[dg] Doomer General

With the crackdown on Youtube, Jow Forums has finally taken the blackpill. There's nothing we can do. They control the media, finance, education, and now the internet. Hell, even PJW is blackpilled at this point.

As of right now, we only have tow options: embrace hedomism or commit suicide. Nothing can be done. We, and every race of man with an IQ of above room-temprature, is destined for extinction.

Contrary to popular believe, asians are not based in any way. They don't control their women, men are too interested in VR porn to reproduce. Also, due to the conformist nature of Asians, their chances of surviving this are even lower than it is for Europeans. We're just targted first because we destroyed the Jews' Civilization in 70 AD. The death or survival of Western Civilization is the tipping point that determines whether mankind will be pass the Great Filter or devolve into niggers that will be killed off when the next glacial maximum kicks off or eliminated by a large asteroid.

>Embrace the blackpill.
>Jews have won.
>Ashes and echoes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I prefer the Japanpill
You can still live a life free from jew tricks in safe homogeneous traditional Japan.

>Almost no jews
>Almost no nigs
>Almost no mudslimes
>Almost no lefties
>Almost no feminism
>Almost no degeneracy.
>kids going alone to school
>traditions glorified
>man and woman relationship encouraged
>qt 3.14 nip gfs
>hard as fuck language as a natural barrier to any human parasyte trying to subvert the nation
>amazing landscapes
>comfy as fuck music vydia, festivals, traditions.

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blackpill faggots younger than 60 are like pic related.

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Imagine if/when they finally get rid of Jow Forums and infinity Chan. We will be completely isolated

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Highest suicide rates

We will never embrace the black pill the Jewish Zionist and Bolsheviks will be defeated in the end.

Sub before it's taken down


youtube was shite to begin with. oh how i wish i was born in the 70's. i probably would have discovered BBS, made some great contacts, used my time productively, and finished out my education while colleges were mostly still white. goddamn it. even four years earlier would have done the trick. oh well.


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Mostly to do with their extreme expectations and high standards in their society. Not relevant to what he even said. Also most Jap's realize they were born centuries too early to make anime real.

Holy fuck, I am a doomer now.

Japan is not for us, nigger. They are happy, just live them alone! Also, call Italy and Portugal. We need to built Rome 3.0 ASAP.

>embrace hedomism
because fighting petty squabbles on twatter and anonymous image boards in the hope that your kiddie dreams might come true is the only thing you guys can do right
become fucking neets and enjoy the good life

That shit would be bad. Maybe we'll get a Torchan or something

>commit Seppuku
part of the honor bound culture

and then you fags will invade wizchan, then some other dead chan to bring your political drivel over and fuck up the whole lot of image boards
politics destroyed this website for fuck's sake

Why don't you take the deathpill, if the white race is doomed at least fuck the future for everyone else.
Support politicians who deny climate change, support companies that harm the environment, eat meat and never recicle, etc. I read today that Bolsonaro is literally tearing the amazon apart and the leftist are going nuts over this.
Climate change will be the white race death man's hand.

i'm tired of doing stupid nonsense for stupid people. nothing makes sense. one of these days...

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Just start flagging lefty videos on youtube until they start getting demonitized aswell

No, it's mostly Slavs.

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we are doomed bro. 85 % spanish ppl voted from the right-center-left dystopia of democracy, meaning at least 85 % of my people is brainwashed and voting for their own genocide.

The only solution is to let it all burn to ashes. That's why I took the japan pill. If my people wants an inferno I will let them have it.

I will care later once all wars ended to try rebuild something better

Do not be a complete coward and commit suicide.
Also living a life for yourself means you have no purpose. Quit being a bitch and start putting out “it’s ok to be white” flyers like I did today.

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And by doing that you'd become the refugee bothering a country.

>I can change the world by doing what I'm told and doing what everyone is doing.

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At least move to that American place where they are trying to build an ethno-state. Japan is not for us. If we just move to a nice homogenous society, because our own countries are becoming shitholes, we're no better than niggers.

