Western women

>Be me
>Go into gas station for a snack and water
>Fat shit slob woman in front of me reaches into her bra and pulls out a wad of money to pay
>Poor lad behind the counter looks disgusted
> Woman walks back to the KFC at the other end of the shopping center
>I pay and get $5 cash back and go to my car
>I take a look at the KFC as I'm driving away and see the land whale behind the counter
>Stop at the KFC
>Before I get out I take the $5 and wedge it behind my balls, right in the taint
> Get down and order some potato wedges
>Land whale tells me it will be $3.59
>Reach into my pants and fish out tainted $5
>She immediately starts birthing a sea cow "that's disgusting" and so on
>Her boss comes over and asks what's wrong
>Tell him she won't take my money
>Tell him about the gas station and the poor casher my
>KFC boss grins and tells her to finish the transaction
What have you guys done lately to keep degenerate Western women from acting like entitled cunts?

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yeh but when did they clap?

Absolutely based.

If you're not larping, this is peak basedness. Plus you actually left ur house user


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I was the only fucker in the "restaurant"buying that garbage
Fuckin checked

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Based. Yours was cleaner

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this never happened

> why can't I ever get laid for 500, Alex