We must end with the LGBT bullshit

>they spread diseases
>they completely deny all books of biology
>they think they deserve to be respected
>they spread like the spanish flu in the 1900’s
>they think they’re special for fucking someone of the same gender
>some of them dress like the opposite gender and still gets offended when people mistake them for another gender
>they created the garbage that is third-wave
>”there’s more than two genders!”
Seriously I just can’t stand watching this shit with a fake smile and act like it is okay.

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>they created the garbage that is THIRD-WAVE FEMINISM

Go back to tweeting your cuckservative shit and voting (((VOX))) faggot

Being gay has nothing to with political beliefs.

They are a lobby group that makings money. They pander to meaningful useful idiots.

Gay is a political movement, otherwise you just have sex with men like a normal person and don't end up tricked into voting against your own interests.

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They are degenerates who behave like bitches in heat while having dicks and mouths that spread disease uncontrollably.

additionally, it's an unsustainable lifestyle and all homosexuals are race traitors

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The Gay Plague was such a better name for a disease than AIDs. Spread only by fags and trannys

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What if I told you that not every gay is like that? Yes, the vast majority seem to be that way and should be executed but there are still ones that behave like normal people. My sister, for example.

Depends what you define as normal... If a guy likes to suck dick then that doesn't mean he has to mince around and talk with a lisp and limp wrist...

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Normal as in you wouldn't be able to tell that they are a faggot unless if they told you/invite their signifcant other over for dinner/etc..

Fair 'nuff. I would say however that the majority act like nasty little queens or liberal pseudo-intellectuals (with this gender-fluid/ non-binary bullshit)

Does liking traps make you gay???
It's just,a friend wants to know.

I'd say she's discreet about it, if she's internalized the gay identity and isnt making a big deal about it, she's polite DESPITE the urgings of her faggot friends and you should thank her. Elsewise, do let her know there is an option to elevate one's identity above the sexual plane.

better than tweeting cuckunist BS

Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven;

And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

Kill all faggots.. cull this world of vermin.... light the flames of hell singe there corpses.. burn the church that failed to exterminate these vermin.. scum

anyone got a FTN 220 link?

you've probably met dozens of gay people and didn't realize it because the majority of us actually WANT to blend in.

Don't forget druggies and thots and the degens who fuck them. Oh, and niggers and pedos too, you brown boy-molesting fruit.

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you just don't like far left LGBT activists. i'm gay and can firmly tell you that you're wrong about everything

This is why we had a revolution faggot

Sounds like a severe case of closet faggotry on your end. Straight guys usually don’t give a shit bc their comfortable with their sexuality.

Have sex

No one was stopping you from getting a poopy dick before now. Now everyone I know wants to stop you from existing because a “select few” of you faggots want to brainwash and fuck my kids too.

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I'm a fag and i agree with most of these points.
The rates of disease among homosexuals are extremely high, in são paulo 1 out of 4 fags has AIDS, and the degeneracy is just getting worse.

I fucking hate these niggers that wear their sexuality on the sleeve, they dont fucking realize they are undoing all of the acceptance they fought so hard to gain.

Pride parades are a fucking nightmare and deserve to be cancelled, they are a massive public health risk.

Most fags just want to get work done and live a normal life, but these screeching queens are just digging their own grave.

I wonder how many people are like me
>didnt give a fuck about homo shit
>fags screeching "we just wanna get married and mind our own business"
>fags immediately start moving to how we need to accept trannies, children getting their cocks chopped off, demon fags reading to your children, pride month cancer everywhere
>have to act like you love it or your life is destroyed
yeah thats why im against gay marriage theyre going to push it too far so why not just cut it off at its head

Yeah I think that is disgusting and weird too. Thankfully my sister is a respected chemist and chooses to centre her life around that.
I don’t even think she has any friends, maybe one or two. She is probably a virgin too but I don’t care as long as she isn’t being a full on vocal degenerate.

Your sisters is going to have he filthy race-traitorous head lobbed off within three decades. You think we're going to tolerate such filth that can't even fulfill their basic purpose? Good luck.


She is a productive member of society, a respected chemist as I said in my earlier post. I think that is more than a lot of people in London could accomplish.

exactly, gay marriage should have never been legalized.
You gave them an inch and they are trying to take a mile.
And the progressive media just makes it worse, they give platforms to pedos and fags that want to indoctrinate fucking children, and they act like all homos are like this.

God, i like being a faggot, but i would never wish this upon a child, if nature takes its course and someone becomes a fag, ok, nothing wrong with that.
But actively indoctrinating children is so fucking sick, Desmondisamazing is just the beginning of this madness, we need a new crusade to instill moral values again.
This is what happens to a culture that has forgotten its roots and forsaken religion/spirituality.

>they mainstream porn
>they naturally select a gender to mature as slow as possible then put them in charge of social policy
>1.2 million annual surgical sterilizations in the US
>1.3. million annual abortions in the US
>entire generation giving up on families
>propped up lesbian acceptance via porn until they are deciding how to raise boys through feminism
>actually think they need a court to define marriage or explain the difference between men and women
>neglect their sons until he thinks its easier to be a girl

Yeah gays are shi-

Oh wait.

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