Give me one good reason the burka shouldn't be banned in public.
why do you care what other people wear? 3rd world faggot bitch. kill yourself, sheep fucking retard.
Yeah, cause Ireland is third world. Keep getting cucked by the orange man
Why should it be banned?
can we also ban all religious wear in public as well?
and before you fucking stinking wops start crafting laws about what women can wear- how about you fucking idiots learn how to LINE UP for things in public you fucking animals. That might be a good start.
It hides your face and it's very baggy, meaning you can hide stuff beneath it. Robbing a shop in a burka and switching clothes when you get out would be very easy to make you not get caught
Because legislating how people dress isn’t democratic. People should be able to dress however they wish as long as they’re clothed.
Even if it's for security reasons?
how many shops have been robbed by people wearing burkas you fucking neanderthal?
You got stats on that chump?
It should be mandatory for all women