
Why is Jow Forums still unable to defeat this man in a proper debate?

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Kill yourself

He has the one thing we dont.

>Nick Fuentes

Destiny is a bad faith actor who after sending death threats to conservatives should be locked up in prison.

Cheers for this burger needed a good Kek. In others news look at the size of Adolfs pecker.

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Turns out the only thing it takes to shut down right-wing and racist retards is the Socratic method.

>the Destiny subreddit is raiding again
Oh boy, this should be fun.

A whore

what debate has he won?

Your funny.

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>mister metokur
>ryan dawson

There's probably more i cant think of. Stop these shill threads already

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>Pol is represented by some fags that talk to him through discord

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>hur hur hurrrr look at me i am so pseud ho ho ho
>ok faggot i dont care about your opinion because you are a subhuman manlet and youre not half as smart as you think you are
Boom, I win.

By fun do you mean an hour of nonsense before they run back to their reddit safe space terrified out of their fragile little minds crying out to the echo chamber for a big circle jerk about how they destroyed Jow Forums while furiously downvoting any opposing opinion?

lmao this, he should actually come on here if he wants to "debate le 4channers"

leftists are turning on him after he said there's nothing wrong with rent

they always eat their own so we don't have to lift a finger

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Destiny refuses to have a proper debate with anyone.

His whole shtick is to paint his opponent into a corner then shout nazi at them. low effort leftytube homoglobolalism.

Yes it's always great to see them have to face criticism that they can't just downvote away.

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fake and gay eceleb who loses all debates by thinking reality is declase