Wake up sheeple!!!! It's a Mudblood conspiracy!!! Tom Riddle did nothing wrong!
Hogwarts is getting invaded by Mudbloods, some day pure blooded wizards will be the minority in Hogwarts
Wake up sheeple!!!! It's a Mudblood conspiracy!!! Tom Riddle did nothing wrong!
Hogwarts is getting invaded by Mudbloods, some day pure blooded wizards will be the minority in Hogwarts
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>he watched or read Harry Potter
Back to plebbit faggot.
I haven't got a clue what any if this means. You're better off referencing Dexter's Lab or Pete n Pete here.
Mudblood you need to go back, Hogwarts does not want you there
Mudbloods are more adept at magic than incest kids like the dracos who suffer from diabetes and aids
Spred thy legsalosih
I will explain it to you:
(((Gryffindor))) is the party of the cuckolds, mudbloods and half-breeds, they want to destroy the pure blooded wizard race by importing Mudbloods to Hogwarts
Draco did nothing wrong, he just wanted to keep Hogwarts pure blooded and aryan, without inferior mudbloods and filthy half breed mongrels like Harry Potter
fuck off ronaldo
according to pureblood theory only english and germanic wizards are pure while you're also a mongrel
pick your side or you'll be hated by both
Pure blooded "wizards" = inbred schizo jews
Now you are redpilled