Can someone explain the "impeachment will make Trump more popular" meme...

Can someone explain the "impeachment will make Trump more popular" meme? I know it helped Clinton but that was just because not even Republicans cared about him getting a blowjob. How exactly is getting IMPEACHED supposed to help him?

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civil war will help us all. enough liberal degeneracy.

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It's over
We got him

>Majority still against impeachment, even among CNN voters
You'd think they wouldn't release such information so willingly. What simps.

>41% from a poll specifically targeting CNN viewers
Wow. That's.... low. I would've expected something around 90%.

because he won't actually be impeached. the dems will start the process and the repubs will vote it down.

read a book.

It's over
We got him

My libtard friends all keep saying that and it’s retarded

CNN poll? No margin of error there.

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Impeachment proceedings are long and drawn out like the attacks on trump that destroyed dems chance of winning re-election in 2020 were. People don’t like that shit.

Your hurt feelings say more than evidence ever could.


Is the fake news network still on the air?

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>latest CNN polls CONFIRM 98% chance clinton victory

you think people actually forgot about that massive blunder?

>It's over
>We got him

Says the increasingly desperate shill for the one millionth time.

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>CNN poll

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Lack of a easily identifiable "gotcha" crime means that impeachment will be viewed as exactly what it is: Trump being attacked for hurting Dems feelings. Dems lost out on collusion and are currently trying to hold Barr in contempt for NOT breaking the law. They go forward with this obvious bullshit and they will lose support, which Trump will gain. Their crazy has become pretty obvious to everyone who not also crazy.

Impeachment is ineffective, petty, and a waste of time. It also really drives home the FACT that Democrats hate Trump more than they love this country. Even Democrats want to see things get DONE in this country. Right now the media is desperate to push the perception that all democrats are politically-obsessed radicals that embrace open borders and subscribe to an identity-politics religion that worships victimhood with as much, possibly more fervor, than your most radical Christian worships the pain and suffering of Christ. This simply is not the case. They stand a solid chance of losing 2020, BADLY, because people are so exhausted with their endless opposition and hysterics. For all the valid complaining conservatives and anything right of the far left have of being ostracized or demonized, the democrats in general (people, not politicians) are hopelessly fractured. There is a lot of smiling and nodding, forced laughter, and keeping comments to themselves going on amonst their own.

The mainstream press might be the biggest parasite in this country

>this meme is now 2 years old. Libtards are literally mentally insane and belong in an insane asylum. Especially Pelosi.

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Yeah and just like their attacks in 2018 di- oh wait republicans still lost lol

>Can someone explain the "impeachment will make Trump more popular" meme?

1) Impeachment will fail because there aren't enough Dems in the Senate to sustain a vote (and some, like Sinema, will vote against it).
2) Dems in Congress will be too loud, overplay their hand once again, piss moderates off, and people will rally behind Trump.
3) The Dems desperately need to find their platform and stop mentioning Trump and Russia, or they'll get BTFO in 2020

Trump is guaranteed victory in 2020 if impeachment passes the House; the Senate will vote it down and the Dems will look like the losers they are.

Dems will spend all their time and energy on a hopeless impeachment trial while Trump will be campaigning for reelection. Once Trump is acquitted he will repeat every day that he was the victim of a coup attempt witch hunt perpetrated by the Democrats. His re-election would be guaranteed

because it has no basis, solves nothing, wastes taxpayer money for the entire process, and in the end it doesnt actually remove him from office like theyre making libs believe

Repubs had a net win in 2018 you dumb fuck lmao

It has only helped each president it was used against, their popularity skyrocketing each time.
The way it unfolds it presents the president as a person being kicked when they are down. No one likes to see that shit for months on end, even if they dislike the person from the outset.

You'll understand once you get out of your teen years.

Meant for OP with you as my supporting argument. My bad.
No more bourbon for me tonight.

First step Trump will take is to take it to SCOTUS on the grounds that there is no crime being accused.

At least for Clinton he actually did commit a crime (lying under oath).

>impeachment will make Trump more popular" meme?

Its just Trumpcucks desperately trying to flip the narrative to their advantage. Bush won after Clinton was impeached.

Clinton LIED to Congress; proven by GENETIC EVIDENCE.

Trump has NOT testified before Congress, allowed them to have investigations out the ass, they revealed nothing, so Democrats are still not only stupid, but revealing their stupidity.

Where are you confused?

>own both chambers of Congress
>now only have one
Mhm sure

Keep shilling. Keep screaming "peachmint". Keep Arkanciding people. None of it matters. The House of fucking cards is coming down, one way, or another.

Clinton left his nuts on a fat girls dress. LOL.

Don't try to make this about Bush...Clinton was a fucking idiot and you know it.

because there is no proof of any wrongdoing and a partisan impeachment vote will just make the democrats look petty

Isn't jumping on the impeachment bandwagon more or less a concession by Democrats for 2020? Their focus should be on winning the election that's less than one-and-a-half years from now. A lengthy impeachment process would be redundant at best should the Democrat win, and at worst harm their party's odds in 2020.

bush won because you morons ran Gore against him

Dems lost the un-losable election:

- Accuse winner of being a foreign spy
- Accuse winner of tax evasion
- Accuse winner of being a misogynist
- Accuse winner of being a racist
- Accuse winner of a homophobe
- Accuse winner of being a Xenophone
- Accuse winner of being Islamophobic

On and on it goes. None of it works, keeps kicking ass, liberals try to tell me that the extra $150/week/$8000/yr I GET is a fake tax benefit.... Fuck Democrats forever. I was neutral but never again.

