Honest Question: How do border jumpers live a normal life in America and go to college, get jobs, get married, drive...

Honest Question: How do border jumpers live a normal life in America and go to college, get jobs, get married, drive, claim benefits etc all without an ID? Is it that easy to get a fake ID?

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They are protected by traitors in our own government


quality pump and dump

Because fuck you monkeys.

They’re getting (((help))) from those in power who use your tax (slave) money to replace you.

they're liars.


>4.5 GPA
I wonder whose cock she sucked for that.

>nice legs
maybe in america, here shes a solid 4

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They do have ID's. In California for instance they can get driver's licenses, but they aren't accepted for any federal purposes.

Schools give them full ride scholarships so they avoid getting loans or grants like a citizen would.

Employers just pay them under the table and avoid payroll taxes.

Latinos got into government positions and passed paws that protect them from being IDed, or needing a drivers license or just went to giving them drivers licenses. Republicans thought they could bring in cheap labor that would vote conservative sinve theyre catholics, but turned out they were all atheist communists that vote for democrat gibs. Democrats latched on and started passing dream act abd other pro illegal immigrant laws, all backed by every police union and department btw.

They all get off to exploiting the white mans taxes, so they dont give a fuck.


I'd rape the shit out of her

shes like a 7 in the us due to not being obese





>ended up on welfare or working at a taqueria in CA because of no SSN

When the fuck did GPAs start going past 4.0?

you guys fuck 12 year olds on the reg

No, it's legit. The area I'm in is filled with these invaders and they've been able to have normal lives for generations. It necessitates a massive conspiracy for it to be possible. If you ever encounter someone speaking Spanish in this country, it's almost a guarantee that they're an illegal invader. Yet nothing is done about it.

In America she is a 3. Same face brown people are a dime a dozen. Especially in the south west.


That's also why kikes are doing away with SAT scores. Niggers and goblins consistently score like shit and their teachers can't fudge their scores

America has a very distorted scale due to obesity, and how common it is. Especially among minorties, and double especially for black women, who are the most obese demographic on Earth. Whites and Asians (especially Asians) have the lowest obesity rates. So basically a plain jane 5/10 is more like a 7/10 in America. If you are actually at a healthy BMI, and not doing le thicc meme, you can just tack on +2 to your score for America.

this. you can tell those calves don't touch. bowlegged, nigger-nosed bitch.

your family can't be in the USA for generations and be an illegal immigrant

That probably isnt the first lie that spic has told.

I thought she got ICEd over the post.
Or at least, at around the time of Trump's campaign and early presidency, there were a few people who deliberately ousted themselves as illegals on social media thinking nothing would happen and a few did get captured because of it.

based fellow indio

So... she would be easily reportable to ICE then, right?

Undocumented ? So she's illegal and claim it proudly.
What are the cops doing in this case ?

There are sanctuary cities run by democrats that give full protection/money for illegals.

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At least one person got deported by doing a post like this.

I also wonder about this.

Does that mean they don’t pay taxes?

Burgers are retarded, they don't have a federal ID document, they use drivers licenses or some other retarded shit.

>obese people top out at 6/10
Quality kek, of course Americans think an obese person be a 6/10.

>lol boomer
AP classes give you a weighted average higher than 4.0

we have practicing lawyers in this country who are here illegally dude. They even appear on FOX news and other national tv channels. It's basically impossible to deport these people unless they commit murder. They can openly flaunt how they are here illegally as much as they want. The court cases are backed up like 10 years. These people will never be deported. It's a free for all. You want to live in burgerland Brazilbro? just come here on vacation and never leave. Our government doesn't give a shit.

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Since she has not commit a crime in the USA, she is protected by Obama executive order from being deported.

less than 5% of Hispanics in America were here before 1980, and definitely 1965. In the 1940 census, all the border regions of America were 95%+ white. Los Angeles was 90% white in 1950. Dallas was 98% white. The entire reason Texas succeeded from Mexico, and the Mexican-American war happened, was because all of those states were overwhelmingly Anglo and German. In Texas, there were 20 Anglos for every Mexican in 1830. (the population of Texas being around 65,000 people) Also the hispanics that were here, were ted cruz, marco rubio white hispanics that are were 90%+ European blood. Almost all of the hispanics that come now aree from deep Mexico, and central.

Basically you have tens of millions of Mexicans and American Indian/Spanish mudshits flooding America, based on dubious claims from 200 years ago on how 3000-5000 pure blood European Spaniards once lived along the Rio Grande.

>>nice legs

under developed inner calf chicken legs, spiked knees. gtfo

The state of burger land. Undocumented immigrants show off that they are proud illegals and nothing will be done even though she is breaking the law. Fuck this disgusting place

That's probably not true, for example I'm in a similar situation. I'm on DACA, have a work permit & an ITIN and do contract work.

