But hold on a second?

What if we all just pretend to be normal and find a nice white girl and tolerate all her shit but complain about only one thing: "I want to have 4 kids, i do everything for you" Wouldn't that fix the problem? she would be stuck at home with the kids and put in her place.

Isnt this Jow Forums national socialist thing working against our interests? Women are too stupid to make the right decisions unless lied to.

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Just tell her you want to massage her feet

No, dead kikes must happen first. They can kill four while we make four.

Get real. Never fight jews. Just point at them when talking to non whites. Turning niggers against Jews really works best.

Might as well cut your dick off user. Go for 12 or stay in your fucking basement.

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No i meant having 4 kids with a liberal woman. which is about as hard as having 12 with a social conservative one.

>liberal women
Liberal women, esp. exotic brown women, are for casual hookups, not serious dating.
Come on man.

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Will you tolerate cheating with niggers?

>I want many kids
>"It's my body, fuck off. You're getting 2 kids at the most, I already had enough after the first one"

It can be much easier, rewarding and more self-respecting than that.
God gave men the gift of being able to create things like homes.
So do like Josef Fritzl and build your girl a place to reside while you pump her full of baby batter so she can push out your offspring.