Redpill me on paganism

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I envy the pagans, but it's fucking cringy.

It’s cringe

It was a way to understand the world around them before they knew God. Now pagans are just SJW fags (wiccan shits) or lost souls filled with the ennui of the dying world.

Go visit your local gay bar to learn about it.


>It was a way to understand the world around them before they knew God

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it's gay

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Breaking bad is a pagan in spirit

A word used to describe the pre Christian beliefs of Europe. The most well fleshed out version of paganism we have is Hellenic paganism. If you wish to get a brief overview of the religious structure you should read Plato’s the republic to begin.
From their you should have a good start point and should look into pre Christian philosophy and customs.
Northern European paganism is more difficult to follow due to the nature of church suppression and the lack of wide spread literature in Northern Europe before conversion. Folk customs and local catholic religious ceremonies are ironically some of the best sources for an idea of Northern Europe’s interpretations of divinity.

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Read Julius Evola’s Imperial Paganism. Also read the metaphysics of war.

It's a word created by Jews to attack the traditions and culture of Europeans.
There, you're redpilled about paganism.

Oh, vicious comeback.

Expand, I think there’s something here

It’s worth noting that Nietzsche is considered by many to be the first pagan philosopher in a thousand years. Why? Because he rearranged the concept of values from a Christian perspective of self sacrifice, universalism and pity.
Paganism is a more well-grounded less neurotic worldview which broadly speaking encompasses many religious ideas/perspectives. It is distinct from Abrahamic faiths and the like because of its self-affirming circular nature, as opposed to outside-affirmed ( God ) linear nature.

I don't think any particular pagan gods are actual people who actually walked around the world though.

Fun Fact: the reason why the stereotype of witches flying on brooms exists is because they used to apply ointments of Henbane, Nightshade, Wolfsbane, Mandrake, etc along with other plants and fungi to the tip of a broomstick, which they would insert into their vagina to induce feelings of flight and shapeshifting.

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Ok I am slowly getting redpilled

Easy. The muzzies and the juice have religious institutions and places of worship where they can meet and organize. Europeans ain't got shit. How is the church treating you? Paganism is the only way to get Europeans together and organized without getting BTFOed by the state and normies.

It is super contradictory and pretty much pleb tier. There is a reason why Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle rejected it.
Read City of God to see pagans eternally destroyed. Augustine literally goes through their entire system completely dismantling it. Fucking hilarious.


Do you have any sources for this?

T. Known Boss

>Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle rejected it
Truly a profound insight from a man who has never read Plato or Aristotle
just check the sources at the bottom of the wiki, plenty of reading materiel.

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Socrates was executed for preaching that there was one God.
"There goes Socrates, the atheist who only believes in one God"
Was what Athenians used to say about him.
They explicitly rejected the normative forms of paganism as illogical

Every single solitary fragmentary shred of paganism that survives into the modern day is because Christians or Muslims deigned to write it down.
>b-b-b-b-but my 0.2% of surviving primary greek/roman sources
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but my 0.00000000002% classical and antiquity surviving sources from literally anywhere else
Outliers. Thank the monotheists capable of writing that you can larp as a pagan at all.

No he wasn’t. Socrates was forced to take poison for “corrupting the youth of Athens” he was very closely tied to a political elite know as the 30 whom had ruled the city as tyrants for some time and he was deeply critical of democracy. Plato established the groundwork for Greco Roman polytheistic religious structure in the republic. Aristotle was your best bet at some sort of atheist figure but even he paid some lip service to the gods.

imagine seeing lightning for the first time, not knowing what it is and what causes it. do NOT tell me you wouldnt think its an other worldly thing.

Watch The Wicker Man, the more recent one.
When they break Cage's legs and put his head in the bee cage, you think, 'Go bees.'
There it is. Pagans like berzerk, we like sperging.

If you read the Republic you see that they explicitly reject the pantheon of the priests and thr playwrites. At best you can say they saw the pantheon as a useful tool to control the populace. But they all believed in One

>Thank the monotheists capable of writing that you can larp as a pagan at all.
The alphabet you are writing in is Latin letters not semantic. The second most printed book in the history of the world is Euclids geometry books. Classical civilization gave you literacy not Christianity

I'm always amazed by how well-read outsiders are about Greek history. Most Greeks don't even know the basics.

Based. OP take his advice start with the greek pantheon.

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modern "paganism" is just Kabbalah for white people

Monism is what classical paganism is yes. The concept of the universe as expressed within this religious structure is the belief that all things come from a single fundamental source.

Christianity is the sole reason the Latin alphabet survived after its Empire's demise. Period.

If Christianity was the sole source of Europe’s accomplishments how were the Romans able to do so much without it? We existed before Christianity and the time has come for us to exist without it.

Socrates believed in a singular pagan God overseeing/having created the other lesser gods. He constantly uses the plural of Gods in the discourses in the traditional fashion except when he is alluding to or describing his account of the singular pagan God. That singular God is pagan because it is not Jesus/Yahweh/Holy Spirit.

The Romans worshiped the state. Their religion is the barest abstraction of that fact.


>Monism is what classical paganism is yes.
Not really. It is what the philosophers believed, but the populace, priests, and playwrites worshipped a literal pantheon.