What ever happened to this bitch? ICE'D? Unlikely, probably weaseled into the Dreamer program.

if you manage to claim asylum in America, America is forced to give you a temporary visa while they process your claim. With it, they give you free housing, and neccessities for about 2 years the claim takes to be processed. Then if your claim is denied, you just don't show up to the last trial date, and just keep living in America, and there is nothing they can do to actively pursue you. Especially if you live in a sanctuary city, or California, because the entire state of California forbids local law enforcement to cooperate with ICE.

Send her back to fix mexico.

With AP classes and dual enrollment its possible to mac out at like a 4.6 or so but you basically have to never get below a 90 on anything ever, get perfect attendance, and take a full day of only AP and dual enrollment classes during senior year

Has she been deported? Can't someone just call her in and have her arrested?

no tits, pass

They live in sanctuary cities.

Mollie Tibbets

Spics are always hubristic. Must stem from their often severe inferiority complex comparable to niggers.

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not if she resides in a sanctuary city or a sanctuary state as local law enforcement is consitutionally forbidden to cooperate with ICE. Even then, there is a virtually 0% chance ICE would take your tip seriously, because beyond the memes, they do tend to want to focus on actual criminals and rapists and shit. Illegals straight up get felonies and what not and will still be forbidden from being deported.

I just checked her LinkedIn and she’s basically doing nothing with her life. All that bragging and “success” with nothing to show for it.

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They may or may not be atheist, but they'll vote for gibs over, say, anti-abortion, any time.

Because white guilt losers allow it to happen

If you have a choice in the matter (unless it could cost you your job, then you do):
Stop being nice to them.
Stop associating with them.
Do not speak to them.
Do not be polite to them.

They are unwelcome and should feel unwelcome.

I'd fuck her

buddy i gotta work with what i got okay


>They are protected by traitors in our own government

Trump forced out everyone who wouldnt swear allegiance to his foreign masters.

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Jeez, have sex

Go to La Raza's site (btw which is Spanish for, The Race), and the firs thing you see is a giant banner saying "WE are the FUTURE." Obviously meant in the Genetic sense, but can be scapegoated as some bland miquetoast "immigrants have always been the fabric of America" meme bullshit. Doesn't matter really since Hispanics are projected to have a plurality of the population by 2060. Most of the American southwest is already an ethnostate, and America will go full meme when Texas flips in 2024 or 2028. Expect either successsionist unironic "reconquista" political rhetoric, or for America to start embracing the Spanish language in replacement of English by the end of the 21st century. These things are just inevitable. German, Italian, Swedish, etc immigrants were legally forced to renounce their languages. Most schools and towns legally forbid its usage, especially during WW1 and WW2. So its just convenient for the white populations to have their ethnic identities stripped, while the spics, poos, muslims get to keep theirs.

she should be deported or shot in head

hell you don't even have to claim asylum, although if you get caught that should obviously be the first words out of your mouth. If you don't claim asylum, they still just release you out into the public for a court date like 95% of migrants don't show up to. It's a complete shit show. Like I said, if brazil bro wants to come here for a vacation, and after a week ends up liking the states. Just stay here! our government doesn't give a shit. If you can't afford to fly here for a vactation, just fucking walk here in a caravan. You'll never be deported. Once you step foot in the US you are immedietly granted like a 2 year free pass while you wait for your court date. Don't want to show up for your court date? meh who fucking cares just stay here until you commit a violent crime and we actually get serious about deporting you.......unless you commit that crime in a sanctuary city, in that case you can still stay here after you've served your jail time.

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>look mom, I replied to all the posts!

None. Those teeth would nake it like boning a woodchipper


>Skilled In Microsoft Word
I'm too lazy rn to burst out laughing.
pls help

>How do border jumpers
>go to college
There are grants and scholarships set up for illegals to go to school. Some are private some are funded by government moneys via some back door kikery
>get jobs
There are laws that make it where if you hire an illegal unknowingly either by your own oversight or them lying you can't fire them. It's call the right to work law which is suppose to pertain to unions but liberal meddling has weaved immigration workers into the laws language.
>get married
Religious loop holes and more liberal kikery. The US will acknowledge foreign marriages and most marriages in general regardless of the person's status.
Depending on the state all they need is a fucking address. I shit you not. If you have "presence" in the US for a certain amount of years or have a job that requires driving you can get a permit to operate a vehicle.
>claim benefits
Liberal meddling and just like above if they have a mailing address they can get benefits super easy.
>all without an ID
Depending on the state illegals can get temp IDs or IDs which label them as such. But there are ways to dupe the system and get an ID card because most DMVs are full of brainlet niggers who don't give a shit.

actually beaners tend to lose it unless theyre in border areas where the old folks tend not to know english. once they are urbanized they will lose it in a generation. i bet you that gay guy from vox cant even speak spanish.

