Bitchute and Some Good Pages

Some good Bitchute channels, since Youtube is fucking itself.

Computing Forever:
Tim Poole:

Attached: bitchute.png (356x84, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sargon of Akkad


cut your wrists

here you are.

also bitchute is fucken slow now.
they must upgrade their plan.

Attached: bitchute.png (1025x568, 165K)

>Infowars in the current year

Why is video quality so awful on BitChute?
It looks like everything is 360p and heavily compressed

Carl of Wikipedia

I listen to classical music stream on YouTube at work. Decided to switch to Bitchite today because fuck JewTube. No classical music streams on Bitchute.

upload them

Hard of Pass

So what is Bitchute like an alternative to youtube ?

or someone who knows how make a website can get a massive amount of progammers and make a Jow Forums based youtube Alternative

styx sold out to shill for the orange retard since it yields maximum shekels

Because it sucks?

Rip from Youtube and upload to Bitchute. All of this stuff is community based content

yeah but we need an actual alternative and not a lot of alternatives to youtube last long

Download them and then upload them on bitchute. Don't be a nigger waiting for whitey to do it for you.

>someone who knows how make a website can get a massive number of programmers
Has anyone really ever gone as far as.......

AshaLogos bros. Subverted History videos are fucking nuts.

Bitchute itself will be deplatformed by the tech giants. They will be denied server, bank accounts etc

Calling it now

Attached: 9BCD69E5-880B-4CC6-92C8-567243C09020.jpg (992x665, 61K)

Go forth and make it happen young wolfgang

I want some schizo annunaki ufo flat earth channels to follow

unless they accept cryptocurrency which they could still flourish including Patreon support

I don't know but I really want some ,mad man say fuck it and go against youtube cause its just information honey pot

carl of swindon

Attached: elon.jpg (540x540, 26K)

Quick, can anybody hook me up with that gif of the chinaman blowtorching the dog?

Phillip of YTMND

Thx user

a website called "bitch" will never be mainstream. who the fuck named this website?

WAR movies on now

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Found out they had an android app today and installed it. But for how long will it stay in the store?

Styx is a welfare bum.
Soph is the only one worth watching because she's 14.

Bitchute is forever, it's just torrents, anyone can seed

it'll need to add alot of more things including Livestreaming for me to even get sold on going there

Until the next synagogue shooter uses it to record his manifesto.

You heard the user, download Bitchute mobile before they delete it next week.

but is it any good though?

I'm not sure, I don't have a smartphone.

In agreement. If any of the other platforms become a threat they will find a way to ruin them.

anyone knows if JohnRobinson101 have a bitchute channel?

Upload and I'll listen user. The site needs more music it's the one thing holding it back.

The banks control crypto as well. Isn't there also a crypto bubble at the moment?

So lets just never attempt anything? Good strategy there.

Just an FYI
Blonde is a reformed roastie. Over 30. Childless. And recently admitted during a stream that she's a pothead. She's larping for beta bux.

make it happen because we need it

maybe FBIV will be on there?

Could you actually imagine a Jow Forums/ youtube hybrid app? Instead of a imageboard, a videoboard?

Jews For Hitler

Infowars, PJW are zionist disinformation agents.

Go to and see the proof that the Mossad did 9/11. The only reason you didn't know this before is because people like Alex Jones are intentionally poisoning the well.

Alex must hang on the of the rope.

>tim fucking poole
GTFO you fucking brainlet faggot

>reformed roastie
Yeah, that's not really a thing. She still wears whorish amounts of makeup and her face is so doughy it looks like a silicone mask.
I'm waiting for her to admit she's had an abortion and is currently burning the coal.
All you need

Then use p2p torrent-like platform. Piratebay is ok.

was devin booted too?

fuck off

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No. He is actually releasing Bitchute exclusive content the mad man. Respect.

he sold his soul years before you heard of him.

>Styx is a welfare bum.

Literally all Hirosimoot would have to do is edit one line of a config file and enable sound on webm files.

Probably can't afford enough bandwidth to avoid heavily compressing everything. YouTube compresses wildly too.

Check out Brighteon dot com.
See this harpy.
Third in line for presidency, she is.

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Everyone is going to bitchute

Its a mass migration

The war has begun

Bitchite is slow, clunky, and with a poor search function. Someone need to make a new one

>Tim Poole

yes pretty much

show your flag shitboot

>Tim Drool

Jesus fuck user, at least have someone that's not supposed to be part of the establishment net whose main goal is to redirect the hatred of the zoomer right and tamper their behavior into pacifism of the left and centrism.

How about someone that makes the establishment mad, like Ryan Dawson, who provides good analysis on real world issues and foreign policy, who provides relevent shit about Israeli involvement with facts.
How how hard takes from TRS whoconstantly point out these faggots and jewish nepotism and actual realities of our race relations.
No, instead you push out faggots are pro war in the middle east, and the few that aren't are faggot lolberts who try to get you to accept faggots living among us, and that there is nothing we can do but whine and mope until they go away or stop harassing us.
Instead the only one that was relevant in that post was ACTUALLY THE YOUNGEST with SOPH.

FUCK NIGGERS, FUCK JEWS, FUCK MUSLIMS, FUCK FAGGOTS, and if you arent on board with the problems with all of them and calling the shit out, you ARE ONE OF THEM.

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