Would you suck a dick to prevent overpopulation?

Every blow job prevents another human life from coming into being. Would you volunteer to suck dicks to keep the population in check. For every thousand dicks you suck that's one thousand people who won't be born.

Are you willing to do your part?

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I don't answer Hypotheticals. It's dumb and a waste of time, and honestly, I'm dissapointed in you most of all.

is it a feminine penis though?

What about morning wood and wetdreams?

I am the suckee not the sucker

Im not mad just disappointed user

No, but OP sucks enough dicks to cover me.

shut up Thanos

I shall bump just to slide some more shitpost threads. It puts this one to use.

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I literally suck dick and no.

Overpopulation is a meme in the white echo chamber. No one is telling blacks and browns they are over populating and to stop breeding.

You can shame yourself into extinction easily just by cutting reproduction and foolishly assuming other races/cultures/nations are dumb enough to do the same.

Sadly, we have enough heterosexuals, such as they are. They just wont breed, and if they do, its a mess. EIther they wont marry, or they dont even try because female are now basically men with licenses to be antisocial psychotics, and who the hell wants to commit to that. They mainstream porn as a lifestyle and if they do conceive by accident, its off to the abortion clinic.

tldr- in the end, the straights are going to get us all killed because they literally wont fuck to save the species, and then only get off the couch to complain about us homosex drones to blame 2% of the population for the failure of the 98%, including creating us.

These are just facts.

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can I suck it without preventing overpopulation?

>sucking dicks against global warming!
>posted on /pol, not on /lgbt

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>Every blow job prevents another human life from coming into being
That's not even close to being true, you retarded faggot

Why are you like this OP? Who hurt you?

Holy shit this is the dumbest thread I've seen all day and there was a thread about feminism earlier.

no mate

why op? your already sucking all the dick right now?

No Sodomite. Rope yourself.

To prevent Jewish overpopulation?
That's a tough one desu.

>Every blow job prevents another human life from coming into being.

That's why I can't. I'm pro-life.