Why are redditors so cringey?

What is it about their speech, the things they say, the mainstream establishment talking points, that make them so unbearable?

They seem to not be able to stop talking about Hitler today and how he was a meth addict that killed his dog blondi and hated every human on earth.

I don't understand bros. Why does reddit seem like the worst website on the planet. What happened uniquely to reddit that made it worse than all social media combined?

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You're implying half this board didn't come from there

>What happened uniquely to reddit that made it worse than all social media combined?
the platform rewards users for posting what you think other people want to read regardless of what you think yourself.
it appeals to consensus driven cowards and moulds new ones but making non consensus seeking topics/replies invisible.

Cause they're Liberals, meaning they're blue-pilled & not self-aware. Just look at how much they can't meme & instead copy from us.

Those who cannot handle the truth are not /ourguys/

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>calls reddit cringe
>posts on a forum that calls an 80 year old man Daddy

Their smug adherance to "Logic and reason" despite none of them having logic or reason

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>e was a meth addict that killed his dog blondi and hated every human on earth.

He just wanted to paint in peace, his emojis are with us to this day.

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The reddit humor is very derivative and their arguments often come of as passive aggressive. you'll never see something like picrel there

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It's because their (((mods))) are all kikes, feminists, or shitlibs and ban anything to the right of Zionist neoliberalism.

They have no souls, they're programmed

Because only 25% of people have internal voice and aren't NPCs
Coincidentally, only 20-something% of people have kike ancestors
Also those 20-something% people probably have IQ high enough to become redpilled and that's why they probably aren't on plebbit(libturd containment)

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Zionist? Dude you are clearly trolling
Reddit hates Israel

>oh sweet summer child
Is this even a real expression?

Funny junk and new grounds but whatever faggot.

50% of Pollacks are from Stormfront, 40% from Infowars and another 10% are from /b/

It’s from Le epic Game of Thrones

It's where people go to sound smart about things they Google and can make up completely false stories and get upvoted for it. Like if theirs a post about how teachers are underpaid, the top comment with a billion gold will be "teacher here, [insert sob story]" with no proof of the person actually being a teacher. Half the users are people under 18 and then you've got probably 10-20% shills and bots. This leads to a lot of naive young children commenting on things like politics lol.

Reddit was fucking awesome 7-10 years ago, but it went down hill quick about 5-6 years ago.

>What is it about their speech, the things they say, the mainstream establishment talking points, that make them so unbearable?
they appeal to the supermajority, rather than speaking their own mind.
they industrialize memes, to appeal to the supermajority.
you cannot have a dissenting opinion. you will get downvoted if you do so. it becomes a giant engine of idiocy - blind leading the blind. ironically everyone looking for some leader in that pack of retarded idiots to tell them how to think and act.

Its still good for niche interests imo, just gotta unsub all the defaults

A redditor is essentially female. They use the same social shaming techniques that women use IRL. See

>50% of Pollacks are from Stormfront, 40% from Infowars and another 10% are from /b/
more like 97% came from reddit since 2016

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/Pol is just as cringe as reddit these days. almost everybody here is underage magapedes with pepe avatars on twitter and they only come here because they think they're triggering libtards. all you retards say is "seething cringe coping kek left cant meme libcuck" etc. its the same thing as leftie NPCs going "yikes cringe oof racist incel".

Horseshoe theory actually holds some merit when you look at the common denominators of far right or far left extremist ideologies. you're both two sides of the same coin i dont know what you're so smug about

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Didn’t you guys try colonizing them with The Donald and then got reversed colonized? Now we have a cult of personality here

>no, u!

Range ban canada

Jow Forums is cringier than reddit ever was

i swear it is literally mostly 15-16 year olds who discovered Jow Forums off the_donald

I love this board so fucking much.

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you must be fun at parties

I came from ebaumsworld.

I came here after watching a bunch of YouTube videos on Jow Forums thinking “Wow this place must be so scary and deep web”. Then I realized that I can just say whatever the fuck I want and let out all my inner autism so I just stayed here so I can be with all my frens.

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You have GoT to thank for that stupid condescending expression.

Only since Trump. They've sucked Israel's dick before then constantly parroting the
>Much greatest Ally

Upboat/downboat system+namefaggotry=cancer

It's stupid people pretending to be intelligent. What do you expect.

>Didn’t you guys try colonizing them with The Donald and then got reversed colonized?

How would that work? Trump-supporting Jow Forumsacks create le dongald and convert a bunch of ledditards into Trump-supporters who then abandon le dongald and come here to do what exactly, agree loudly with their creators? By that reasoning infinichan was a colony that then reverse-colonized Jow Forums

pee pee poo poo kill jews hang coons gamers the most oppressed group rise up

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Leftists have hated israel since the 70s, and always for the same reason: because the kikes keep gassing poor innocent defenseless muslim shitskins.

since when was this bug

They are paid inorganic shills, in every sense.

I started here and video game vbulletin boards in the early 2000s. OG memer.
Reddit wasn't as bad before 2010.

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i bet he heard a wacky comedian's voice saying this stuff in his head while he was typing this.

I found out about Reddit after I came to Jow Forums, no joke. I was a little slow as an 18 year old fresh out of high school.

Sometimes I go there just to ask them how they know that all ethnicities are equally intelligent. And every single time I get banned for asking the question. It's just shouting into the wind at this point, but I don't know what else to do at this point.

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Should i Post that to Reddit?

Circlejerk comment chains are the worst.

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It's bug because progressive lefties who aren't southern try to use "yall" to show they are hip to black people. It's the same reason why they use the word "folks".
>How do you do fellow oppressed person? Y'all know us oppressed folk have to stick together.


