>the bodies
>were even
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Who's the nerd?
i dont get it
I think he's a dance Isralie.
>1 post by this id
British pseudo science youtuber who's a cuck
Did he really turn into a cuck though? I used to watch his series on creationism but never really was a fan of his. Did he cuck on biology? Does he think there's a million genders encoded in our DNA? That would be really sad.
he's a super leftist that thinks yhe women from the young Turks is the highest ideal women that he wishes he could bang. perfect example of leftist Athiest trash that used there oh so big brain power to prove the big sky daddy wasn't real
I can accept atheists as long as they are atheists and not just anti-Christians. It's a pet peeve of mine, seeing a so called atheist trash talking Christianity and then praising Islam, a vile religion that is opposed to civility itself. That is why I never had a problem with thunderf00t, because I saw him shit on Islam.
If he cucked out on biology, though, that's really sad.
Dunno what OP is sperging about, but TF is a good dude.
Only reason to dislike him is if you're an insecure faggot.
he's made a ton of anti feminist videos though
Yeah he's really spazzing the fuck out. What a mental, needs to really take a chill pill. I mean look at that TOTAL MELTDOWN.
Why's he throwing such shade at my boi?
Did i hit a nerve?
He's a leftist Remoaner who'd rather lose his nation to Paki rape gangs than to lose his science grants from the EU.
You can't basically admit that you're assmad then deflect back to me when I call you out for being a easily triggered fuckwit.
You don't get to do that.
I'll take that as a definitely yes
Yea he has some lefty sensibilities; but he's competent as an intellectual and uses his power for good, so I can't really fault him.
>Boooohoooo I took the bait now i have to save face by projecting.
>damage control
Just stop bro.
I don't get it
Yeah I obviously have so much more invested in this clearly low effort shitpost.
What do you have to take it so personally buddy? He's just a shitty eceleb. And wrong about everything, but that's besides the point.
>He's competent as an intellectual
Only in specific fields. In all others he hits the Dunning-Kruger effect
The problem with this idiot is he knows nothing about politics and Dunning Kruger kicks in. He abuses his authority in other areas to fake authority in a political discussion.
He used to be a pretty rational dude who would take on creationist-tier Christians, muslims, feminists and the left-wing radicals who hijacked the atheist movement.
However, after Brexit and Trump, he became the very same type of faggot that he used to criticize.
Well, I don't agree with him politically. I agree he's an arrogant guy who has perhaps too much confidence in his thoughts... but basically everyone has dunning-kruger when it comes to politics.
You can look at lifelong politicians and political wonks saying and doing absolutely retarded shit all the time.
I think politics isn't really a matter of knowledge; it's a matter of unstated axioms and hidden agendas getting in the way of people ever communicating or making sense to eachother.
> (You)
>but basically everyone has dunning-kruger when it comes to politics
>JBP does not have dunning kruger
>and this is evidenced by the fact that he changed his mind
Is that the argument? No I think this is an example of JBP knowing he was on the verge of killing his 100k/month golden goose.
I think he cucked in this instance purely for pragmatic reasons, and not based on the principle.
JBP is really dumb as they come for an intellectual.
Just because he gives you hope doesnt mean he knows anything.
JBP, for example, is sincerely believes that the nazis and the white nationalists are evil, malevolant men who secretly want/wanted to destroy the world out of a sense of Mephistophelian revenge against reality
One more thing I'll add: I actually like JBP more than I like thunderf00t, but it doesn't mean I totally agree with him.
holy shit is that you thundercuck?
Is he married? I am guessing no.