Internet brings down Coca-Cola partner farm after SHOCKING animal cruelty footage surfaces online.(STRONG VIDEO)

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I just bought a huge flat of coca-cola today. Oh well.

>Workers also grew and smoked marijuana at the farm, and offered the undercover team cocaine on the job
Based and redpilled

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Liberals are shocked, but this is what happens when you hire random people to do hard labor. You will get like 90% drug addicts.

illegals sneak in to our country violating our sovereignty and are allowed to stay because of sanctuary cities - this is where those fucktard go to work.

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What is a "flat" of coca-cola.
Like you bought an apartment and filled it with coke?

leaf speak for a "pallet" maybe?

Chinese people are so fucking weird.

Anyone else notice most of the workers there are beaners?
Why are spics so cruel?

>random people
they didn't look random, they looked like the same type of brown color
hmm is my monitor not calibrated?

They aren't white. Whites are the only race that has empathy. That's why they're the only ones letting brown people flood their homelands.

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>animal cruelty
who cares?

I don't think it has anything to do with empathy as much as it has to do with big business Jews and white race traitors lobbying for them to come in so they can get cheap labor.

Taking care of very young animals requires patience. They are too short tempered to handle more than a few let alone the thousands they have to deal with. It's also miserably hot and that fucks people up worse when it comes to their attitude.

cow tossing and unabashed cocaine use are just mexi0- er farmworker culture user


I could see that too.

What about Europe? None of the sand niggers of regular nigger even work there. There's no way an Asian or South American country would take in millions of Africans.

I want coca cola to burn

not sure if retarded or trolling

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Keep in mind, the population in Europe is aging. The politicians probably see mass migration as an easy fix when they should be enacting policies to encourage more Europeans to have children. There's probably other factors at work as well. I'm sure Jews are involved in some way or another.



You gooks don't speak proper english and you dare come at me with that shit?
I am offended.

everyone who abuses animal deserves to be fucking shoot in the head.

I'm so sorry you are retard

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yes shoot the illegals!

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Why what a surprise, Coca-Cola hires beaners who can't speak English because they are likely here illegally and animals are abused by said beaners.

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>dirt cheap drug using Mexican farm workers beating the shit out of baby cows

Yeah? Not shocking. Mexicans are fucking animals.

>being this upset your Shanghai slang isn't en vogue

>Yeah? Not shocking. Mexicans are fucking animals.
BUT YOU SEE ...the owners of that dairy farm and the management are Americans.

Aw come on! Coca Cola was drugs!
They got everyone addicted to cocaine!

The pepsi-verse is too much for even Jow Forums
Don't open that can of worm(holes).

Lmao this nigga worships fucking cows

how've you never heard of a flat of cola.

just post the in store prices

No one understands your leaf slang

I don't speak mandarin or cantonese, sorry.

No we haven't and that is why sound like the oddball in this thread.


Color me surprised.

I take back my apology

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flat soda is when the carbonation is gone

whites sure showed empathy to Native Americans

>imagine not only saving stupid doge memes but posting and spreading them

Coke will be fine. They literally have been siphoning entire towns water supplies literally from out below their feet in many parts of the world for years now. It takes 2 liters of water to make 1 liter of coke. Hell nestle pretty much fucked an entire Great Lakes town with that shit too.

>whites sure showed empathy to Native Americans

Red indians.
I know some facts about your nation, here they are. You are paranoid retards.
Tell us history of your savage nation, you know how brutal you were with other tribes before white men arrived in North America.
You primitive fuckers were worst than ISIS is today.
You were killing raping burning alive men children and women of other tribes,torturing them and cutting their heads off in the same fashion as ISIS s doing today.

You fuckers are claiming that you are so close with nature, that you are so spiritual yet you are blaming white men for introducing alcohol to you and sniffing glue,
where is your fucking strong spirituality to free yourself from those addictions.
I tell you where. Inside of the dead fucking trees that you carve to be your gods, the fucking evil totem poles.
That's were your spiritual strength is, inside of those dead trees. You brain dead red turds.

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This is an english speaking board chang.

not all of us are faggots, leaf

BatBarf does have a point

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Being close to nature means being close to death.
Why would natives treat each other differently than they treated animals?
You said it yourself retard.
This was true of European natives just as much as it was true of American Natives.

