
Since YouTube made changes to their terms of service by halting free speech, we are left with a few options, either we fight back by reporting videos that have not been removed by YouTube or be laughed at by the seedy bourgeoisie liberals, we can flag any content on YouTube that:

>Has any medium that supports violence against of law enforcement (i/e gangsta rap)

> That is for the dramatic explosion of homosexuality, transgenderism, and a whole plethora of "mental disease"

>Mediums that support Anti- Natalism

So far there has been threads of Hollywood leftists being connected to Hollywood Sex rings this week.

>Someone mentioned in previous threads about Carlos Maza filming a gay porno with a former/ current lover

>lets try to connect Carlos Maza to secret sex cults by using weaponized autism.

thread theme:youtube.com/watch?v=F6VJQZxeWNY

Sharing ideas are welcomed.

Attached: antiyoutube.png (300x168, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: adl.jpg (822x819, 228K)

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We just need to flood Bitchute with content that isn't just people screaming about Jew's and Pizzagate.
Like...yanno, actual stuff normies would watch.
Youtube and Google own this monopoly because people too focused on money and not focused on the message refuse to stop sucking Googles tit for cash and take the short term financial hit by jumping to a new platform and building back up.

Find vids that encourage degeneracy and flag them like crazy, make multiple threads if necessary

Attached: 1559778746643.jpg (800x600, 90K)

guess I'm going to Pornhub anyways

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>actual stuff normies would watch
"how to" videos come to mind

This is a good idea. Rap videos are especially ripe for the picking.

Youtube doesn't owe you free speech you worthless faggot

fucking kill yourself

There need to be a multitude of genre on Bitchute. Gaming video come to mind. How to, Travel blog all that stuff.