Could this generation do something like D-DAY again?

Would we be able to fight a full fledge war in 2019 like my grandfather did, or have we become too comfortable and lazy?

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Too comfortable and lazy. I shit you not its insane how much people in the world have changed since then.

Often we are so comfortable and grew up in the status quo that we don't even realize how weak we have actually become.

I want off this hell world. Just let me be united in evangelion.

exceptions to every rule, but millenials by and large couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag made soggy and defenseless by their snowflake self melting, find their way home from a diverse meal at Taco Bell without (((maps))), amuse themselves without marvel, or go a half day without purple dye for hair streaking purposes without being triggered into their safe space
Worst. Generation. Ever. full stop
like me on (((face)))book and follow me on twitter #consume!!!

It will be digital.

why would I go and fight my fellow european neighbours?

defense, for sure. offense, hell no.

any other engagement would not classify as a full fledged war (aka no gorilla warfare shit as you muricans engage with since 80 years)

Watching saving private ryan for the first time and the first 30 minutes all I could think of was propaganda =( our men died for this future, fuck me and fuck war.

Why would we want to go die for a bunch of msm lies??

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Watch the graveyard scene at the very start of the movie when Ryan walks into the French graveyard.
Look at the first headstone he walks past, then look at the background...
Seems a bit weird to pick that one line out of the few hundred thousand.

Subtle shilling for war with Iran, Mordechai

Not without all the training your grandfather got

Why would they? Paraphrasing somebody, "if the lads stepping off the landing craft could have foreseen the world before them, not a one would have done so," or something like that. June 6th should be a day of mourning, because the wrong side won the war.

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You mean die for Israel? Of course this generation could.

Sage... your grandaddy was a fagget

The gorilla war weighs heavy on us all, user. RIP Harambe.

Your soldiers and Marines die every day for a bunch of msm lies, Jethro. Kindly get with the tour.

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It's more like "If the men who stormed Normandy could see Britain today, not one of them would go a yard further up that beach." David Irving is a hero.

was probably the scariest thing.
>cold, wet, nervous, shaking terrified
5 minutes till we hit shore and the door comes down
>the sky is grey and lifeless
>notice you don't hear/see the bomber planes
>they need to clear the ridge
4 minutes
>they'll show any minute we got this
>look around the death boat
>everyone's pail and drained as you
>hands, knees are weak and shaky
3 minutes
>frozen but sweating profusely
>feel like throwing up, it's not from the waves
>no bomber planes
2 minutes
>madness is audible
>catch a few glimpses of the shore over the boat
>not looking good
1 minute
>not good at all
>knees are rubber
>every water drop is a needle
>whole life flashes at once
0 minutes
>door falls open
>sopranos ending almost immediately
>did it for nothing my grandsons are faggot nigger lovers

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>did it for nothing my grandsons are faggot nigger lovers

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Of course we can:

> a spark goes off in Iran
> Iran is becoming more nationalist to protect itself, its youth are increasingly falling to drugs and degeneracy as (((freedom))) begins to come in color revolution style and Sunni terrorists on its borders begin to invade
> Israeli PM calls for war with Iran amid tensions, Congress shows signs of accepting
> some radical anons in the states chimp out and fly 3d printed drones with "WHITE SHARIA" on the undersides and flammables into certain military contractor buildings and AIPAC's annual convention using hivemind
> Feds chimp out when they can't pinpoint a single group being responsible and start using AI algorithms for collecting statements which provide criminal intent, start rounding up thousands of "radicals" on FISA warrants
> leftists stir up prison minorities who start to turn out and fuck up the "incel peckerwoods" who get thrown in prison
> Iran recognizes this and begins to recruit Western males on /sg/ to go over there and fight honorably for civilization rather than die fugitives
> thousands of Western boys begin to flee to Iran before they can get snapped up, IRGC trains them into professional soldiers
> they fight quite valiantly against jihadists in their battalions, earn the respect of the nation and much of the world, gain honorary citizenship
> Christian conscripts fall under the authority of the Armenian and Assyrian churches in Iran and become well-known
> conscripts which convert to Islam become neo-janissaries, getting advanced Islamic education, an issued wife, and being placed in high positions in government

It's a surreal type of feel lads

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They had something to fight for.

Even if the US wasn't at direct risk, when you said you fought for your country there was an abstract concept you were fighting for. A wife who knows her place, kids, a house, an ethnostate. Simple things, but 90% of a man's motivation - today and throughout history. Of course you would fight for a civilisation that provides these things for you.
Meanwhile for men of the countries that were at direct risk it's only amplified.

But today, what are you fighting for?
Immigrants? Hypocritical feminists, disloyal wives and biased divorce courts? Racemixing children propagandised by nigger media and leftist bullshit all day? Spiralling property costs & depressed wages?
Not to mention that our wise governments have already decided that being a warrior for your nation is a stronk whamen's job too. You don't even get to be part of a brotherhood any more. Being a soldier doesn't even guarantee that you're a man any more. The whole institution has been turned into a joke.

I'd die for the former. I wouldn't risk my little toe for the latter.

The US couldn't probably even invade Iraq again at this point. The officer corps is shit and the grunts have been browned out.

>jews fought with your brave men, goys, you weren't alone
>see, us jews go to war
I wonder if it was the jew that cried when the man gave him a Hitler youth knife.

Who has that D-Day video about the greatest generation? I remember them being on a boat talking about why they're there fighting.

>talking about why they're there fighting.
For gays, trannies and all around wholesome degeneracy.

Ever since the Vietnam disaster, casualties have become politically unacceptable. Standard operating procedure is to only pick fights with weak Third World countries, bomb the crap out of them and then mop up with overwhelming force. The U.S. is no longer capable of fighting a ground war against a serious opponent.

Only if it’s to get rid of the zog here and throughout the world, then count me in.

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Yea, that's the one.

No, people are smarter now. Stay home sit on your porch and wait for the enemy to come to you.

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You better hope so. The globohomo isn't gonna defeat itself.

>all these triggered internet nazis mad that their grandfathers were stronger men they are
Milllennials are pathetic

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