Asians are fucked too. After (((they're))) done with us, they're gonna get replaced as well. That's why the whole "I'll marry an asian woman, so my child won't suffer" won't work. Asians have lower testosterone than White people and are just as cucked by feminism and that LGBTQ shit as we are. They just haven't taken in any migrants, but they will soon. And by 2200, they'll be extinct as well.

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why dont you learn a trade and start to live like an amish?

The amish will be exterminated like the Kulaks.

you know thats not true. you could easily find a rural area in a white country and live in a small village - never watch TV or use the internet again. i would do that if i hadnt given up already


As a Canadian, there's no other way to feel. We are doomed.

ow yeah? try a bank-run

and that's just one of MANY options

fuck off you faking jew

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It says that right in the meme.
When I was buff women would say I looked creepy.

haha Jow Forums was totally BTFO'd yesterday.. it just might have been the straw that finally breaks the camel's back

>flee to a country you perceive as better than your own
Yeah Jow Forums tards are like niggers trying to reach Europe by boat now. LMAO.

If Japs let your rapefugee spic ass in their country, then they are degenerate by default.

Exactly my thoughts user. It's over and has been over for quite some time. I wish I could live in ignorance once again. I do not care anymore to the point where my apathy seems like confidence and girls have been showing an actual interest in me yet I don't reciprocate because of my distrust towards modern women in general. Everything I have learned here has ripped me apart inside, I don't know why I care so much.

There's one problem with the image posted though. Why waste money on beer to get bloated and sick? Hard liquor will get you there much quicker, it is the most economical way to forget about the devastation of the West. He should've won and we're living in this horrible alternate reality it seems. Give me a reason to go on please

>t.been hammered drunk since 5pm

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>And by 2200, they'll be extinct as well.
It actually hurts my soul to read this because it's almost like we've taken the extinction of our people as an irreversible given.
Why should I find a qt to breed when my kids will grow up in a world that hates them? That's all I really want, a wholesome family, yet I find it selfish to bring them into being when things are where they're at.

don't worry there are alternatives to a wife and family.. like porn, pot, and fleshlights.

Are you from the city or what. What is your background faggot user and I will try to help you.

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You're a fucking retard.
god damn spics

>I can succeed in the world by doing what I'm told and doing what everyone is doing.
Why do you think everyone's doing it?

I think the only realistic solution is to try and move as far off grid as possible and build a self-sufficient homestead. Like rural Alaska or Greenland or some shit. If you try to do it on the grid the government will probably hunt you down with drones once SHTF.

I can't imagine a more worthless existence.

From the suburbs in the south. My area is hit hard by immigration. In short, I'm relatively young and have no idea what to do with my life. I didn't even declare a major in community college.I just got out of fucking rehab a month ago, didn't even stay the full time because what am I supposed to say? That the decline of the West and the usurpation of our media and finance by a particular untouchable ethnic group is what keeps me awake at night? They base their entire doctrine on a Jewish rabbi, not even joking, Abraham Twerski.

My background is that I'm a drug addict that became redpilled on how useless I am and how fucked things are. Good luck.

I know that feel

Honestly, even those numbers don't seem that high to me. 30 out of 100,000 people killing themselves doesn't seem like a whole lot to me. If anything, it sounds lower than my expectations of what I would initially think of as a high suicide rate.

wow I'm so sad that I have a daily 24 hours of freedom without work. someone else pays for my housing and food, yet I somehow have money for alcohol and other non-essentials. i also get to choose when I go outside and interact with others.

kys faggot

The time is now to grab your soft smooth sack of balls and say fuck everyone and everything. When you say fuck everyone and everything, you don't say it in a manner of being a depressed pussy addict.. you say it as you are better than everyone around you and fuck them. You don't do drugs from here on out. Now you either get a nice job near the sub and live in very rural area, or you move to Texas and be an lineman in the oil fields,. 110 heat with 100k a year.

From here on out your new hobbies are fishing, playing guitar, watching history documentaries and saving money.

