What would Jow Forums have done?
What if he would have wagered $1488?
You think Jow Forums watches that shit?
reminder that they made him throw the game so they could get that dyke on instead
That bitch looks like a keebler elf. I wouldn't be surprised if they payed him off
That's literally an illegal bid.
It is?
this. he threw the game.
I want some cookies now.
69, 666, 14, 88, 1488 are the five.
google banned Jeopardy bids, faggot.
But what about 8814? Or was 1399 his signal?
We need an “if only you knew how bad things are.” On the underside of my picture.
James is clearly autistic, emma just might be a woman.
go to bed boomer
>our network ratings
>our network
I thought jepordy was sindicated.
His daughter made him throw the game.
Remember Alex Trebek is a fucking Canadian
A fucking leaf.
^ This
He bid as close to 1488 as possible as a joke on his last show. He did it because he wanted to quit anyways
Would 1487 have worked?
Thanks. It's all we really need to know.
It's all scripted. None of it is real.
She has been using his strategy of starting at the bottom of the board, but she stays on topic. With her success, I can’t imagine anyone going top down anymore.
if you watched the All-Star tournament it was obvious
RIP Buzzy
Mtf, and the one who beat him is ftm
>this. he threw the (((33rd))) game.
He needed one dollar more than the other guy in case the woman missed the question. Hence the 99
jeopardy is full of shit...they set him up to fell...they purposefully keep the dd from him
Fuck that, break the agreement and expose them. You'll just be fired and maybe possibly sued, but you'd be a hero and could live a life of luxury.
Also, do you retards not understand that he bid that exact amount for a good reason?
The girl had more money, so the only way he could possibly win was for him to get it right and her to get it wrong. She has to make a huge bet, but James doesn't. He bet the maximum amount he could bet so that if the 3rd place guy doubled his money and James missed, James would still have more than him by $1.
Oh hey this guy gets it
>have commie brother
>jobless for years and years leeching off my parents
>drunk and constantly on drugs
>always screaming about SJW tier shit and has books by Karl Marx
>only actual hobby he has is watching Jeopardy every night
>was probably one of the faggots screeching about this guy and e-mailing Jeopardy about how shit it was
>probably squealed with glee after this guy lost
>probably completed unable to comprehend the dude threw the game because of how retarded people like him are
ITT: Retards and LARPers
This post is clearly wrong and retarded, in what world would ratings go DOWN right when he's 50k off of Ken Jenning's record?
No, not every single fucking thing is a jewish feminist conspiracy. I suspect this is all some glownigger shit to take away from the actual social engineering going on with TV and movies today.
Izit boy / girl or a boygirl?
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, OP would have a mouthful of cock.
I’m having a hard time believing that post. This chick played like he did and won.
She is trying hard to look boyish, but is obviously a dyke.
I'd have been quite surprised considering that he is 1/4 Japanese (I think it is his mother who is half-Japanese), and had talked one in his interview segment about doing charitable work in some third world country.
god you're a piece of shit
why would you have that image on your computer
somehow get your brother to go camping with you and beat the shit out of him and teach him from the ground up
>not every single fucking thing is a jewish feminist conspiracy
when we're talking about hollywood, yes it is
> in what world would ratings go DOWN right when he's 50k off of Ken Jenning's record?
in the world where old mentally retarded boomers and brainwashed leftists are the majority of the viewership
jeopardy is a meaningless authoritarian game that glorifies pop culture
you are fucking stupid