I didnt say Socrates was a Christian, I said he rejected normative paganism.

Read a book. Every sect the Romans tolerated were sects that preached civic subservience. Every sect that taught otherwise was persecuted.
If you think just the early Christians were persecuted by classical Rome: read a book.

makes you free from jewish bullshit

I’m skeptical of this interpretation. I largely think this is a Christian corruption of the concept. When we hear a oneness we assume this is an indication of some sort of all seeing omnipotent deity. But after reading Heidegger I more interpret this concept as a sort of oneness of being not of creation. We exist the gods exists and everything exists simultaneously within this reality creation of sort of ultimate merging of form. The interconnectedness of being itself creates a oneness perhaps not of spirit but of world.

I have read more books on this subject then you and your opinion is not grounded in reality but in the fact that you wish to degrade this religious structure because you rightly perceive it as a threat to the concept of Christianity monopolizing Europeans religious attentions.

The Roman state in its original form was one of the most austere in religious practices, thus making the state subservient to the faith. Numa Pompilius established rituals that would take hours to days and if not performed right, had to be repeated before any state action could be performed.

I don't think he rejected it flatly, I think he just criticized the way it was worshiped in society. He presented logical problems in situations like the Euthyphro Dilemma which people could not solve, and which they mistook for an attack on the gods conceptually. Socrates affirms in the discourses his respect and love for the gods generally, and that he suffers from his awareness of these unresolved logical problems. ( questions )

The artists and such were demeaned because Socrates had a clear hierarchy of value where it pertained to human activity. It went knowledge/wisdom>Action>Depiction of Action. He prized philosophy and thinkers foremost, then sportsmen and rulers, and then finally condemned artists and the like as merely recounting the successes of the higher order people.

>Socrates was a Christian, I said he rejected normative paganism.
No he didn’t and everything we know about the man was written by Plato.

= science

= philosophy

= history

= triggers Jew worshipers more than the NWO

= anti-occult (((gnosticm)))

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Yeah I probably didn't express that very well. I didn't mean that he thought it actively watched over them or made them in the traditional sense. More that from that one source these other things sprang, even the gods. It's probably fair to unify them all though into a singular concept/mode of -being- or meaning.

The state's ritualized nature is a point making my argument, not arguing against it. The Senate's proceedings were quite literally a matter of religious dogma.

>= science
>= philosophy
>= history
>= triggers Jew worshipers more than the NWO
>= anti-occult (((gnosticm)))

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Where does lotr fit in into that dichotomy. Seems like it would fit more into man is a fallen angel really.

But if the state was supreme and religion a tool of the state then the Senate wouldn't bind itself by religious ritual, religious ritual would serve the Senate's purpose.

cuckoldry and adultery is not accepted in Christianity what are you talking about?

Wasn't joseph a literal cuck

Your trying to apply your secular American worldview to the ancient world. No one before the enlightenment had a concept of separating church and state. People actually lived the religions they followed, so every action in this world was considered in a religious context.

Ridiculous point. It's like saying the Catholic Church is supreme over the sovereigns it crowned during the medieval era because of ceremony. It wasn't, nor were the religious institutions supreme over the Senate, Pleb Council, Principate because of ritual alone.

>cucked by god

>It was a way to understand the world around them before they knew God.
Do you mean Yahweh? Call Him by His name. :^)
>mfw those dumb pagans believed in stupid stories about jupiter and odin, they didn't know the true deity was named Yahweh

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Yes, and thus religion was above the state.

It's like Christian pantheism only with figurative representations of aspects of God.

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Here's how christianity works.

Jesus: Do x
Christian: Does everything save for x

Your book saying something doesn't mean much.

Well as long as they get a divorce first it would be fine right? The more important point is that the image demonstrates the societal/territorial cuckoldry inherent to the Christian worldview. The Christian is supposed to welcome competitor males into his household and accommodate them. Then those males get to fuck their wife or daughter.

this, Hellenic paganism is perhaps the best preserved examples. And unsurprisingly, it is much more compelling and relevant than the jewish mythology that most Israel-supporters follow today.

The Catholic Church was in many ways above the secular state. That is why when nations were put under interdict, secular rulers usually gave in because their people held their salvation above worldly laws.

Most educated people in late antiquity were agnostics or outright atheists.
Modern christianity is a sincretic religion (or rather several religions) born out of synthesis of early christianity and large variety of local beliefs and traditions, i.e. depiction of St. Jeorge is based on thracian rider motif, etc. So in a nutshell even if you're a christian, you're still a pagan.

= science

= philosophy

= history

= triggers Jew worshipers more than the NWO

= anti-occult (((gnosticm)))

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>The Christian is supposed to welcome competitor males into his household and accommodate them.
Flagrant misrepresentation.

Are you talking about the pantheon or the Monad?

>God is just another god
They aren't even the same concept, dude. The Christian God is the Prime Being, the pagan god is some anthropomorphised superman.

pagan is a derogatory term referring to everything that aren't the three desert cults.

(((Gnosoticism))) is Jewish

Pagan -
= science

= philosophy

= history

= triggers Jew worshipers more than the NWO

= anti-occult (((gnosticm)))

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