Your mission next day off or free time you will wear a suit and walk around a casino near you, sporting a budwieser. You will sit at a table or slot machine and randomly talk to 3 hot bitches, 3 old people and one trucker at which point you shall have small talk about how they are doing and the weather.

I will inform you on your next mission. You will be fucking empowered.

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Yep. The reason why I don't wanna get married is not that White women are lost—I mean—they'll go for any masculine, assertive male. The problem is, I don't want to have kids in a world where White people will become a minority in their own countries. The only things that could change this course would be a mini ice age/natural disaster, or another global pandemic, both of which are highly unlikely.

When I was a child, I was lectured about being privileged, despite being disable due to mild autsim, and being from the working class. Due to the fact my teachers thought I was unteachable, they stuck me in the tard room. I'm largely self-educated because they didn't bother to teach me. Instead, they chose to teach niggers and poos. This was what redpilled me when I was 13.

However, the niggers and poos were absolute morons. They threw every teaching resource they got at them, and they still didn't know how to read and write, whereas I could do calculas without any outside help.

I could do all of this, despite ADHD and Autism
by just reading books, and they still couldn't read or write. If you're IQ is 100 and up, you pick things up like reading by yourself. You don't need to be taught at all.

As for how I got my disorder, my mom had PCOS and she had me when she was 33, which is a terrible age to have children. I got autism because some goddamned kikes told her to focus on her "career", where she only made ten dollars an hour. The kikes don't bring this fact up to the public, as usual.

If a six-mile wide, metallic asteroid struck the planet, I'd actually feel hope. Whites would actually be able to survive that, as apposed to the slow, long demographic boil the kikes have placed on us since the 60-70s.

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Been there, done that. The novelty wears off after a couple dozen times and you start wondering why you're ripping a hit just to sit down and intently stare at a screen and waste your male essence.

Just learn to fucking code and make your own website. YouTube is about to collapse. Could you even imagine someone committing suicide in 2006 because of MySpace? That’s literally what you’re saying.

Thank you user. Seriously.
I already live in Texas and I could make a killing in the oil fields as opposed to the restaurant life of sucking up to boomers.
The drugs aren't even a real addiction to me. I do not get physical withdrawals. They're just a quick way to forget about everything for a night.

Fuck it, I'll take your advice even though we'll probably never communicate again. I have nothing else to lose. Thank you user for taking the time to even say that.

What do you suggest I do about women? There's a girl that legitimately seems different than the rest, we seem to actually connect. Not seem, we do I just don't like admitting it. We fell asleep in the middle of the woods two nights ago and it was the first time I've felt "separate" from all of this, which is what makes me scared. I have been stabbed so deeply in the back by women in the past. I won't let it happen again.

If you can't see the difference between Myspace-era Internet and now, you're an absolute retard.

>I prefer the Japanpill
>You can still live a life free from jew tricks in safe homogeneous traditional Japan.
I took the Japanpill, I am escaping the USA soon. Just not having to be around a bunch of spics and muslims is reason enough to take the Japanpill.

God you blackpill faggots are degenerates

I love your post so much that I am saving a screen shot of it to motivate me. I have taken the Japanpill, I will be leaving the USA in the next 2 years.

We're realists. We just realize that the chances of saving the West and Whites are 1/1000 if we're being optimistic here.

enough people getting blackpilled and angry is the whitepill that keeps me going. they are bringing people to our side. if a bunch of people weren't already on our side, they wouldn't need to censor, too. they would just mock us as the retard shouting in the corner. they are scared. the jew fears the righteous Aryan.

How do doomers get money to live? Are they all software developers that work remote?

Based. Are southern euro mutts welcome?

just go, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

That’s not the point, you utter retard.


You are welcome. You need do mount the woman, but wear a condom. Love is a myth and men don't love. The ideal real woman though you will be with and have your children, is going to be old school, probably from a very small town and 2 steps down from your standards. Loyalty and motherhood outweigh hotness and fucking. The loyal small town old-school woman who is 2 to 3 steps down from your standards will always be looking up to you for dat big dick and love you.

