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Every time these shills are proven wrong, they not only do not reject the failed hypothesis like a real scientist would, they make excuses for it.
Their "Climate Change" MUST be true. Reality must bend to make it so.
This is not science. These are not scientists.

Fucking pathetic


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Curious, what should the ideal temperature of the earth be? A comfy 72 degrees?

Soon it will be, a stable normal climate is actually climate change because climate has been more volatile. So carbon dioxide is actually causing an unnatural stabilization of climate which affects the natural life cycle of elevated maximum and minimum temps.

So it's now "Globo Climate Homo(geneity)"? Consider me thoroughly honked.

Yeah, so? We never thought the sea level would rise. Why do you think prices for oceanfront real estate never crashed? This was just a strawman spread on Fox News by climate deniers. Extreme weather was always the main effect of climate change.

Direct Quotes from Al Gore’s award winning documentary Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore: If Greenland broke up and melted, or if half of Greenland and half of West Antarctica broke up and melted, this is what would happen...

>Al Gore: Here's Manhattan. This is the WTC memorial site. And after the horrible events of 9/11, we said, "Never again." But this is what would happen to Manhattan.
animation shows how sea level rise would affect Manhattan, flooding the WTC site]

>Al Gore: They can measure this precisely, just as the scientists could predict precisely how much water would breach the levees in New Orleans. The area where the WTC Memorial is to be located would be underwater.

Important to note that he asserted all of this would take place by the year 2014, and it was an absolute certainty.


Ive been redpilling normies about the archimedes principal. If all that ice melted, the sea level would fall, reduce, not flood over, not raise.

So now theyre going to change that and find a new way to spin giving climate scientist millions of dollars a year to waste.

>We never thought the sea level would rise

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No one denies 'climate' you gay shill
Kys hippie faggot

>meme fag
>"We never said sea level would rise"
>Ignores Al Gore post
>Pure Chutzpah.
KEK rabbi, you're more funny than deceptive.

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Ok. Al Gore is not a scientist, he's a popularizer like Bill Nye. Worse, his ideas in Earth in the Balance inspired Ted Kaczynski's terrorism. He should be disavowed by any responsible climate justice activist.

You know whats funny.

These ((scientists)) never talk about doing something about the plastic pollution of the oceans.

They never talk about doing something about reducing consumption of goods.

They never talk about reducing international travel, or international shipping.

They never talk about reducing deforestation.

They never talk about overpopulation in the third world.

They only ever talk about introducing more taxes.

What taxes? The kind of taxes that makes the big companies monopolies because smaller companies cant compete with the high carbon taxes.

They want to tax the very air you breathe.

And the wast majority of these taxes dont actually go to environmental protectionism programs that does anything about the issues I mentioned before, they go back into the international organisations that in turn give tax cuts to major conglomorate companies that manage to cut a small percentage of their carbon emissions. They go to paying salaries of people in bullshit comitees etc.

A new initiative in Norway even talked about chopping down forrest in order to use it for bio-fuel instead of oil. Yeah, they paraded around talking about how they were gonna save the environment by chopping down forrests. Truly a fucking clown world.

Very occationally they also go to stupid initiatives that lead nowhere, like a few million going to some Zambian bicycle programme or whatever.

The rarest of cases some money goes to actual research into real solutions, but for the most part none of that actually leads to anything because there is no profit in ACTUALLY saving the planet.

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I remember hearing that and bring super concerned about getting up there for vacation to see glaciers and icebergs before they melted. :/

So, AOC is ridiculing everyone who has taken her seriously? Honk Honk!!

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Ecofags are just alarmists.

>”I was just pretending to be retarded”

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Fucking idiots. Slap the fuck outta them until they speak rationally.

The Earth is flat, and the warming is a kike lie

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>Al Gore is not a scientist
Didn’t stop public schools from adding his documentary to the curriculum and teaching it as indisputable fact. Didn't prevent Gore from being a celebrated key speaker at every fucking climate summit attended by what I assume you consider to be “real” scientists, and I don’t recall an instance in which any of these “real” scientists ever admonished or questioned Gore for not being a scientist let alone disputed any of the many doomsday claims he made(all of which were categorically false in hindsight).

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Norway should build a nuclear power plant. anybody advocating that?
The only place that should consider cutting down trees to generate electricity is California, because of the wild fire danger.

Im working as interim in a government program for water management in reservoirs.

I have data for evaporation since the reservoir was built in 1910. There is NO change in the average evaporation from 1910 and 2018 or the median or average.

You can create a regresive horizontal rect with a deviation of less than 0.1 sigma and you have 99.89% of the data.

I dont give a shit about anything, for me global warming is a meme.

I can't tell the difference

tfw there's more trees than in 1600s

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You are right user, they are doing anything in their power to fuck with individual autonomy.

They are trying to ban coal burning (the good coal, not the niggers).
They are trying to ban farm animals (through vegan bullshit and animal rights).
They are trying to ban guns.

Basically they are attacking ANYTHING that can make a person sustain itself without needing the state 24x7.

fact checking trump’s off the cuff semi serious statements is basically modern leftist journalism

I don't wanna ruin your circlejerk but the Archimedes principle only applies to marine ice not land based ice shelfs

That said rising sea levels are a non issue for everyone not living on small flat islands or 3rd world coastal cities

Read the article. The scientist just says that as glaciers shrink the land under them rebounds a bit so the sea level rise is relatively negated right around the glaciers. Rsuktant sea level rise IS measurable elsewhere tho.

He doesn't actually move any goalposts in the article and uses several examples of observable change as evidence against deniers. The headline is unfortunate.

