What attracts beautiful white ladies towards black gentlemen?
An Anthropological question about the female demographics within the Western world?
Other urls found in this thread:
best looking women by race
1 Mena
2 Latina
3 Asian
4 white
5 black
Who do you think I will choose a cute feminine women with nice tan skin
Or an ugly blonde girl with a nasty attitude
Global and cultural propaganda since decades.
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
Rules broken
>OP File name
Brute Power. It's the same reason Genghis Khan had countless wives and fucked his way from Korea to the Volga.
To add for instance, Genghis Khan wouldn't give a shit that some stupid bitch has a shirt that say "no Mongols" he'd just push the thot over and fuck her instead.
You forgot changing your filename to latin letters Shlomo. You must be one really retarded jew, I bet your parents are embarassed of you.
Why do non-whites cuckpost so much? Are they really just projecting their inferiority complex with regard to white men?
its on par with scat fetish