He's right, you know

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He's a bugchaser, you know.

no (you)

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>Gay materialist with a life ending disease contracted solely by being a gay materialist

So what exactly is he "right" about?

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He sure did get crowder deplatformed... oh wait.

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You're a faggot, you know.

tranny discord is back

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only you OP, we aren't simps like you

he looks like a faggot. is this some faggot?

Hes a Marxist piece of shit. Hes never been right in his life. Hell crash and burn before long and then blame capitalism or white people or something. What else is he good for?

He's left, you know

>le 56% amerigoblin mutt also enjoys sucking massive amounts of dick


Being a hole to fuck for gay men


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I love how hard you're trying.

His "arguments" are weak and easily disgarded. Only thing he's right about is how much of a faggot he is.

He's a faggot you know

>He's right, you know
About what? Go. Tell us.
Crowder already served his ass so bad and completely discredited the man so badly Youtube has to be set on fire.
Pretty pathetic. That's the liberal response.
Your proved Crowder right.

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He's actually far-left, sweetie

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Does he actually have HIV? NO meme answers please.

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I guess you never miss, huh?


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Good bait user

Agreed 100%
We'll suffer against fascists no more.