Can I help you love Christ?

Can I help you love Christ?

Is that even possible?

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What exactly are you asking here?

At this point I dont believe my soul is worth saving

stonetoss is so cringe. his drawing style is embarassing and all his comics are just Jow Forums strawman posts. The characters look like DQ ice Cream cones. I can't believe you guys like this shit so much it makes the right wing look like a fucking joke.

>muh neingag
If anyone had any interest in changing forums you wouldn’t need to beg for months on end,

You do realize doubltchan got its largest increase in. Users in the first 4 days?
And you losers have been trying for what... 7 months?

No one cares about neingag. You are losers and I hope you get rangebanned,

I was raised roman catholic but Im having a hard time believing in Christ when there's so much evidence against him and the way he lived.

Hanging out with prostitutes like Jesus did isn't virtuous anymore because now only drug addicts and lazy cunts who would rather make 3x the money they'd make waiting tables can just suck dick some dick.
The whole washing/kissing feet thing is another thing I can't see myself doing when this is what it would look like in today's word

So no, user. I really doubt you can help me love Christ again now that I've seen the world for what it is.

kill yourself

Can I, me, help you love Christ,
I question that possibility,

I have saved a select few, but it didn’t actually have much to do with what I said.

Guess what? You are absolutely right until you change your mind.

Jesus was a soft lad, turning his other cheek and all that shite.

Christians saved the guard from trouble in classification disputes. Guards enforce against guards in the classification dispute with power by belief in resurrection for eternal life for all God's people.

Christians answered by going with guards into jail while guards were ordered to arraign Christ, and guards would arraign while ordered to arraign.

Christ resurrected. Answer and you live forever. Christ resurrected is Christ proving. Proving is answering. Christ's answer is eternal life.

The deal with the most powerful, God?, man the farthest distances by men of CHRIST so true ones man frontier environment like men man frontier environment! There is then obvious environment for brain and reflex.

The resurrected Christ proved the men, respecting the eternal life of the guard, are resurrected to eternal life. The guards only needed to do by their regular, expectable behavior. Behavior is brain and reflex too.
This respect for inalienable right of life is order from order. Eternal youth. True eternal life. True heaven. True inalienable right of life. True artificial intelligence in robot enforcement program. Christ is acceptably expectable.

through leading by example

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I don't know. Maybe.

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>Im not gay user

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CLevel with me. Are you barely schizophrenic famous kraut or are you some indesciminate kraut?

>loving a middle eastern jew

I am not really recognizable, no.

Pic related helped me.

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Good news, god hates fags.
You may have never heard this because we live in a clown world.

Now if you have been on Jow Forums for longer than two days you recognize you are dealing with faggots

prostitutes are broken people, that's why he hung out with them. have you ever tried to fix such a person? try it sometime, it's very challenging. you imagine who the person could be and you see potential that is trapped, so you try to free them from themselves and their burden. as you know them more you learn their story.

I would never love another man, faggot

>prostitutes are broken people
Yes but the difference is we dont live in mud huts anymore and it isnt their only option for survival.
They caused their own destruction by choosing the easy way to make money and therefor dont deserve my help, which wouldn't really benefit them anyway because how the fuck could I show them that working your ass off for 8 hours at minimum wage is worth giving up making that amount by sucking a single dick.

I don't think so, I think the person has to let him into their heart. But you can show people Christ. Its their choice from there.

Shalom aleichem fellow (((Christians))). Do you accept Prophet Jesus (PBUH) as the true Allah (SWT)? I sure know I do!

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being hateful is an emotion for the weak, it requires little self control. it's why prisons are full of people who are not fully developed adults, many of whom will admit to this themselves.

when you are molested or abused it rewires your brain in a way that is difficult for other people to understand. I'm not really referring to the economics of the situation, indeed this has some influence and it's no coincidence that the rise of girls selling themselves coincides with a falling economy...but the real problem with these people lies in their misunderstanding of self worth and intimacy because it was perverted from the start.

>For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
What did Paul mean by this?

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The kikes literally killed him for his teachings.

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Who do you think Christ first converted? Jews.

>humans must follow Christian doctrine or face social collapse
Tell that to Japan


Now tell me why I should kiss black man feet and get laughed at for it.

Literally this

>Turn the other cheek
>An eye for an eye

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you shouldn't.

what's he going to say next

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How's Jesus's boipucci

I have communed with the Holy Spirit. After a bottle or two of wine. When I slept, I saw the oppression the Romans inflicted upon early Christians. You could call me crazy. Maybe I am. But I consider myself a Christian, even if I am not baptized or official. I have drank the blood of Christ.

>Japan is doing fine without Christianity
>working instead of worshipping on the day of our Lord
>pic related

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>>Turn the other cheek
>>An eye for an eye
If an user hurts me it's an eye for an eye.
If an user hurts someone else then turn the other way. Simple as.

You can help them fear God

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Prophet Jesus Kike (PBUH) was just continuing the scripture (Same with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Jews & Christians have and will always have similar nature to one another.

so you're saying to not help others in need? i thought that was the christian thing to do.

But jesus did.
He kind of let everyone walk all over him iirc

Jesus is the story of God as a younger man. He put that story about what he used to be like so that you could see him and love him when he showed up. However, even with all that "love your neighbor" stuff, and all that "plank in your own eye stuff," you still hated him when you saw him. Now here you are, and now here I am.

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>put that story about what he used to be like so that you could

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What version of the Bible do Orthodox Christians read? I want to do some reading in Ecclesiastes.

I don't know what I want out of my life and I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Things that gave me pleasure (going at night to drink/socialize/chase women, video games, my current group of friends) no longer do so and I need to find some direction in my life.

Sorry this isn't about Christ as eccl is old testament but maybe some anons can help..

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>no pleasure anymore from drinking/socializing/vidya games
Have you tried minecraft? It's a really good game user.

This post solidifies in my mind that christ posters who post here are cuckservative missionaires from places like the Blaze come to save "nazis" from their "hateful ideaology".
I've come to a different conclusion about Christianity. Go suck off Israel somewhere else.

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Yes actually, I recently picked that back up after not playing for years. I also picked up my old favorite FPS. I've been playing both in recent weeks. They're both mildy fun as I remember them to be but they're not fulfilling. I feel the hours I put in don't help me at all

Fashion a fuckable effigy.

Have you tried getting married and having kids? That'll be fulfilling for sure.

No, russians lost their souls because of soviet union.

Have I tried? Kind of. I've only had one serious relationship where I thought about going all the way to that point, but I was not ready to commit at hte time. I had reservations about the girl, too (she was a bit crazy in the head: on psychotic medication, autistic, depressive episodes, leftist). Still though, even though I have my doubts of it working, she's the only girl I've ever actually loved (sans family). I'm feeling a bit lonely lately but even if I had this girl back, deep down I don't think things would work out and I'm better off not trying.

My more recent relationships have been dead ends from very early on for various reasons. None of them I have considered as long term material. I'm in my mid 20s and I'd like to have kids by 30. My one sibling is in her young early 20s and in a relationship of 3 years. It's likely he's the one for her, I'm happy for them, but it makes me feel like I'm failing

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That’s is sad. I could provide an insurmoutnrablec amaounts of reasons you are weong... but you wouldn’t accept them.

This board is full of mudslimes and niggers

No point saving those subhuman shitskins

He wins the then, don't be a fucking coward! Don't give in senpai
