are you a fascist?
Well Jow Forums
Yeah I'm a Fascist. I got my IQ tested it was 81. Pretty high eh.
I'm a monarchist.
I just had sex with me sistah
another common feature of generic fascism
I'm all for communism look at my IQ comrade!
Point #1: Don't like either
Point #2: Wouldn't call myself "pro-military" or "pro-police" but I recognize those institutions need to exist for a stable state so if that makes me those things than so be it
Point #3: Lol no, exact opposite. Non-interventionist, often get called "isolationist"
Point #4: If being "pro-state" means wanting a government than I am "pro-state." I am a nationalist. Xenophobia is healthy. Nationality shouldn't be tied to race.
Point #5: Nice buzzword
Point #6: I don't like Communism or Capitalism
Point #7: Nice buzzwords pal
I'm a National Socialist.
sorry but that's not real socialism, you just wish you were a real socialist
National Socialism is the only socialism; you are merely a fucking vagrant looter who has no ability to replace what you tear up. Fuck you, nigger.
>less fond of democracy more fond of dictatorship
yes, I love stalin
>pro military, pro police
I love the cheka and I take my airsoft rifle to antifa rallies
>pro agressive, imperialist foreign policy
the soviets did nothing wrong
>pro state, nationalist, xenophobic, tying nationality to race
all american western piggu out of country
>pro toxic masculinity
I voted for bernie, and called myself a bernie"bro" once
>pro capitalism, anti communist
never! I don't even have any money
>racist, anti-semitic
fuck off you racist israeli zionist
antifa are the real nazis confirmed.
look at this guys face
pure fucking estrogen flowing through his veins, I guarantee he's sucked many cocks in his short life.
>Philosophy Tube
oh no, here come the red liberals. all anti system until racism, then they'll ally with daddy capitalism to deplatform nationalists.
But responding to pic related
>less fond of democracy
Democracy doesn't always mean freedom, there will always be laws. Violence is the ultimate form of authority. Europe has hate speech laws, yet it's a democracy. If you don't pay your taxes in a democratic country, you go to jail. Resist arrest, and there's violence. That's life, just don't go larping that you're peaceful.
Democracy also divides the nation and its people, often times big capitalists and inventors pay candidates to be on their side , and most of the elected candidates have no reason to honor their original pledges to the citizens after they win, yet they'll always honor their founders.
>pro military, pro police
We want order and to secure our country. Doesn't mean we'll always excuse the police. The police is just a tool of the ideology that's in place. Right now, neo liberal capitalism pays their bills. Hence the police have no problem arresting nationalists in Europe. Even Lenin didn't go straight AnCom and used the police after he took power.
>Pro aggressive, imperialist policy
That's often false. Most third positionists want their countries to stay in isolation and recover from the effects of globalism of the last 70 years. We don't wanna fight wars for Israel and kill brown buddies. Let the middle east handle its own i say.
>pro state, nationalist, xeno, tying race to nationalist
We're not anarchists, we believe in borders and in our land and our people's safety.
We don't believe in multiracial societies, as they always bring conflict and instability, like the anti white hate most minorities practice while living comfy in european countries. Mass immigration is promoted by capitalists as cheap labor, in order to destroy the white european working class, and to establish an easily controllable-consumer mixed race.
This definition of Fascism doesn't exist to describe Fascism. It exists in order to advocate the political opposite of the individual points mentioned here.
>Less fond of democracy
If you don't unconditionally love the idea of democracy, even when your opponents knowingly stack the demographical deck against you, you're a Fascist. So: let your opponents and their dependents have it all.
>more fond of dictatorship
This extends to any form of rule with a strong executive power. If you're against government-by-word-games and in favor of meritocratic or action-based government, you're a Fascist. You'd better be in favor of a Human Resource-o-cracy.
>Pro military
If you're in favor of having a capable military, and therefore a country that doesn't grovel before other countries, you're a Fascist. You'd better be in favor of a global compact of demilitarization, even if other countries blow their nose with it.
>Pro police
If you're in favor of law and order, if you want to live in a safe community, you're a Fascist. You'd better be in favor of 'racial redistributist justice', and you'd better not call the cops if you see a suspicious negro trying car doors.
>Pro aggressive, imperialist foreign policy
If you're in favor of Realpolitik or simply in favor of defending your country's interests abroad, you're a Fascist. You'd better get on board with our passive, defeatist attitude.
