>market crash is coming
>buy gold

Why? Why survive?

Attached: 1532843858778.gif (320x240, 1.58M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>jews buy gold
>real people buy silver

Buy bullets and land. Not gold, you cant eat gold

Would a financial collapse make my zero interest $15k student loan worthless? Because that would be sweet. Or would it make it more expensive? I'm retarded when it comes to this sort of thing.

Don't buy gold, it won't be worth anything this time around. Bitcoin will skyrocket when the market crashes this time.
I voted for Trump in part because I wanted to destablize the economic system because I am so unhappy with how things are. I'm kinda gonna be bummed when all of the Democrats start screeching "DRUMPF DID THIS!". I actually know for a fact that it's not Drumpf that did it, but rather the same people in power who have always been trying crash our system in order to precipitate communism. Left-wing communist accelerationists. They've been around forever and openly wrote about their plans many many decades ago.

It sucks man. I'm going to have mixed feelings about this coming crash. In the end, I don't think it's going to go well. I figured in a sane world the market would crash and people would recognize "wow, the government has been fucking us over, let's free up the markets and let people live freely and make livings freely now" but instead their idea was "lets give the government MORE power under socialism and hope they do the right thing this time!"

It's always the same. The good guys will lose, the bad guys will win. This has been the song of human history over at least the past 160 years since the civil war.

Attached: problems caused by the state is this capitalisms fault? socialism communism leftists.png (783x703, 504K)

But why? WHY?

>survive the crash
>inherit the wasteland
>crack nuts to fix the wasteland
>here comes nigger feds to FUCK IT ALL UP AGAIN

No, I refuse. When it drops, I'll make last popcorn in my life and watch all you monkeys scramble for pieces of this piece of shit civilization.

I love silver!

Attached: apusilver.png (1173x674, 164K)

Yes, in a financial collapse all debts will be wiped away.

buy liquor, cigarettes, porn mags, ammo, guns, medicine/first aid, canned goods, iodine pills, a secondary gasoline tank, sonotubes and a plot of land in the middle of fucking nowhere

Attached: 1552319744414.jpg (4160x3120, 2.18M)

Go ahead and collapse this bitch. I have my own garden, solar panels, well, and I live near the ocean for fishing. Crash the whole damn society.