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deep web is just unindexed shit; you're probably thinking of dark web which is just a "place" where you'll find what you look for, eventually.

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Yup I’m from reddit

Oh, well good thing that garbage is over and its watchers are generally too fickle to care about anything that happened more than a month ago. Fantasy equivalent to marvel movies

I think all of the r/t_d tourists left a long time ago

I’m aware of that. Deep web is just random pages of text. At most you’ll find some shitty art project that’s trying to be the Blair witch project or some shit. I don’t really care for the dark web. I mean some of the shit can be interesting but I’m not gonna risk stumbling upon some illegal shit that can get be in trouble.

They willingly spend time on a site where they only look at what is popular among the majority. They are crowd followers woth no deeply held beliefs. The source of their cringe is because you can tell they dont believe what they say.

If a woman was a website, she would be reddit. Cares waytoo much about what everyone else thinks, is prone to emotion, has no original thoughts, is full of lies, and is obessed with social media drama, arts and crafts and shit television.

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you probably won't stumble upon it unless you're looking for it.

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Because it's a haven for centrist/leftist faggotry

The format of Reddit (ie upboats and downboats) makes people censor themselves to the point where there's nothing except stupid "gotcha!" quips to attract attention and praise.

you are "rewarded" for saying what people want to hear. so you just repeat the joke you saw everyone was laughing at earlier in all those other threads

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They are still in /ptg/, or they came here because trump is cucking so bad and t_d is useless.

Exactly. You said probably. There’s a chance. However small the chance is, I don’t wanna risk it. Plus I heard if you don’t have several proxies and vpns it’s easy for people to track you and to sell your personal information to whatever mexican looking for a social security number.

Jow Forums was shilled on t_d occasionally and helped bring people here. Most of the transfers are disappointed with Trump and t_d though.

OMG Checked! If I could upboat you fine human specimens I totally would.

You guys all get silver.
And you guys all get GOLD
Keep it up. XD

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you're posting on Jow Forums, user; you're already on several lists. Do you want to know the trick?

It's not giving a fuck.

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that's how we know they're cringy

hello sand nigger
plugging more ISIS talking points I see

I figured I was on a list ever since I got suspended permanently from leddit for reasons like “violent content” aka saying that we should kill pedophiles. So I guess I should just follow your advice on not giving a fuck. The worst crime I ever committed was stealing a donut from Walmart when I was 11. We aren’t quite there in the cycle of America becoming a spic socialist shithole where people are getting thrown in jail for posting mean things online but we should be soon enough.

>thousands of people though this was funny

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heh; the fact you think we should be there soon enough says a fair bit about you, fren. Here you go.

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R**dit is a project of how communists and normies think, act and talk. That's why.

You... belong here. Welcome brother

Upvotes promote hiveminds, mods and admins hand out bans to ensure the echo chamber thinks the way they do.

People here miss that fascism means putting the personality types that become internet moderators into positions of real power, even if you like the guy at the top.

Me tooish, sorry, #me tooish
I came across awesome stuff and it was said that such things originated here.
I lurked hard at first and now the abyss has stared back into me.
I guess the main things wee the LaQueef campaigns and the great meme war.
I felt alone and then a smirking mystical frog revealed that he was walking beside me, protecting me; and I could here his song and it drowned out the horrors of what would come to be known as clown world.
Shadillay mah bruddus

Ok, you... don't belong here

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My nugga

He should procure the aid of an expert in matters pertaining to the laws of the land.
Its kinda fun

Whenever I speak with british people (often through work) I use yall liberally. Its fun. I'm not from the south either. I'll use mate like crazy too just to piss them off.

live stream it

You should tell him about the Rockefeller eugenics plan.

Betting it was a Seinfeld voice

They're soulless and they're parroting feel good virtue signaling from the mindless consumption of left leaning propaganda, ie movies, novels, tv programming. They have no personalities yet boast of being being edgy while ultimately conforming to the status quo.

because reddit is the human centipede of social media
the majority is always jerking itself off so no space for different opinions arise without being bombarded by negative karma. when you are disagreed with on facebook or twitter you get a lot of replies and head to the top, while on reddit you literally have your comment hidden because it might be "too offensive". chain singing, making sequential pop culture references, shitty puns, bluepilled politics, and other kinds of reddit shit, breeds a karma circle where they all feast on each other's shit just to have the numbers get bigger.
this, combined with soys thinking they're too good for stacy instagram, goldstein twitter or uncle paul facebook, created that shithole
basically, its the incest of social networks

This post rings very true.
I went through a transformation like that before I ever visited pol. I thought I was the only one.

I heard Darth Sidious's voice saying. Yes, use your anger.


I never went on reddit until I heard about it from here ironically

KYS faggot?

Reddit is just a Gen Z microcosm. They are all proto hipsters but the next gen of hipsters do it unironically and with even more cringe.



I went on Reddit and it didn’t take long for me to realize what a left ridden cesspool of flamboyant dogshit most of the site is, especially with Fag Pride Month now. Can’t even get on r/hockeyplayers without someone wanting to get fake internet points because they taped their stick with a fucking rainbow and everyone is applauding them.

Take my updoot. Happy cake day

I hate those so much.

They inject the gay into everything

jesus fucking christ i fucking hate fucking reddit

Imagine thinking any community based on a mainstream presidential campaign was grass roots

>you must be fun at parties
you forgot this one

The majority of Reddit users' comments are to the left of Jow Forums comments on the bell curve. Combine that with the voting system that rewards comments everyone understands and penalizes comments that everyone doesn't understand and you get shallow content. Front page Reddit content has political slogan tier depth, which is boring.

Even when they try and conform, I want to kick them in the teeth.
Case in point
>Lolno fgt pls