>Pro state, nationalist, xenophobic, tying nationality to race (...) racist, antisemitic
If you recognize that people are different and that different groups of people have their own sets of interests, you're a Fascist. You'd better commit to the ridiculous idea that we're all the same even though measurably we're not.
>Pro toxic masculinity
This ties back into the Human Resource-o-cracy. If you're not a groveling, mealy-mouthed she-male, you're a Fascist. Better grovel more, white man.
>toxic masculinity
It created and maintained societies. Men and women are different and should adhere to nature rather than liberalism. Not even gonna mention religion, humans are animals. There's nothing masculine about a guy that thinks he's a woman, and nothing feminine about a dyke that acts like a man. Again, feminism and trangenderism are nothing more than capitalist tools to disband national unity.
>Pro capitalism, anti communism
Wrong again, at least to my beliefs. I'm more of a german nazbol(which were a thing before Hitlerism), so i believe in actual socialism combined with a strong nationalist state. Economically speaking, we'd agree on many things. I'm not an anarchist, so it makes sense i'm not an Ancom. Ultimately fascism/third positionism is more of a social ideology, than an economical one. Some are economically socialist like mine, some still maintain regulated small businesses.
At least in my case, calling me a capitalist would be silly.
>Racist, antisemitic
Again, we're not multi racialists, reasons stated before. Jews should stop trying to subvert countries if they don't like the hate.
Yes, there is nothing wrong with being a Fascist or National Socialist.
by his metrics fucking china is fascist. democracy was a lefty value until 2016 and when they realised they'd left worker's populism behind they suddenly noticed that democracy was mob rule because the consequences of the migrant crisis, identity politics, and occupy was a lot of people consciously rejecting their dogma without tribal allegiance to conservatism.
>Pro Capitalism; anti Communist
If you disagree with us on matters of economics and/or dialectics, you're a Fascist, which gives us an excuse to get rid of you. So you'd better go along with our economic platform if you value your life.
So what I'm saying is - to the left, Fascism is "the total of things that I oppose, and the total opposite of the things that I support". In modern parlance, "Fascism" is a control word, not a descriptive word. It's a stick that they beat you with until you do what they say or at least don't stand in their way as they steamroll you.
>less fond of democracy more fond of dictatorship
>pro military, pro police
Pro military, anti police
>pro agressive, imperialist foreign policy
Pro aggressive, anti imperialist, foreign policy.
>pro state, nationalist, xenophobic, tying nationality to race
Yes to all. Though the dictionary ties nation to race, not me. Ironically, Natsocs are the one who do this, not fascists.
>pro toxic masculinity
>pro capitalism, anti communist
>racist, anti-semitic
>by his metrics fucking china is fascist.
Maybe. That all depends on his personal view on China, which I'm sure is mixed. But if he likes China, then China is a normal country, and if he dislikes China, then China is Fascist. This is the one thing I want everyone to remember: "Fascism", in today's language, means "everything I don't like". It's not even just the left that does this, either - boomercons do it to, they called Obama and Hillary Fascists.
I know you're kidding, but I'm not kidding when I say: that's higher than about 50% of the world's population, and 75% of Africa's population.
China is fascist though, albeit through a prism of state capitalism that's rhetorically defended by the CCP as communist (with Chinese features, whatever that means). Whatever the label though, the outcome is the same - a raft of elites holding onto power through the amalgamation of state and business interests to instate oligarchy.
well if he took the gloves off and said what he thought he'd only have commie words like reactionary to lean back on.
it's a shame susan's astroturf breadtubers close ranks so hard, there's an argument to be made that a 30 year old redditor making making vids about how girls should be sluts or prostitutes is a creep.
maybe that's the strat, infiltrate the lefties to point out that oliver's a creep.
yeah, but the only cunts pointing that out are the right wing nationalists and slavoj zizek.
good posts
Most of those describe antifa
actually I did an oopsie, the libertarians hang shit on china too. I always forget because there's no libertarians in australia because there's no bill of rights in australia.
Which right wing nationalist is pointing that out?
The only thing the list gets right is pro-police/military. Clearly made by someone very young and naive.
Yeah, sure, let's do it
.... In Minecraft
the one's supporting the trade war, aussie ones that want us to fall in with the US in WW3, the ones on youtube that have covered china in any capacity.
black pigeon in p.much every video on china.
he has no brain at all.
Sounds like neoliberalism to me, just replace all the race shit with baiting to keep dumbasses divided.
why is he talking so much
Hide lack of substance with the volume of fluff