Is Tim Pool redpilled?

Well Jow Forums? Is Tim Pool redpilled? Does he at least do a good job potentially redpilling or pushing people over the edge?

Also what is this Subverse thing he's doing?

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He seems to be critical of the leftist mentality recently. They will go after him now.

He's entry level. More useful to introduce people to him as a first step towards more exotic thinking.

No but is getting much harder for him to do his gay little centrist bit.

It seems like he's really fed up with all the leftist nonsense. I think he just wants people to revert back to some semblance of rationalism.

Hi guys. I'm half asian. I'm a founder of Vox. Did I mention I'm a centrist? Here's my Bitcoin please donate.

No he’s based but bluepilled

He’s a retard with no conviction. He openly admits how ignorant he is on so many topics but the truth is, he isn’t really an expert on anything except certain areas of social media and online media. I’d give him credit for his representation on JRE with the twitter execs but he rarely brings any insight that isn’t just shallow regurgitated “I’m liberal but not progressive” positions.

Rationalism = muh respectability

The veil is lifted and we are seeing their true form in plain sight. It will not end until they are dead.

i can listen to him, but he is not redpilled. advocates freespeech. watched a couple subverse vids, they were ok, mostly not interesting to me though.