Is this a big deal?

I'm not offended. Didn't look that bad in the video

Good shit. Much props to the people who do stuff like this.

That’s shooped. Small crowd walks the road and they stitch them at different spots together.

who gives a fuck, about to get a coke to show my support.

Why are animals at cocoa cola? Didn’t watch.

Spics are subhuman. .0001% are ok



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stupid pepe bich!!!!

This and I'm so fucking sick of all the beaners and kikes trying to convince the board that Mexicans are based because they're nigger haters. Nobody white gives a fuck about their little tribal squabbling, keep them the fuck away from our society. FUCK Mexicans, THEY ARE NIGGERS.

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I noticed the same thing.

>watch the video
>it's nothing but illegal aliens beating the shit out of cows and snorting coke on the job

>>watch the video
>>it's nothing but illegal aliens beating the shit out of cows and snorting coke on the job

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Fuck these farmers for hiring wet backs. I say we put on whit robes and have a talk to farmer bob about being a race traitor at about 3 AM. Fucking soys.

Okay ultrasatan.

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90%+ of farm workers are illegal mexicans
I live in Iowa and there aren't any white people that work on farms anymore unless it's theirs and that's less and less of a thing every year.

That's fucked up, I hate seeing animal abuse. Luckily I only drink goats milk from a local farm that I've actually seen first hand.

That pretty much does it for me. The little amount of hope i I had for this world is fucking gone. Im not only repulsed, I've been gripped by anger. They let these fucking subhuman gucking ass pimples into our country and they do this to the land and animals this beautiful land provides. Im out of my fucking mind angry

Anger is a gift. Use it wisely

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risthian Bahena Rivera, age 24, lived and worked in the rural Poweshiek County area where Tibbetts vanished.[18][19] Originally from El Guayabillo, Guerrero, Mexico,[20] he arrived in the United States at age 17 and had lived in the area for several years.[21] He had worked at another farm before coming to Yarrabee Farms near Brooklyn, Iowa, in August 2014.[21] Rivera self-identified and received his paychecks under the name John Budd.

Yarrabee farm is a dairy farm.

Oh and I just noticed in the vids it's blacks and beaners...of fucking course it is. I hope the boomers enjoy these people being the ones who take care of you in your old folks home.

it's not a thing, that's how

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Satan checked.

What, did you think boomers who hire spics were good people and not drug abusing "free love" race traitors who value mammon above all things?

the companies need the labor

Been a while since you posted your autistic shit here from what I've noticed.

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Based. And friendly reminder that feather niggers are nothing more than chinks that came across the Bering ice bridge and that's why they're subhuman bugpeople just like the slants are today.
I care more about cute cows than I do stupid red skinned slants who need to pack up their teepees and go back to Siberia.

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your word is my command lord

Can you imagine if the klan would show up on white slave owners doorsteps yelling how they’ve replaced all farmhand jobs with slave labor. That type of life aint too far apart, they just don’t live directly on the plantation anymore.

RACIST! Stop showing blacks and mexicans doing things!

>employess are spics

mmmmmmmmmmmmm really gets the beans jumping

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you missed three hot threads yesterday and two the day before and two day before that day
you are too slow and bit off. mentally.

>RACIST! Stop showing blacks and mexicans doing things!

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epic post

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POO WHOO faggot

Never fucking heard someone say that

一平可樂 hahahahah

I see Coke-Cola shills already on the job, huh.

i dont speak chink, desoite being from chinkville.

Hey meme flaggot, the natives of south america had tons of gold. Guess what those "superior" yuro niggers did once they stole all the gold? They used it to fund their religious wars, guess what faggot all of humanity sucks. Just cause you're some pale faggot from yurope doesn't make you any better.

imagine drinking hebrew poison

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You can't take an approach to it because normie right-wingers see something about animals and assume that its some communists wanting to steal hard working farmer's livestock and lefties will turn a blind eye because they're non-whites. You meet opposition from all the humans™

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Jow Forums is a bunch of princesses who just found out about cruelity at the animal farms. It happens at every fucking farm in the world. We all fucking animals who will not stop eating steaks just cause some calf got abused somewhere.

The only thing beaners deserve is a nuclear holocaust.

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>who cares?
subhuman detected.