Full disclosure: all of my familial wealth is derived from the fossil fuel industries and no climate action will mean anything without movement from India, China and other developing regions. I'm no climate alarmist fagola. But I'm also not in complete denial about humanity's awesome power to effect our environment.

If you look at the first video linked in the thread you’ll see that it’s not even impacting flat islands

Wanna reduce plastic pollution of the oceans? Nuke India China and Africa 90% of all plastic and pollutants can be traced back to 5 rivers and none of them is in Europe or america


The thing about global cooling I mean global warming I mean "climate change", is that the definitions always change according to whenever the narrative falls apart. The generic term "climate change" is fucking Newspeak. It means absolutely nothing, and can also mean anything. So the goals will always change while the evil specter of "climate change" is dangled in front of you to demand you stop having white children, de-industrialize, and let the third world flood your nation.

Give it up, comrade.


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I learned that back in the 90s when they claimed we wouldn't have anymore trees left in Germany by 1993 due to bugs and acid rain.

Fun fact: we have more trees in Germany today thanks to lumber industry and rising co2

I'm not you comrade, faggot. Commies aren't human.

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>Manhattan being flooded
>a bad thing

Just need to seal it off first so the rats can't get off the sinking ship.

Based and soot-pilled.

>This is not science. These are not scientists.
Scientific method is great. "science!!!!1" is not. It has become a cult that does not seek the truth, but seeks confirmation.

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I really hope the Hilina slump falls into the ocean and triggers a west coast destroyer tsunami

I have dock space and a boat. High tide is the same level on my dock for the last 35 years

nice appeal to authority faggot shill

The most potent redpill I took was seeing people saying things in the name of, and supported by, (((science))).

Anybody have a file of quotes from Gore's first book, Earth in the Balance?

Climate Change does happen numb nuts. The question has always been if man is part of it or not.
It's not carbon emissions that are the major problem in the environment though; and it's all these smooth brains ever want to talk about.

What am I shilling nigger? I'm just saying the OP's assertion based on the headline isn't borne out by reading the article. Clearly it's a bridge too far to assume niggers like yourself know how to read.

he studied under an actual climate scientist them struggle sessioned his former master when that irl scientist retracted his doom predictions and denounced gore's alarmism

it is really poetic, a classic in the making

I farted and an iceberg melted

I believe in climate change but I also believe that it's only responsible for accelerating events that occur naturally and are an inevitable event in our planets lifespan.

Therefore slowing it down is in my opinion a useless waste of resources as the change is inevitable and efforts should be switched from prevention to preemptive damage control.

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>all this damage control
It was rammed down our throats daily, everywhere... no amount of bullshitting will make us forget your previous bullshit.

My only question would be: What about the overall change in climate and deforestation causing loss of biodiversity in many ecosystems?

As a member of the sea sponge community, I'm highly offended. This kind of bigotry cannot be tolerated, and I call on Twitter to deplatform her.

or just do nothing and it'll change again
wooomp whooooooooomp
nature is nature. millions of years

got an archive link user?


>like dwight from the office
Boy, spics are retarded.


I thought the predictions about sea level was hard, established science, not intuition


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Why did she compliment the GOP?

and lets not forget that ~75% of ocean glaciers are under the water level, meaning they're already displacing the sea level.

true, watch this

We still need to survive the impending damages that occur, if the climate shifts into a new ice age we need to have the shelters and structure in place to survive. These could readily be built through government subsidization and investment people receive from solar and wind in my country.

The land the Government helped seize to build wind farms could be put to much better use also.

b-but there was a 99% consensus with the “scientists”

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every graduate student is a "scientist" these days. and a master's thesis is a "study/publication"

No. Ice displaces its equal weight of liquid water and the rest of the iceberg above water doesn't displace anything because its ABOVE WATER .

God, I hate all this. I used to be passionate about climate change, but I have no idea what to believe and what not to believe now.

These people never offer any cost-effective solutions to the problems, they fail to look at any of the effects of China, they fail to look at how green energy will inevitably affect the economy and weaken the nation, they only give us the same statistics and same data we've always had.

I believe that the environment needs to be protected, yes, I believe that we need to stop harming the environment with deforestation and oil rigging, but they never talk about that. They never talk about the effects of industry and never propose any solutions other than "Lmao let's pull children out of school that will work." Overall I don't even know what the truth is on the subject anymore.

I need some redpills and some hard documented truth, because as it is I have no idea what the truth IS. It's all so muddled.

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Regardless of what may have been said, young people don't remember it and they are the future. What matters is what we say going forward.

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>Ice above water magically doesn't displace water because magic L I B T AR15 D L O G I C
If i took a canoe and measured the water displaced, then threw an Antifa landwhale in the canoe, that canoe will displace more water while still being above water.

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>If you’re living on the U.S. east coast, or Holland, you don’t need to worry what global average sea-level rise is doing.
I have been saying exactly this and for similar reasons to what is stated in the article. I was laughed at by these know-nothing liberals.

Don’t forget, they go on and on about people in first world countries and their carbon footprint, and see nothing wrong with bringing millions of third-world dirt framers into western countries, instantly elevating those people to a first world carbon footprint,

That's the best part. Both interpretations of it are equally correct.

half is just the beginning. 2 billion max

but muh snowball effect comrade

maybe it’s true but people do stuff about it so it never happens!

you're conflating mass with volume, juZe

I pick Africa, Israel, and India to be the 'empty' half.
Oh, what? The globalist elites have chosen white people to be the ones to go?

Why have I been reading articles about how we are about to pass a point of no return for 20 years now?

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>It's Happening
>Any Day Now