And for no reason at all, hitler was voted into power

What could qualify a Mexican for asylum? It's not like the Mexican government genocides their own population or executes its critics...

the jewish groups that fund the cayotes and caravans do a good job pointing them in the right direction to in-country groups that exist specifically to help them. like acorn back in the day, still around but under a new name.

>Strong consulting professional skilled in Microsoft Word
>Microsoft Word

Oh my fucking god I'm dying

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She had a brutal eating disorder in high school, she was like 80 pounds. She's doing well with her life

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I always wondered if there is a country or city in Europe that is pozzed enough to let us stay. I did some little research and can't find any that are as liberal as America concerning illegal aliens.

i hate the modern world

Looks kinda fat to be honest

Claim the cartel has a bounty on your head or gang members are trying to recruit your son.
It rarely works.
For sea spics pretty much anytime a storm hits they get asylum damn near automatically.

AP classes.
basically college courses taken at High School.
Well, that's ideally the way it is. It can vary by school, but as long as they prepare you for the AP test, the course is considered accredited as an AP course.

>I always wondered if there is a country or city in Europe that is pozzed enough to let us stay. I did some little research and can't find any that are as liberal as America concerning illegal aliens.

u white?

Gang violence or domestic violence qualify for asylum/

its incredibly vague, and open ended, and takes years of court battles to decide. Meanwhile you get to live in America, and if you think its going south (no pun intended) you just skip your last court date, and move to a place where it is illegal to deport you, like California or a sanctuary city such as NYC.

People who say they wouldn't tap this are confirmed homo

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I feel kinda bad now for laughing at the MS Word thing, because I dropped to 100 lbs flat in high school while also taking a number of AP classes.

that's true, but not anymore. Cubans were typically guaranteed citizenship if they made it to America, (because cuban communism was our pet cause) but Obama stopped that in 2015 when he tried to normalize relations with America and Cuba, and now make them go thorough the same hoops as any other spic group.

Not surprised.
Doing well in school doesn't translate into being skilled enough for a high paying job.
She puts a lot of emphasis on the Google Fiber shit because of the name. She was pretty much working as one of those people who bug you to sign up for cable and internet. Handing out flyers and pamphlets.

How can you be proud of taking away full tuition from a legal US citizen? Literally stealing thousands plus the opportunity that should’ve been given to law abiding members of the public.

That's bullshit. Matthis is a literal faggot.
A lot of people he forced out were traitors.

unless you went to high school in 1969, every high school grades on a 5.0 scale now. The fact that you don't know this is kinda sad, but somehow many Americans think its still a 4.0 scale, so they can feel somewhat okay when they bring home that 2.6 GPA. The one small trick is that anything past 4.0, you have to take "advanced placement" classes. I guess in some since, the 4.0 scale is for the plebs, and 5.0 scale is for actual tryhards. They had to do this, because grade inflation is kinda insane now. It's insane in college too, so they are starting to introduce there as well. College costs so much, that giving a student a C is seen as basically a reason to get fired as a professor. Especially if you are part of the 90% of professors which work part time as Adjuncts.

I wish they did that with those fucking Haitians.
Dumb apes can't keep their shit together and either bleed stupid Americans of donations or come running to Florida to be RNAs.

We can manage outside of sanctuary cities too.
Not just California, but also Washington State, and Oregon. And there are exceptions if one is accused or convicted of a felony or is a habitual or sex offender.
I can't speak for ICE, but I can tell you from experience of a family member that works there; you need a name, place of residence, and workplace, and why you suspect they're here illegally. Even then, they prefer to target large amounts of individuals, individuals with criminal records, or Muslims immigrants. So if you report your neighbor that works in a hotel, they're probably not going to do anything. Now if you report a workplace, like a slaughter house were you know a lot of my compatriots are working illegally, then maybe they'll take it serious and raid the place.
That won't work, if you have a singed warrant from a federal judge a sanctuary state or city won't protect you. You're thinking of detainer warrants. Missing a court date without notice is grounds for an immigration judge to sign a deportation order against you, which triggers a UFAP warrant. Any cop from even a sanctuary place will arrest you and hold you, until picked up by ICE.

Look at how oppressed she is

20 years ago when my father worked for the INS I'd have her bouncing up and down on my dick to keep herself and her family from being deported.

Well we allow people to stay here for fear of gang violence. basically every inner city here is filled with nog or spic gangs. So I guess you could fake your way into proving that you were personally threatened by some gang here in the US. Just have some people write fake ghetto talking texts to you, or pay some random nig to leave threatening voicemails on your phone, and I bet at the very least germany and sweden would let you in. probably a lot easier than going through the conventional immigration route.

They're not atheist. Latino churches really go out of their way to provide illegals with housing and jobs. They vote Democrat in hopes of amnesty and gibs.