe

Catho or gtfo

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fuck youtube, what are you some kind of jew



Fuck sake, there is so many problems in dear aul Ireland that he could be addressing for us with his platform but all he talks about is American shite

the bible is fake news

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The white man must return to Jesus Christ. Only then will you be empowered to burn degenerates at the stake like your ancestors and retake your countries.


The New Atheist Trajectory:
>worship Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris
>joyfully take part in tearing down the last remnants of Christianity in the West
>slowly begin to realize what will probably fill the void left in it's place
>oh shit.jpeg

The sheep are being separated from the goats.

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use youtube-dl or mpsyt

Good for him. Hopefully he can find a redheaded qt to mate with rather than that dumb con whore based mama.

Heaven is rejoicing.

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It's like the reverse of those before and after pics of girls before they become pozzed at college

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I like computing forever, and I'm happy for him that he found faith.

Take note though, that he doesn't screech about Pagans for the 50th time today like the rest of your Christcucks. There is a difference between a red pilled christian and a seething christcuck.

>that he doesn't screech about Pagans for the 50th time today like the rest of your Christcucks
Top kek. I've never even met a real pagan irl. The only place you find pagans is on places like Jow Forums and they are always seething.

Fuck dude, I'm agnostic, but that video hit me right in the fucking soul.
I get it, he's absolutely right.
The fact that he's right scares me even more, because I see the godless nature of the West.
God help my people, please.
For fuck sake, we gotta rise up lads, we gotta organize.
Not like Charlottesville, but like a fucking Church.
Fuck, I need a cigarette now.

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Take the Christpill, brother

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>another weak female cannot handle nihilism so settles for the first religion that crops up.

She could easily be Hindu if some Pajeet got to her first.

Based , Orthodoxy is the Endboss of the NWO

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Traditional , Dogmatic Christianity is the new Counterculture and there nothing (((you))) pagancucka can so about it

>Reeeeeee CHRIST
Ah that satanic swedeshill again

The darkness fears the light, repent

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We gottem on the run now boys

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Christianity was the counterculture 2000 years ago, when it rebelled against Paganism, it doesn't get to be the counterculture after its already had its turn at dominance.

It makes more sense if Paganism was the counterculture.

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>"And you shall seek me, and find me when you search for me with all your heart."
Jesus H. Christ

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you're just a faggot kike

>Spring: Tribal Paganism
>Summer: National Paganism
>Fall: Traditional Christianity
>Winter: Liberal Christianity / Atheism

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Kneel and speak more, ionian.

The true Dorian spirit rejects the "word".

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literally who

the word is the Logos, nothing true exist outside of it

Stop linking Youtube, faggot.

give it a rest with this pagan meme which died in 2016 dude.. jesus, its almost sad to watch people still linger on to this dead meme.

Watch the video and perhaps youll change your mind, maybe youll even stop being blackpilled

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implying the fall of Europe, every single time, is not caused by germanics

why are the evils of germanics blamed on Christianity? How has Christianity ruined Georgia, Armenia, Ethiopia?

christianity is not a trend. its for ever.

>carry on

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he now wears a headscarf?

>judge a tree by its fruit

I implore every user to read the following book:
Warnings From The Other World

So fuck your Pre-Christian ancestors right? The only ancestors that matter are the ones from 2000 years ago, but fuck the ones that came before them right?

I am a Pagan because i cannot lie to myself and deny the entire history of my ancestry simply because 2000 years ago my people were subverted by Christianity.

Its not about being "blackpilled" its about being fucking consistent with ancestral respect.

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Leave Sven

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why are you living in foreign soil then?

eh? how does it dishonor them? they converted to Christ.

A fall is necessary to destroy stagnating order, that thinks itself above nature by wanting to conquer the whole fucking world and never allow for any other competition to occur.

No other animal does this, outside their respective environments. Romans should have stayed in Southern Europe, where they belonged.

The Spartans were never as Imperialistic.

Or, he could join the winning team.

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Heill Óðinn, sæll Óðinn!

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You as a Greek shouldn't allow the Christians to subvert the Greek pagan concept of Logos into just muh Jesus.

No, you need a Saviour.

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Maybe because Christianity let in foreigners to my land, and my ancestors looking to survive had to go to more vacant spaces, free of their dominion.

why aren't you living in Sparta you tard?

Reality is both Order and Chaos, not just Order.

Based Indo

Spartans look like weak pussies if you ask me.
Abandoning blood soil? I'd rather have death.


We'll get there user. You're on the right path now.

A reminder to all Pagans to

1. Stop fucking eating
2. Take a shower

who said "fuck my pre-christian ancestors"?
Because I dont share their religion? my norwegian ancestors converted to christianity by free will, by simple missionary missions from Benedictine monks. Not because some foreign army invaded and forced my people to believe in it. And thats a major difference. Not only that, but my entire country was built by Christians. Christianity united my country so we finally stopped raiding and killing each other en masse. Before Christianity it was literally more common to die in some worthless tribe war than it was to even settle down with a fucking family.
And youre literally an american, your entire country was built by Christians. so what the fuck are you even talking about regarding "honoring ancestors"?

