How do Christian Democrats reconcile the fact that they are enablers of child murder?

How do Christian Democrats reconcile the fact that they are enablers of child murder?

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we're all gonna have to face God one day and this will be on their plate. They'll have some explaining to do for sure.

>How do Christian Democrats reconcile the fact that they are enablers of child murder?

I imagine the same way Christian Republicans reconcile their refusal to feed the poor, heal the sick, end the wars, or shelter the homeless. You can rationalize anything, if you're determined enough.

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same way they reconcile the fact that God is made up bullshit

And when you face Him, try and explain why you worshipped one of His prophets instead of Him alone

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christcucks hold contradictory beliefs all the times, that's what (((faith))) is all about

Christ is God, dumbass.

Those fake fucks usually ignore it or, worse, try to reconcile it with themselves.

Yes but abortion seems pretty cut and dry evil doesn't it?

I do not personally believe it's evil, no. I think forcing women to give birth to a rapists baby is much worse

Yes, right leaning plebs are purposely holding back the cure to society's ills. Do you know how retarded you sound?

Why do you think it's worse though? Do not kill is a commandment. Nothing in the Bible says anything about birthing a rapists baby

I love how pro abortion folks use the tiny percentage of actual rape babies to justify insane levels of abortion, and turn a blind eye to the fact that Planned Parenthood is profiting from fetal tissue cells whilst simultaneously collecting government funding as a non profit. Almost like you people are completely full of shit and are too lazy to use the veritable plethora of birth control mane available.

I'm an atheist, and I don't think it's "killing" if it's a fetus, it's stopping the development of a *potential* life. I think it's worse because I have empathy for the woman's suffering

I think forcing women to give birth they dont wanna give is more evil than killing a parasite

Friendly reminder that women making false rape claims is common practice, the majority of "rape babies" that are aborted aren't actually the product of rape, and if they were in fact actually raped they could have taken a morning after pill anyway. Bitches are just lazy liers mate.

a embryo is technically a life but it is not really much of a life

That's not what I asked on the OP. I asked about people who claim to be Christian

> Refusal to fprce pthers to pay for X
> Refusal to do X

Different things user.

Yes, I used the extreme case and I realize it's not in the majority of reasons for abortion, but rape victims do tend to suffer under abortion bans. And I support abortion in all cases, it is the womans choice and it is not immoral

Why should we regard your opinion? Your ideology is based on a lack of belief, and therefore nothing really matters. Including your feelings.

they dont think enough for something like that.

you asked me why it's worse so I gave you my opinion

Obviously. But constantly thumping on the rape victim argument is going to sway anyone. I am of the belief that abortion is immoral, but is a necessary evil at this stage in our broken society. There needs to be a limit as to how far along the woman is, this partial birth shit is our of control and it's why we are sitting here today. If NY and Virginia hadn't gone off the deep end, these other states wouldn't have done shit.

>same way they reconcile the fact that God is made up bullshit

You have rage issues. Please seek treatment.

Your statement is stupid. If they had reconciled that, they would no longer be Christian.

>the bible says you should do what i want, bigot!

you kike faggots are getting really tiring

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atheists dont get a say in whats good and evil (the question at hand) because if you admit there is such a thing, you are admitting you believe in a magic sky daddy.

Democrats can't divorce themselves from the party platform.

Republicans can, and generally do by degrees, all of what you listed, without Government.

I could torture and rape your family and you could not say anything since you are an atheist.
I would be in my own right since atheism means everyone has their own morals and right/wrong.

morality is subjective. how do we decide what is good and bad? Well that is a big topic and will be discussed for all eternity probably, but what it usually boils down to is the golden rule, 'I don't want to allow something bad to happen to someone else, because it could happen to me'. Even if you get your morality from the bible, there are many exceptions to "thou shall not kill," war probably being the greatest