Beautiful German girl gets constant death threats just because she's dating with an Asian guy

Former Miss Germany Finalist Receives Death Threats After Introducing Her Asian Boyfriend

A German YouTuber has opened up about receiving death threats just because she has an Asian boyfriend.

“For me it was really surprising and shocking that there are still people out there with such outdated mindsets.”
“Of course I know that racism is out there, but I never really have been confronted with it. I just grew up thinking it’s self-evident that we’re all equal.”

“I was called several funny terms… One frequently used term was race traitor. I don’t know, I just can’t take it seriously.”
“Someone also told me to find myself a real man, because, according to them, Asian men apparently aren’t real men.”

It came to worse when the couple received death threats from a stalker who repeatedly sent Farina messages on Instagram.

“He even found my business mail address and sent me mails there, like 20 mails a day. Mainly they were about describing how he wants to torture and kill us.”
“That was really disturbing, but I don’t know, it just shows you how many sick people are out there.”

Farina believes most of the hate comments they receive come from white supremacists who are against their relationship.

“It seems that all these hateful people don’t really understand the concept of love. All I can feel for them usually is pity. [I] just try to ignore their thoughts and their words.”
“You can’t change their narrow minds anyways, so don’t even try. Just know that your love is perfectly fine.”

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>"whats that its not a nigger but an actually productive race? REEEEEEEEEEEE"



She was a negroid mongrel anyway, stupid mamzer bitch.

>Former Miss Germany Finalist
>that face

>miss germany
>brown eyes

you ever met a koreaboo? They are legit mentally disabled pretty sure 90% of them are closet dykes too.

bet nobody would be complaining if it was an arab

Rice traitor!

>Beautiful German girl
Don't flatter yourself .

>dates asian
>gets death threats

Prolly from her family, amirite goys?

Her eyes are not brown and he is quite pretty, actually.


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Why does any female Youtuber bring their boyfriend onto the channel in the first place? Seems like a quick way to lose male fans.

i'd rather see her with this guy than some filthy arab or nigger

>colored hair
>5kg of makeup
>brown eyes

The cucks stay.

How many times asian masculinity posted this artickle? Nextshark is literaly nigger tier crying if asian incels and asian feminists against white males lul

Everyone that complains about this is an incel

she's not that hot to be honest but id have to agree with you


THE utter, absolute irredeemable state of polspastics

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im happy they do this atleast ill know if they're coal burners. happened when i watched a tryon haul and found out her bf was a nig

I still don't understand why Jow Forums deems reproducing with Asians immoral. They're cultivated and intelligent and perfectly suited for a working society. There is no comparison between them and BMWF out WMBF couples.

a lot of today's germans, migrants or not, have brown eyes.

I still maintain a registry of sorts should be kept, so that one day, when sanity returns, individuals such as this, can be identified and dealt with accordingly.

Its fake news you apes. Couple of retards wrote something about asian dick under her video, asian incels got made and spammed asian masculinity, place where nextshar redactors are taking material ti shit on whites. Kys

how long ago was this

fake news

Just reverse image search or look artickle date i wont click

I'd feminize this sissy and fuck both of them.
T. Alpha white male

It's still racemixing

I actually never heard of her, unlike (((your))) fat pig

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the good news is since its 2019 coal burners aren't afraid to out themselves on social media and thats a good thing in the long run for redpilled white men to avoid them

Based De Gaulle

There is no solution to biological inequality, where white female human beings simply do not find the Asian appearance physically appealing, on a male, for whatever reason.
Asian-ness is a net negative.
White women want nothing to do with Asian men. I don't want to live
- EurasianTiger, r/hapas

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>seething brown eyes

Exactly. Chad wouldn't even rape her with your snipped microdick

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That colour looks good on her. Although, I think her natural colour would suit her too.
All girls wear makeup, if you think they don't, they do. If you think they look like a man after drinking for 10 hours straight, then they don't. And her eyes are not brown.

I like her.

Kek. Let the gooks have this pathetic whore. She's just repeating empty words
Have pity for her that she will have a mongrel baby who won't look like her.

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a white woman is still savable after fucking a chink but if its a nigger she should be sterilized no sensible white man would breed with her after that

went to Germany recently? mini melting pot of Europe
only you shlomo promote the idea of brown eyes =shitskin

>>white women complain about the lack of masculine men but also complain about toxic masculinity

but who choses twinks?

It is legally not dating it's called being molested with a Vienna Sausage

There are levels to the amount of make up a woman must put on in order to look presentable , this woman quadrupled hers.

Seriously, I've been to Germany. I'd say 3/10 guys are attractive and 1/10 good looking. While 5/10 girls are attractive and about 3/10 good looking.

Thot patrolled

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Lol no she doesn't.

She will understand once her son becomes an incel and a shooter

Based chink

>you get one life
>born with eyes of a nigger

she would make cute babies with a german guy

I am not surprised a Gayreek rates the attractiveness of his male encounters. LMAO

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based kikelord


Knock the chinks teeth out, easy.

"White women don't fucking date Asian men, they never fucking date them at all."
- EurasianTiger, r/Hapas

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nah kike, european brown eyes are not the same, the average romanian for example has hazel and not African or Asian tier brown eyes

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"I have had Asian women tell me that they do not like Asian men.
I have had white women tell me the same."
- EurasianTiger, r/hapas

June 4th 2018

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If you seriously cannot tell if another man is good looking or not, you're either blind or too insecure.

I thought we called it RICED

What's wrong for German girl dating Asians?

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>Beautiful German girl gets constant death threats just because she's dating with an Asian guy
And that's a good thing.

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"hapa sons are intense haters of the white race.

Hapa kids HATE and want to destroy the white race."
- EurasianTiger, r/hapas

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Germans are just mad that he’s Asian and not Muslim.

Coudenhove-Kalergi the Kalergi-Plan guy was a hapa with a japanese mother. Hapa have always been globalists by nature and hate the white nations and envy the white men.

Attached: Coudenhove-Kalergi.png (342x508, 53K)

>I want publicity :)
>N-not this kind :(
Lol enjoy your riceburning

That is not nice, but who cares, she is of no importance and neither is the gook

you mad, whitu piggu?

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Yellow fever cucks cheer this on so they can be cool in the Asians eyes in case he has sisters and because they want them to have lots of daughters.

Having sex with an Asian man is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.

The reason why you have brown eyes is because your ancestors were raped by sand people. FACT.

>Germans when their women date a nigger
>fap, fap, fap, fap, fap
>Germans when their women date an asian
kill all whites tbqh. I don't even care anymore.

some random whore getting death threats. Right...

Reminder: An anti white, pro race mixing, pro white replacement, pro EU Merkel loyalist politician and district president was assassinated at his home in Germany by what police are calling "expert killer or killers who used a nearby fireworks display to disguise the gunshot to the head" and they believe it was politically motivated.

They even took the bullet casing with them.

Day X Plot lives it seems.

based af

To show a new toy,
> look at my cute little toy that obeys every whim and do whatever I want him to do

>nigger rapes white woman
>fap, fap, fap, fap, fap. r/hapas fapping to BMWF
>white man dates an asian woman

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das right