>because I see the godless nature of the West.
i was on the phone to my sister whilst travelling on a bus, and said this was a godless nation and you can see and feel it, its lost. some woman turned round and gave me a dirty look and was staring at me. i carried on talking, explaining why and i think she understood my words. a nation without god is a nightmare, and you only have to look around yourself to see it. probably wouldnt of been so obvious to her if we were not in a city, but she knew what i meant. she witnessed the change, and finally the words i spoke put it into perspective

Christianity was the shield and sword of Europe, then. It will continue to be Europe's last hope.
Try harder, Mordechai.

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Christianity isn't far off from reality, it is just that Jesus is not the messiah, and that prayer to God is done through action, not sitting still doing nothing.

Pagans idolize what they don’t understand. Norse Paganism led to an endless cycle of violence, raiding, revenge, and greed

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>I am a Pagan because i cannot lie to myself and deny the entire history of my ancestry simply because 2000 years ago my people were subverted by Christianity.
implying you have any idea of your ancestry, mutt. top fucking kek, paganlarper

ICRSS is so based

Traditionalism is trendy now, which isn't a bad thing. Its what church and christian communities makes of it.

he wouldnt know bro, all he knows is his satanic jewish roots

>full trad mode
>doesn't even accept key doctrines
>idk if there's actually a god and he definitely didn't make man in his image but people need a moral code soooooo
People like this are not believers, at least not yet. You cannot understand religion or experience spiritual rebirth until you believe.

I'm already a few minutes in, and all I've seen him explain are utilitarian and pragmatic reasons for why religion is useful for societies, and why it's good for western civilisation...

where does he get to the actual bit where he says that he fundamentally believes a God exists, natural law exists, Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross and was resurrected, and will come again to save us?

>Jesus is not the messiah
nice try, kike

Based. good video too.

>idk if there's actually a god and he definitely didn't make man in his image
did he really say that?
I mustve missed it then. wells thats sad, but at least a good start.

He doesn't.

>Christianity was the shield and sword of Europe
fucking larper. Christianity almost killed Europe.

Germanics almost killed Europe.
Even today, look at Germanic governments.

He doesnt go too deep into theology but he definitely makes key points as to why he believes Christianity to be the truth. (explaining how the universe is too perfect to have been an "accident" etc.)
watch till the end

I'm too lazy to scan through the video again. He said he doesn't believe in "an anthropomorphic man in the sky" and that he doesn't really believe in an afterlife.

really don't like frauds like this.
He's still thinking of religion as a social-political tool, much like a liberal atheist.
He hasn't accepted it as the final truth of the universe, or the loving grace that it is.

watch this and try to understand without being overly biased

okay, I will. I'm just cynical about him, and others like him.

Christians abandon soil all the time, which is why they don't care about remaining in their own soil and colonizing other areas.

It is this rootlessness that has destroyed the soil of Europe and replaced it with Shallow monuments meant to hide a lack of ethnic and racial identity.

Any Spartan soldier was far more noble and strong than any Christian that has ever existed.
It is YOU Christians that have forced us to adjust to your own tactics to ensure our survival, we have played your game and remained hidden, because to fight your masses of morons would result in defeat, no we will wait until your Abrahamic family starts to fight within its own, and when you all are weak, we will return to engage you when you no longer have the large numbers of morons to hide behind.

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That's gonna plummet after 25 years of age

but Jesus IS Logos, one and the same

when you bring Logos in your heart i.e. thirst for truth
>"put Jesus in your heart" a la american
then miracles happen with your own words

chaos is just unformed/deformed reality


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Like anyone had a doubt he's a believer.

Michael E Jones never acknowledges the destruction of Pagan People and Temples that took place during "Christianization".

In fact, no Christian apoligists never like to fucking talk about how savage and destructive to the European peoples Christianity was because that would reveal the lie that Christianity was a boon to the peoples of Europe and would mean that all of the "accomplishments" since Christianity have come about IN SPITE of it, not because of it.

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How is he? He failed to make Israel a state again, and didn't build the third temple. By definition he failed to be a messiah.
And anyways, if he were the messiah, he is not God's Son: nobody is and nobody ever will be. This is another aspect of Christianity that is unfortunate, in that everything is distorted relatively. The world isn't evil, it is the natural tendency of the human form. But we rebel in allegiance to God.

>e. michael jones
One of the great subverters of our time.

He doesn't think Europe existed before Christianity but the entire reason why his Christendom was Europe and nothing else is because of Islam. Islam created European Christendom, not Christianity. Islam boxed Europe in and converted all the non-Europeans away from Christianity.

So if you take this brainlets take to its conclusion then I suppose we should thank Islam. God you Abrahamics are dumb.

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Oh my god, what would europe ever have done without castrating and molesting little boys!