>be me
>start dating a girl I met while shooting at a range
>assume she’s fairly conservative since she likes firearms
>decide to ask her about her political beliefs (we both agreed initially to hold off and not let it get in the way of our relationship).
>oh ya no problem user, well I’m a social Marxist by nature, I’m an intersectional feminist, and I hate trump.
Like I literally hate everything this girl is, I thought she’d be conservative because she liked firearms. Do I break up with her like a sperg or continue to date like a cuck?
Help! Wut do!?
Stay with her until someone better comes along. Keep in mind that if she talks in meme she probably is not a true believer, just following trends.
Women are like play-doh.
It's easier to find another job when you have a job. Wear two rubbers while you keep looking or some day you wake up with Bea Arthur in bed with you.
Become even more dominant. Shout your support for Trump. Tell her shes stupid and her political opinions are worthless. She'll fuck you harder.
Get her to spread her ass cheeks and then go to town. A lot of those alt left type of girls give up the ass really easily.
One thing you need to understand about women is that they do not have minds of their own and instead adopt the beliefs, hobbies and behaviors that satisfy the dominant influence in their life.
If she doesn't think what you think then it's only because there's a more dominant influence in her life which she respects above you.
Your choices are two:
1. Decide you will never be the dominant force in her life or think she is not worth shaping.
2. Teach her to be the creature you want her to be and she will become it.
In either case, it's on you to decide if women are worth it as they're all like this. Do you want to hold frame all of your life for a 10 cent piece of pussy who will leave eventually anyway?
Nice story faggot. Why do you make shit up to strangers on the internet?
>should I continue being unhappy or seek real happiness elsewhere?
gee dude I dont know
who cares just fuck her and date other women, at all times. also don't talk about politics with women.