Hitler was an idiot

It's the anniversary of D day, so naturally the braid dead contrarians are out in force. So lets remind everyone how dumb Hitler really was:

Hitler made one STUPID decision after another and totally discredited his movement and ideology:

- He let his own armies freeze to death because he thought the lack of provisions would inspire them to take Moscow faster.

- The Ukrainians would have been natural allies against the Russians. Instead he made them his enemy - and they kept him away from the middle east and their vital oil supplies. This alone could have cost him the war.

- He could not get his head around the idea that Russian women were effective fighters. Time and again he would send inadequate numbers into battle because the number of "men" in the area was low. The local generals kept trying to explain the problem, but Hitler wouldn't listen.

- German solders died from wounds because Nazi ideology prevented the use of most blood transfusions. Allied solders with similar wounds would be back in battle within weeks.

- Hermann Göring (a morphine addict.) was totally incompetent as leader of the Luftwaffe. Hitler ignored plain evidence of this.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is everyone so delusional about Russia?

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>Believes everything the Jews say about Hitler
Good goy.

- He wasn't a war hero during WW1, the story was manufactured, but he did get his nut blown of
- He took money from Charles Edward Saxe-Gotha-Coburg who was queen Lizardbreath's uncle
- He also took money from various Black Nobility jew financiers like the Warburg's, Bush's and fuel from the Rockefeller network
- He didn't order the extermination of jews
- He helped create israhell by shipping jews there
- He gave the shipped jews money when they got to Paslestine
- He was allowed to escape by u-boat to South America where he lived a happy life until dying from natural causes

Hitler wanted the japs to invade and control the port city of Vladivostok then push inland. Instead the japs invaded Pearl harbor. The Japs are the reason it all went to shit. Russia would have fallen within a couple months and then Germany would have saved Mussolini. It was the fucking nips that fucked it all up.

Hitler atacked the sovietes to fuck up their preparations to invade germany and they used a tactic that almost neutered the scorched Earth tactic. Hitler ordered the troops to stand their ground to avoid a disorderly retreat and used planes to send supplies, but there wasn't enough. Still, that forced soviets troops to charge against fortified positions and to be exposed to the elements.

Wait til Russia is ready to attack Germany or attack preemptively. Hmm.
Inb4 >but he invaded them first dur
>he started it and Russia was
>gonna attack

Excuse misaligned greentext, using mobile and it's annoying to type

I think Methamphetamines are to blame - Hitler also wasn't a war genius.
The French incompetence literally inflated his ego probably too much.
Unironically, had the French put up a fight, the Nazis would have won WWII

>All Criticism on Hitler is jewish

Fake and gaypilled.

He didnt kill the allies at Dunkirk, because muh generals are dumber than me the simple private.

I guess he was a traitor like many of them were.

Fuck Hitler, he didn't kill enough Jews.

>- German solders died from wounds because Nazi ideology prevented the use of most blood transfusions. Allied solders with similar wounds would be back in battle within weeks.
Sauce on this? Waffen SS had their blood group tattooed on their arm.

You're not that far away, it must be pretty much the same place as here...

>japs bombed Pearl harbor.
Fixed that for you.

thanks, you are correct.

OP' whole post is un sourced shit.

How much did you kill?

You almost can't blame him for thinking the English would push over.
>peace in our time..

Why are you surprised?

>he underestimated Russian women
lmao communist tranny OP confirmed

OP its dilation time sweetie

Don't forget

>*Gets btfo by Russians time before*
>Berlin literally taken in 1768

>W-we will make those untermenschen our slaves in 3 months ez pz

Behold, the masterrace intellect

Attached: Quotcool+lionquot+_db77eff925b43ae0fd809985bbf50d1e.jpg (680x598, 56K)

Because of Jewish tricks.

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wtf I hate Hortler now

>Still, that forced soviets troops to charge against fortified positions and to be exposed to the elements.

Still dumb-ass strategy. The soviets were perfectly prepared for operations in their own backyard. Hitler put his own troops at two huge disadvantages. They didn't NEED supplies from germany. If Hitler had been reasonable to the Ukrainians his troops would have sat out the winter in comfort.

It's obvious when people are being sincere vs spewing biased crap though

It took the entire capitalist and communist world to defeat Germany under Hitlers rule.

>What is 20million Chink army

If japs wouldve landed in Russia China would step in

Hasn't it been for Pearl Harbor , Japan as it currently is wouldn't exist, weaboo faggot

What?! You retared lad. Japan was already fighting the chinks

Attached: wtf.jpg (474x379, 34K)

>It's the anniversary of D-Day so I'll shill on Jow Forums

Ok faggot. One country on the verge of capturing all of Europe but
>hortler wuz n ideeut

-He stole the Autobahn idea from Konrad Adenauer (Collognes Mayor who opposed him)
-Called all Asians degenerates but relabeled Japanese as Half-Aryans when they allied themselves to him.
-Is seen a competent economist despite the fact that all wealth he created for germans was taken from Jews and other Europeans
-Wanted to occupy Stalingrad just for the reason of pissing of Stalin instead of sending additional troops to moscow and end this war early.
-Declared War on USSR and USA before he even was able to finish off UK