Interesting stuff you saved on Jow Forums

Old thread is full

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go ahead and keep the schizo comics to yourself this time you crazy fucks

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Everything seems logical, but i cant get the significance of the row of 8s. Why 8

I meant column.

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Lol what the actual fuck?

Read fingerprints of the gods

Why are computer bytes 8 bits?

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Any other ones to recommend

because the chips are hungry for data!

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stop smoking meth and making this thread every 6 hours

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Well, according to wikipedia, the eight bit byte was agreed upon on 1993. Food for thoutht tho.

I wish someone on Jow Forums had enough money to charter that expedition. Worst case scenario, you get gunned down by some glownigger goons with the satisfaction of knowing you were right.

Yeah but why 8? It makes far more sense to make it 10.

the system would be far efficient with 3

Alright guys. What is the last digit in the product of all odd prime numbers less than 100?

1, 3, 5, 7 or 9?

computing is done in binary, 10 is not an even power of 2. 8 is, as is 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, you know the numbers you actually see instead of base 10.

Yes that is my question, explains why power of 2 is used in computing, but why is 8 (a power of 2) used as a multiplicator in ? What is the significance of the numer 8 in decimal?