VOX fags did a union walkout

Notice anything?

Attached: file.png (598x608, 479K)

The Fagbooks on every table?

Yes OP, racially inferior technology. It was Apple that powered Vox all along. I should have known.

Attached: racial.png (984x484, 746K)

No. Please draw a red circle around what you're referring to. Vox is trash tier blog media.

they don't have a full partition under the desks so i could see up the girl on the other side's dress

Cmon user. Try harder.

Did that. At the very nanosecond you posted.

>Using Mac's in 2019

Hahahahaha they are all fags.

If you guys dont figure this one out I'm gonna be seriously worried about you, Jow Forums.

the the pic is for ants first and foremost.