If not R or I, I'll NEVER vote for a democrat as long as I live, and I will impart this with all my power on everyone I know.

>CNN calls for impeachment 24/7
>Can only get 41% in a captive audience poll

it won't make Trump more popular but it can hurt the Dems who support it because they're campaign on it rather than policies

trump has been around 50% approval. I highly doubt it's 50% approve 41% impeach 9% other.
Cnn is garbage.

>Clinton left his nuts on a fat girls dress.

you make it sound like a bad thing

If he is impeached, but the senate doesn't charge him, then it shows he's innocent.

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Pretty funny considering the fact that 'He controls the Fake-Stream Media, controls pubic opinion'-------and they STILL can't control a majority to go for this shit



I like this version........

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What exactly do they want to impeach him FOR?
The whole Russia collusion has been disproved, has he committed any crimes or lied about any blowjobs recently or something?

People in the Midwest that voted for Trump will support him if he’s being attacked. They need to peel off lifelong Democrat Trump voters with a centrist Dem party.


They've spent millions of tax payers money investigating a POTUS that was fairly elected instead of doing ONE PIECE OF REAL WORK to advance our country by law.

Democrats are fucking dead to me, forever. Will never vote for them again. If they had any brains, they'd had passed some border shit to show "high road" or "copmromise" or whatever.... Trump offered 2.5x what SCHUMER wanted for DREAMERS and they wouldn't touch it.

Democrats are a joke. All they care about is their "lordship", your $, and keeping you stupid.

Apparently defeating a Globalist-backed candidate is an impeachable offence.
We live in a clown-world

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Pelosi is decidedly against impeachment.

It's called discovery. When PDJT gets his law team involved, it'll come down to the show of all shows.

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You should read Part 2 of the Mueller Report. Very clear evidence of obstruction. Far more serious than lying about a blowjob (which was still serious).

Republicans lost 1/3rd of 1/3rd of one Branch.

There's absolutely nothing clear in it. As a matter of fact, Mueller's public statement even points out the fact, to the Democrat party, that he couldn't prosecute because DOJ cannot do that to a sitting president.

Mueller is leading the Dems down a primrose path to self-destruction. There's literally nothing in the Report that suggests DJT himself did anything. As a matter of fact, the Mueller report still fingers the Russians on Seth Rich's actions.

>nose ring

Have sex

Not with that slut, I don't want hepatitis.


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Seth Rich had nothing to do with anything.

Mueller's public statement reiterated what was in the report itself -- no matter Trump's guilt, his hands were tied by DOJ policy. The clear implication is that holding the president accountable is Congress's job.

There's a lot in the report that DJT himself did a lot of things to obstruct the investigation, in clear violation of the law. You should read it sometime. It's very clear.

It's called a Jew trick OP. This particular Jew trick is being run on Dem voters by Dems. The Dem voters are screaming IMPEACH. The Dems know there isn't a goddamn thing to IMPEACH him over, so they scream "GOYIM IT WILL HELP HIM IN 2020 CALM DOWN!"

cause its baseless and the harder they reach for this shit the more normies realize theyre insanr amd trying to steal our country

where is the blue eyes, shes not white.

Impeachement would help Trump because impeachement does literally nothing. I don't understand what kind of idiots keep peddling the muh impeachment meme, it literally does nothing
If they impeach Trump it means they spent 4 fucking years on bullshit. Instead of trying to remove Trump from office or preparing to defeat him in 2020, they would have wasted everything they had on an impeachement.

If Trump got impeached you would have liberals celebrating in the streets, and then a few minutes later everyone would go ''fuck yeah, does this mean Trump is no longer our president?'' and the answer would be ''no, you fucking idiot.'' Trump would still be the president and on the next day he would do something that would send the left into a complete meltdown. You would have leftists freaking the fuck out asking why Trump is still the president, isn't he impeached? How did Trump just do a thing? B-BUT WE IMPEACHED HIM!!!
This is exactly what happened with Bill Clinton. Republicans fucked themselves over pursuing Bill Clinton over lying about having sex in the white house. They wasted time and effort on an impeachement and of course the impeachement didn't do anything.

I would never want to see any president impeached. If Hillary had won I wouldn't be calling for her impeachement, I'd be calling for assasination or her resignation. You could remove her from office because she's physically and mentally ill.

Trump is going to lose the 2016 election goy. 99.999999999999999999999999999% Hillary wins. Don't even bother showing up goy.

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In your picture, Nate Silver was correct.

Just because it passes the Democrat led house doesn't mean it will live past the Republican Senate. It will hurt the Dems and they lose the house

wow you're stupid

yeah that's actually a rare nate

That's a lot lower than the calls for B.Clinton isn't it?


No, it wasn't clear evidence of obstruction, or he would have recommended charges. Whining about the cops being up in your shit all day on twitter is NOT obstruction of justice, nor is campaigning to get the local sheriff fired while he's investigating you.

I do find it funny that some losers in the Administration felt they were being ordered to fire Mueller and refused, thereby preventing any actual obstruction. Prime irony.