Through your first mission you will start the key functions necessary for how the man's man talks and approaches people. Everyone is not just an NPC, they are maluable vessels that you can invest and use to complete your quests of life. You are the fucking Captain of any Armada of vessels you so choose to use and at what times.

Your hobbies will train you to be patient, be a man, use intellect and enjoy your life.

Mission two is to go to a men's barber shop, get a business cut or part go to the store and buy flannel shirts and jeans. No tight ass tween jeans and nice brown leather boots. Week days out of work will also include dress shirts and brown pants like a fucking old foreman that invites men to a slice of pie and coffee to talk or dispute differences. If you dress good your body image demands your brain to think you're nice and also demands respect.

You will slowly become greater than all plebs around you and good things will come to you. Learn Masonic handshakes and sayings try to out-kike the free Mason supervisors you will encounter in life.

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I prefer moving to a super rural area of the country with no light pollution and no non whites within hundreds of miles.

Why are you showing me this? Idgaf about that. That’s not why they are about to collapse.

transhumanism is the only possible solution.
if white people are to be destroyed (and we will, we are committing suicide, we deserve it overall), then lets at least hand the world over to genetically modified supermen who will blow the fuck out of everyone else.

>Homogeneus traditional japan
Then your spic, moorish ass is banned from entering there, Paco

Where in America?

cringiest manchild shit ever concieved

Meh, my hair doesn't look anywhere near that crazy; but close enough.

Fuck off. The Fascist resurrection will be glorious. The sequel we all deserve is coming.


>i feel no passion
>no motivation
>no purpose
>no aspirations
>nothing ever happens
i just sit and rot
ive lost 50 pounds from simply not eating or moving at all really
is this it
is this all there is for me on this hellish rock
not even the bliss of sleep allows me even the slightest escape
i drink every night that i can so i don't dream because its just torture
not torture because of nightmares
but because it teases me with realities that will never be
visions of happiness and fulfillment
to be honest id give almost anything to have the nightmares back
at least i wanted to wake up from those

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Read the last few long messages that I helped a fellow user.

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Agreed, we are all failures. There is nothing we can do about it. No women will fuck us now that they know who we really are. We should make a suicide pact and leave this shit hole.

ya, pathetic weebs are no better than the invaders they claim to be fleeing from. let the Japanese have their island, you fucking hypocritical assholes.

what if they censor us because we are just shit people though and it has nothing to do with "we are getting people on our side" what if we arnt changing anyones mind at all and hastening our own defeat?

This. We must end it.

I wonder what I should do to keep myself away from Doomerism. I'm trying to start a business to become a Bloomer, but I'm having a hard time with it.

looking back, having any semblance of hope in a better future was what was killing me, not just the state of my life or the wider world.
with hope being obliterated time and time again, letting inevitability set in, its lifted a huge weight from my shoulders, it was like being told i was going to die in 6 weeks, its also a massive comfort to know that whatever comes next will not be sustainable for more than 1 generation at the very most and in time mother nature will be reclaiming all of it.

we are doomed and we deserve it, the masses are partying as everything that ever came before them is torched. nothing will be passed on to the coming kalergi mutts and they will have to start from scratch. theyll fail.

Do what I said in my older messages. You might fail horribly and that's a good thing. Every successful fucker fails and fails until they make it big. Stop all degenerate things and start dressing business casual or flannel with a part hair cut.

You must say fuck everyone around you. The world is trying to suck the old foreman mindset out of the male. Block out the kike world while filtering in a mindset that it doesn't affect your emotions and out-kike them through boldness and truth which are the biggest kryptonite to the kike world.

From tweaking eating, dressing, interacting to people, hobbies and that you do, can change you and make you immortal to all NPCs.

