Based on neo-(((Gnostic))) transhumanism pilled
And no one cares. Get a hanger faggot.
Is that thing even human?
would be great if they killed each other
why even give attention to this cancer? fuck off Muhammed.
Let our "democracy" goes wild.
And its not a mental illness.
>Women aren't the only ones to get abortions.
> Is a mentally ill woman.
thats the dad from Family Matters
we're in the 2+2=5 territory
The dad from Family Matters is unironically a faggot, actually. Reginald VelJohnson. Dude's gay as hell.
Jane Earl Jones.
>LARP as a man
>Get cumload by a dick in your vagina
Let them flush the proto-niglets, not even Christcucks care desu
Carl, NO!
>transgender men
So women then.