What do we do about Asian women and their white worship?
What do we do about Asian women and their white worship?
She doesn't realize white babies always have blue eyes at birth. As the baby grows older the eye colour will change.
We give them everything they want.
Jesus, look at the fucking physique on that baby.
it's not uncommon for mutts to have blue eyes at birth
Baby still look chink though.
Who cares, asians outnumber whites 3-to-1, you guys have a lot more to a worry about than what asian women are doing
We must resist, to stop the end of the white race.
It's not just Asian women
Asian women don’t like their squint eyes.
"white man's whore"
I had blue eyes and blonde hair as a baby. My hair is brown now and eyes are green... my kid is 1/2 Korean and is blonde with green eyes.
That kid looks way too old to still be using a pacifier
That's one swole ass babby
It's just one master race wanting to mix with another master race to create a super mega master race to rule them all.
>intelligence of an asian
>strength of a white person
Better than black worship. At least it's not anti-civilizational.
you die off. into the grave quick . take tyrome with you he cant survive on his own and you just had to have a pet
Make fun of them til they stop, also beating up men who fuck Asians helps!
>I have a dream, and I dream this dream every night, and I know every Asian woman dream this same dream too. But far too long have Asian women being oppressed and silent of our dreams. No more! Asian women are now liberated, emancipated and educated and we will no longer be oppressed by Asian men! All Asian women dream of a world without Asian men, and it is time we send all the Asian men to the gas chamber! Asian men do nothing but oppress women with their tiny little dicks and seriously they are so hideous and shit-looking God all Asian women hate those sad losers and this world will be a much happier place without them. And they oppress Asian women and give us dirty looks for having sex with White guys. Well duh! Like any beautiful Asian girl with any self respect is going to date those disgusting fucking rice dicks! So, let’s send all the Asian men to the gas chamber! And all the Asian women will belong to White men and black men, well any man as long as he’s not Asian! Hoorrrahh! Let’s spread the world so we can finally do something to change this world for the better!
future Jow Forums starting strength advocate
We give them each 1 white baby then they shut the fuck up and suck their samurai master cock so he can help us with tha jooz
>she's from Singapore
Not a surprise. There are many women here that hate being Chinese.
You mean what do we do with Americans who all race mix because they wave around with money to cheap prostitutes, then pretend it was traditional waifu from Asia.
Free plane tickets to the white ethnostate, were they can stay for a weekend to get impregnated and birth some superior DNA in their homecountry
Then we also fix Japans birthrate problem at the same time
>i want
fucking roaches...
Japan has no birthrate problem, they are very crowded in Tokyo.
You slavs are as dumb as niggers arent you?
Why do you have to be do negative, for the time being she has what she dreamed of, Jelly?
You are a lot dumber, since Japan has no birthrate problem, they are very crowded in Tokyo.
How does your kid look? My gf is Korean and I love her but I wonder how the kids would turn out.
Oh and you are a literal cockroach.
Exchange white trash womyn for asian princesses
asian women arent oppressed by asian men any more than asian men are oppressed by themselves by being soulless selfish bugmen who as a result inadvertently exist to serve an elite
generally speaking of course, japs are doing alright
Nothing to do about it
All self respecting Asian woman want big white cocks
Japan had better elites until recently Americanized Shinzo Abe who was schooled in USA and thinks Japan has a birthrate problem, so he can make more money off of cheap labor, a literal retard, what happens when you pray to Jesus and say Communism is bad.
>“It’s absolutely disgusting. So this is what white men have become, whining little pussies who got no balls. You might as well just start calling those white men “asian fags” for all I care. And this is why I have more admiration for blacks and Muslims now. At least they still have the balls to rape, loot, and kill. They still have within them that savagery, that barbarism that defines all higher men. But those white men are just pathetic.”
mayo and rice boys on suicide watch.
lol that's called a pacifier in english? fucking pacifist english (not yet) speaking babys, hate 'em
Definitely is
Japan had better elites than USA, since American elites are retarded like Shinzo Jesus Abe. Shinzo Abe goes *slurp slurp Jewish penis*, like in USA.
Generally they’re called “Binkies”, “pacifier” is the more formal term. What do you call them my mountain jew Freund?
Nothing. They already have CRISPR. They'll soon be extinct.
Um, you mean the end of chinks, right?
Nobody calls it a binky lol
CRISPR.was invented in the sad hope some day asian men will have adult sized penises
Marry them, of course.
Based plan. Thumps up.
It won't matter, because their mother's will genetically alter them to be white. All lesser races want to be white, and in three generations will be extinct, because CRISPR
is this a shoop? i want so badly for this to be real
it would be simpler to just outlaw tiny asian penises and send more white men to asia
they are very crowded in Tokyo, cant even get in train how overcrowded they are, they need less people
they are oppressed by the constant threat of being raped with a Vienna Sausage
>Greatest plot twist if our time, totally non-predictable, who would have figured.
Why is that all these people are mentally deranged hyppocrites?
We do the only sensible thing.
Take full advantage of it.
is this achievable natty?
Kekled, the kid looks like a 75-year-old man I know.
Injoy the mud traitors
Still shilling asian miscegenation, faggot? Rope yourself. Enjoy your holiday.
Bait thread from your local (((white supremacist)))
Why do you shill an anti-white lesbian kike music celebrity?
You are just a retarded faggot Japan is not the problem
Yours will look full asian, finn
We could embrace it strategically and create a new race. Get a lot of strong white men to impregnate Asian beauties without ANY commitment to these women or children. The asian women could then raise these mixed children and they could be an army to help us kill all the darkies.
>we be eatin white poosy n shieet
Who makes these threads?
Every. Single. Day.
you are already asian so your kids will look full asian
I have a lot of respect for east asian countries but seeing this and knowing their intermarriage rate in the US breaks my heart. I want our cultures and races to coexist and central asia is already one huge hybridization zone. Please don't mutt everything up, guys.
Make babies with a white woman