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none of it applies to me
im not "educated" in anyway
highschool dropout
no ged
no work experience
just another impoverished youth who ended up homeless and jobless

im not a kissless virgin or a retard
i can learn anything with relative ease, was at a tradeschool during hs for a while for welding and machining
instructor said i was a natural and had great promise in machining
thought about the prospect of working in the same factory for the rest of my life
made me want to blow my head off so i dropped out
im good with people when i need to be

guess the problem is i dont care and i cant force myself to

Man up bitches. Go shitpost irl. If you truly don't care anymore as you claim, then you have no excuse. Go kill Mark Zuckerberg and other kikes.

Get your GED by any means necessary. Stop any thought pattern of you not being good enough or not being able to handle your life. You are starting at ground 0 in hard mode. You must hey your GED and then start trades, or go an oil field and start working and staying at the man camps they have to get a bunch of money fast as fuck. Then save your money and get to the next step in trades. Go out to McDonald's and interact with old people drinking coffee in the morning. If anyone in your life is degenerate or holding you back, exnay them. You are surrounded by a strategy fucking board game and you need to start making moves.

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Not everyone cares about "success". I've made millions and fucked almost 300 women. It won't make you happy.

Sounds like me except I took the factory job path and you're right about the blowing your brains out thing. My advice to you would be to work a shit job until you can buy a box truck and a mobile welding setup and get on your feet that way. I plan on doing that soon because this 'comfy' wagecuck life is less than living

> Muh individualism
> Muh hedonism
Why don't you do something useful for the race instead?

Give me 30k then user. Finding an old school loyal woman from a very small town and having life enjoying hobbies is what makes men happy. Creating things and being productive.

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for what reason
whats the endgame?
where does it get me in the end?

ill tell you where
6 foot underground
just like every other person on this planet

To be fair, most of you aren't doomers, just losers feeling the inevitable backlash of your hedonistic lifestyle.

You can only be a doomer if you actually have put some effort into your life that would've greatly paid off a few decades ago before the economy went to shit but now its pointless because, unlike your boomer parents, you see absolutely no point in wasting your life chasing money and status simply because its no longer realistic to expect hard work to pay off. Most of you claim to be at least above average yet in every single fucking doomer thread theres dozens self appointed doomers that claim to work fast food tier jobs and the like. How can you know the difference between being depressed due to your shit, aimless life and being the kind of person that has busted their balls their entire life to get somewhere that doesn't even exist.

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You'll have to change the way you look at life either way or it's going to suck.
The end game is being happy and not letting the kikes beat you.

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>you will never get to be a humble maintenance tech on one of the Fuhrer's own spacecraft, welding the hull and repairing any electronics that need it before retiring at the end of shift to a 5/10 wife, a cold beer and some sauerkraut in your modest home

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>There's nothing we can do. They control the media, finance, education, and now the internet.


We can take back the internet from these advertisers. You really think this is the first time a group of cucks with a bunch of money tried to ruin the internet? The fucking GOVERNMENT tried to do it and they couldn't. It's time to start a fucking war against cucked advertisers. It's time to find and support the non cucked advertisers.

Our enemy is not unknown. It's not (((them))). It's not some shady jew figure hiding in the dark. Our enemy is PROCTER AND GAMBLE.


They are the biggest ad providers on youtube. They are the biggest ad spenders on youtube.

If we aim our collective autism at this company, I guarantee you that the advertiser bullshit will come to an end.

We found a flag in the middle of fucking nowhere just to troll an actor, and you faggots are about to give up an even bigger fight for internet freedom just because the opponent has more money than we do?

You are all pathetic.

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But you're not gonna find that. And your sons are going to turn out gay and your daughters will become whores and your people will be eradicated. It doesn't matter how much money you will make.

Bitch I've already have..

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Damn, that some pussy emo shit right there.

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its probably the lack of wonder in life
i see too far ahead and even if i beat them i end up in the same place as them
and if its not them leading humanity down the track to self annihilation it will be someone else
it will always be someone
and it only takes one of them to tear down everything we build no matter how large

Then enjoy things in life and go fishing.

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Your fly is down you shill