You're doing the same mistake as Hitler.
Most Jews who do amoral stuff are not even religious. Religious Jews are like Ben Shapiro:
Right Wing

You're focusing your energy on the wrong enemy.
The real enemy are socialists.
That way you also don't frighten normal people from your movement.
Actually socialists are just communists in disguise, but that is a topic for another day.

Attached: angery.jpg (427x500, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

shut up nigger

Stop hating whites.

True enemy of man has and still easily manipulates you to help bring it into the same reality in which you reside. Certain bloodlines are more easily manipulated than others.

Someone get this neo-con fag outta here.
>most Jews are like Ben Shapiro, right wing
He completely diluted conservatism and is a main stream shill, like all jews.
Fucking kek

If you still believe in the left versus right dichotomy then you're either stupid or a Jew.

Based af

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Jews are a race. We know that. It doesn't matter if they're religious or not. They're still scum

Attached: hahaha nein.jpg (550x339, 21K)